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"So lis, now that we are inside. Tell us." Rosé spoke up as she smiles sweetly at me almost threatening me that she'd kill me if I don't.

Where do I start...?

Tell them your cancer.

No way.

You leg pain?


How you are supposed to drink four pills right now?

Oh shoot. I forgot to drink earlier. Stupid of me to count but not drink! Oh right Rosé would have caught me if I did.

How about... ask them how they are first?

Great idea.

"Huh?" Rosé looked at me confused.

"Great idea? Yea sure. It is a great idea if you tell us." Jisoo unnie decided to speak up and everyone couldn't agree more.

Speaking of everyone. I mean EVERYONE.

Great timing for me to come back when everyone is here. Yay.

"So tell us, Lis." Irene unnie spoke up.

They were for a meeting, locating me and stuff. I guess they were really that worried. Am I that special? I feel honored.

"How are you guys?" I unconsciously asked.

Wrong move.

"Okay, Lis. That's it. " Jisoo unnie glared at me.

"Lisa, we were so worried about you so please. It's not the time to joke around." Now, Nayeon unnie is mad.

"Okayokay..." I sighed.

I looked at Irene unnie and she smiled and nodded.

I took a deep breath and started.

"I went home, and home I mean Thailand. Yes. Thailand. Literally miles away from here. I suddenly left because my mom decided to keep a secret from me— that she has been having heart attacks. She has not been good lately and she thought it was best for me not to know since you know— how busy we are, but like hEy! She's my mom after all and as her daughter, I should know everything especially her health." I paused for a moment and sighed.

"Honestly I don't know anymore guys. I'm sorry I didn't tell you all. It's just that, you guys have your own problems and I just didn't want to add up and stir things." I looked at them and I started to feel my breath getting heavy each face I turn to.

I turn from Nayeon, to Irene, to Seulgi, to Rosé, to Jisoo and then I turned to Jennie.

Jennie who didn't greet me when I arrived or paid attention.

I guess she's mad at me for leaving on her birthday...

And that was it. Although I was supposed to act all happy and all fine— I just couldn't do it.

I grabbed my bag, stood up and went to my room, and locked it.

I felt like the world was against me.

It was spinning and I couldn't focus.

I grabbed my pills and chugged in the four required ones.

Then that's again, when everything blacked out.


"What... just happened...?" Sana asked, breaking the silence after Lisa left.

We stared at each other for a long time, trying to process what happened for we didn't understand and know what's happening in Lisa's life. I got clues. I got suspects, theories but none of it makes sense. I looked at Irene and she mouthed to me,

'We're heading back for now, update me about Lisa, ok?'

I nodded.

"I suppose we should give Lisa some time. It's the best at the moment to give her some space and time to think." Irene smiled to us.

As soon as the five of them got up, Nayeon also stood up and spoke

"I guess you shall bring us with you— I mean whatever will do so Lisa can speak with us. We can wait until she voluntarily opens up to us— wholeheartedly." She smiled with a tint of worry that only the people who knows her best can see.

She may be tough, alright but she's still a baby.

And soon, the three of us were left alone in the living room, with an unopened suitcase and our pets. And Hank who just moved in days ago— Rosé's cute little puppy.

And now, we shall wait until that door to Lisa's room opens again.

Oh and Jennie is lowkey making it worse, not talking to Lisa just because she left of her birthday.

Understandable but unnecessary.

Plus, she's been talking to Kai lately.

I wonder what drama is going to be cast upon us next.

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