9.2 hospitalized

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I woke up to chatters and that's when I remembered the last thing that happened before I fell asleep was Irene unnie telling me to sleep and then she left.

I opened my eyes to see Jisoo unnie and Nayeon unnie chattering. Wait I thought she's coming in the afternoon? Oh well, she's early.

They were talking about a woman who fought with her dad last night. oh. That's probably me.

I got up and rubbed my eyes, gaining the attention from them.

"Lisa!" Jisoo unnie went towards me and hugged me.

"I'm glad you're safe." she smiled and caressed my hair before hugging me again.

We pulled off and I just smiled at her.

"Lis, did you know a woman got slapped by her own father last night? In public too! That's so mean right? Plus, the woman is around her twenties." Nayeon unnie said as if she witnessed it. We both looked at her.

I smiled nervously and shook my head.

I guess Jisoo unnie sensed how nervous I was.

This is bad.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo unnie looked at me suspiciously.

"Lisa? explain please.." Jisoo unnie pleaded. Of course she would know. She knows me well enough already.

Nayeon took her attention from her phone and gave it to us. Me, specifically.

"I uh....."

How do I say this?

Just say what you wanna say, lis.

"I'm the woman." I sighed.

They looked at me confused. Of course they would look at me like that. You are a woman, obviously. Be more specific, Lisa!

"I fought with him last night."  they gasped then Jisoo unnie spoke.

"Why did you fight though? I thought he was in states?" Jisoo asked confusingly.

"Wait. I thought you said he passed away?" Nayeon looked at Jisoo then me.

Then they both turned their attentions to me. Shittt.

"I uh...." I have to say the truth somehow.

"Uhh... he left us for another woman when I was younger.." a tear left my eye.

Jisoo looked at me, telling me I can continue . They deserve to know.

"He saw me last night and he told me he missed me and then I was so angry at him, I yelled at him and then h-he...slapped m-me..." I broke down into tears and Jisoo unnie hugged me tight, making me feel safe.

Nayeon unnie hugged me too, telling me I'll be fine. But I know I won't be fine as long as I have cancer. I don't want to keep a secret from them but its for their own sakes. I don't want them to keep worrying about me and my health.

We talked, laughed and ate together until Nayeon unnie had a call from JYP and had to go. She left, giving her goodbye.

Jisoo unnie had to go too, but she's worried I'd be lonely.  She had to go home for the other 2.

We kept arguing about her not wanting to leave and me insisting I'll be fine. We kept arguing until Irene unnie showed up on the door.

"Guys! I can hear you from the hallways! What's happening?" Irene unnie asked, frustrated. She was wearing comfy clothes, but still has her makeup on. She also brought a bag, I guess it's for tonight.

"Jisoo unnie don't want to leave me. She needs to go to check the other two." I pouted. I'm cute, I know.

"Jisoo you can go now. I'll take care of Lisa." she glared at me, causing me to gulp.

Jisoo unnie giggled and left. What the hell, Kim Jisoo! Such a meanie!!

"Nayeon told me the explanation..." she said as she walked towards me.

"It's okay, Lis.. We're here for you, just ask for help. You keep insisting you're fine by yourself. You may be but there are also things you need help with." Irene advised me as she hugged me tight which I hugged back.

"Unnie....." I'm crying. Ugh Not again! I'm such a crybaby!!

"hm?" she asked, still hugging me.

"Thank you so much...."

"For what?" she looked at me, pulling of from the hug.

"For everything.... And also Jisoo and Nayeon unnie...." she was the one sho have helped me from the very start, so I'm really really grateful and thankful for her. Without her, I wouldn't have met my friends right now. Or I wouldn't have been able to settle in Korea.

She shook her furiously and smiled.

" It's not a big deal."

"It is-"

"Yeah I know now, shh.. Nayeon probably didn't leave you food for lunch and , especially Kim Jisoo. She probably made jokes that didn't make you rest. " she said wisely, it was in fact true.

"So here, lis. Eat up" she handed my food, pulling the table and then I started eating, happily. I told her to eat but she said she already ate soo.. More for meee!!

After my meal, Irene unnie cleaned the table for me. I insisted but she just glared at me. What could I do??

"Go to rest." was the only thing she told me since when I asked her if she has eaten. It is currently 2 in the afternoon.

I nodded and lied my head down and closed my eyes. I felt her lay her body beside me. The bed was just small but since we're both slim, we could fit. Soon later, I heard her soft snores. She's asleep.

Hours later, I felt Irene unnie get up so I opened my eyes and rubbed it.
I saw Nayeon unnie sleeping on the sofa and Jisoo unnie playing games on her phone, lying down on a small bed on the floor. They might have asked for a bed. Irene unnie took a sip of water and looked at me, confusingly.

"Did I wake you up?" she asked quietly with worry.

I shook my head.

"Nah..." I whispered back. I looked outside the window and saw only stars and the lights from the buildings.

I must have rested too long.

"Unnie... How many hours have I been sleeping?" I whispered, trying not to wake the 2 up.

"It's currently 11, so I'd say 9 hours?" Wow that's alot.

Jisoo unnie looked at me and smiled reassuringly. I smiled back and she continued playing. 

I look at each one of them and I wonder. What did I ever do to deserve them.

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