39 positive

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I woke up to the touch of a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the person and realized I'm still in the car with Jimin.

"Lisa. We're in the hospital..."

What? Why?

"We will get you some medicines... Unfortunately, it's getting worse..." He looked at me with worry as if I am going to die sooner than expected.

Jimin got out and walked towards my side and opened the door for me like a gentleman. I smiled at him and he held my hand towards the hospital as I wore my mask.

"Doc, is there any problems?" My assistant asked me.

I looked at her and I smiled.


"Lisa... your cancer is getting worse..."

"Are you sure you don't want to go sooner?"

I didn't want to force her yet I didn't want her to die early either. Before she said anything, she looked at me and smiled sadly.

"Either way, I am going to be positive anyways, Jimin. If I can even die, I will make sure you get a someone and make you happy. If I die, the ones left alive should stay happy, isn't that supposed to be? They're alive, you're alive. Even when I die, life goes on for you, Min. That's why, either way, cause I'm still alive now, should I just worry about my death instead? No... I still have time and I want to spend the rest of my lifetime with my loved ones. If I tell them, they will just worry and just think about me. That's not nice after all they have done for me. I really don't want to be a burden, Min. Even to you, but since you were the first person to know. Please, I ask you only this... don't tell anyone, okay?" She pleaded.

I looked at her sadly and smiled.

It's not my life and as a friend, I am just a supporter and comfort. I can tell her things and suggest but I should not choose her choices for her. Whatever makes her happy is already enough for me.

"Doc, here it is." The nurse came through the door and bowed as she handed me the medicines.

She glanced at me and then glanced at Lisa.

"Nurse... whatever you heard, please keep it as a secret, okay?"

She looked at me and bowed again and smiled. Then she left.

"We can trust her right?" Lisa asked.

I nodded and I handed her the medicines.

"Take these each day, it will at least help you get in a better state."

She took the medicines and left.

I am supposed to take her to her dorm but sadly I can't because the members might see me.

Stay safe, Lisa-yah.


4 tablets to take each day, I guess.

"Lisa? Is that you?" Someone shouted from behind me.

I'm walking to the dorm with my bags and suitcases since if Jimin drops me off, the members would be throwing questions at me with no pause.

Like right... 3... 2... 1...

"Lisa-yah! Where have you been? Didn't you know how worried we were? Where did you go? Did you just come back? Wait. You brought suitcase?"


"Calm down Park Chaeyoung ah. First of all, I can't tell you where I went. Second, yes I just arrived, I mean. Isn't that obvious? Third, a suitcase for your gifts." I smiled and chuckled.

I guess they were that worried.


"Owwwieeee!" I looked at her and fake cried.

"Why did you hit meeee!!!"

"Yah, we were very worried that we felt we would go crazy and here you are, carrying gifts for us?? Are you crazy??"

I chuckled and ran off.

I mean, this is the only way as an excuse.

But I guess, I shouldn't at least keep this secret from them.

"I'LL TELL YOU WHEN WE ARRIVE!" I shouted as I ran towards the dorm.

If I can't tell them about my cancer, I think I should still at least tell them what's happening with my life and share my worries. This is the only way I can at least be positive and worry them less. Otherwise, it might lead to conflict.

And honestly, a lot is already going on...

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