8 wine

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Jisoo POV

Are there any snacks of the fridge? I wonder if there are oreos... okay so I will be grabbing oreos and strawberry milk. 

wait. Is that the door opening. wait. didn't Lisa say she's not coming home? What if there's a burg-

ooooh shall we go school? or maybe warzone.

Anyways, as I was saying. I shrugged it off. Jennie and Rosé are sleeping for sure. Even you shout, nothing will happen. They'll be probably sleeping but don't even try doing it several of times, or you'll be hunted down. I'm warning you.

Yes! Kim Jisoo! You can do this- ow ow ow. Someone's attacking me. oh i died. Oh well cookie run is better anyways.

I went out my room for water cause I'm thirsty. I served a cup of water for myself and was about to enter my room when I saw Lisa's room closed. It was open earlier, I swear. I took a sip of water and went to the kitchen and put it down on the counter. I took a bat from the corner and went to Lisa's room for any burglars. I opened the door and thank goodness it's unlocked.


I couldn't scream but..

"LISA!" was the only thing that came out from my mouth before my eyes started flooding out tears down my cheeks.


She was lying on the floor unconsciously, with blood flowing down her hands and shards shattered everywhere. Waking the other 2 up won't do any help, plus they kept complaining earlier after dinner that they're tired and sleepy so it would be useless. Who would still be awake at this hour? 2 in the morning? Everyone is probably asleep but I just can't call the ambulance, it'll disturb everyone in the area. Fuck it. This is Lisa, our maknae so suck it up if you're still sleeping.


I pressed call and after 5 tries, she finally answered.

"WHAT DO YOU WANTTT!!" she groaned.

"It's about Lisa.. come over...quick." I can't stop crying! lisa why?

"Call Nayeon too... " I added hesitantly before ending the call.

Irene must be worried now...

I looked at Lisa's unconscious body and more tears flowed down my cheeks.

What the hell Lisa? What happened that caused you to be like this?!!


3rd Person POV

Minutes later, Irene and Nayeon appeared on the front door, tired. Worry written all over their faces. They knocked on the door and Jisoo quickly opened it. They were welcomed by Jisoo's stressed face. Tears were still wet and still flowing down her cheeks.

"What happened?" Irene whispered before entering Lisa's room.

"This happened..." Jisoo whispered back.

Jisoo revealed the other side of the door causing the two to gasp. Their eyes widened and their hearts stopped for a second in worry.

Nayeon woke up to reality and kneeled beside Lisa, the other side where there were no shards. She looked at Lisa's face and saw the red mark on her face.

"What happened on her face?" she turned around and tears were flowing down her cheeks already. Irene went beside her and looked at Lisa's face, followed by Jisoo. The three were flooding with tears. 

"She has been slapped." Irene said.

"C'mon, let's bring her to the hospital." she added. Picking Lisa up, assisted by Nayeon and Jisoo, walking cautiously to avoid the shards.

They reached Irene's car and put Lisa inside. Irene didn't care the blood stain that would drip inside her car nor the wine stains. She only cared for Lisa to be safe. Irene went to the driver's seat and Nayeon went beside Lisa. Lisa was lying down, her head on Nayeon's lap. Jisoo stayed out since she has unfinished job inside, Lisa's room. The shards.

"I'll be staying, you guys go. I'll go later. I'll just clean up her ro-" Jisoo yawned before she continued.

"room." she finished her sentence. Eye bags under her eyes were noticeable.

Irene shook her head.

"We'll take care of Lisa, you go rest. Come by in the afternoon." she told Jisoo and gave her a reassuring smile while Nayeon was observing every little thing from Lisa's face while crying.

Jisoo nodded and the car drifted away to the hospital. She waved and went inside the dorm. She grabbed the broom and mop and cleaned Lisa's room. After throwing away the shards outside and wiping all the stains, leaving no evidence to cause the other 2 to worry, she decided to rest for awhile. She went to her room and slept, it was 3:53 in the morning so she decided to rest, but with worries on her mind.

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