29 cook

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Lisa POV

"Hey, Lis. Where do you want to eat for lunch?" Irene unnie turns her head to me as she continues driving.  We are currently in the car as I just got discharged ten minutes ago. Had to fill documents here and there.

"Lisa, choose dorm." Rosé whispers in my ear. As you know, Rosé is sitting beside me. Rosé is on my left and Jisoo unnie beside her, Nini on my right, Nayeon unnie on the passenger's seat and Irene unnie is the driver.

I look at Rosé confusingly. I mean is there even food at home?

She eyes at Jennie who is scrutinizing outside the window, not noticing us. She's thinking too deep. 

But then why? Why is she eyeing Jennie? Has Rosé turned into a demon?? I thought she's an angel.



"No. Lisa. No. Just no." She sighed at me, shaking her head in disgust, her eyes wide telling me what I'm thinking is very inappropriate and wrong.


"What I'm saying is Jennie unnie can cook for us, ya know??" She says, dragging the Os. Ohhhhh, she has a point. She looks at Jennie and I turn my head to Nini too. Nini suddenly snaps from reality.

"Huh? What? I heard my name." Nini turns her head to us, dragging her attention from the view to us. She's eyeing suspiciously and Rosé nudged me.

I look at the person beside me and she tells me to tell Nini what we have just discussed. Although, she doesn't speak. She is using her eyes to command me. Hmph. She's doing this just because Nini's cooking is very delicious and I can't protest against that. It's true. I turn my head slowly at my favorite kitten and started opening my mouth to speak., but hesitantly.

"Nini?" I ask her with my cutest, innocent voice that's not so innocent.

"Hm?" She asks like my mom who's letting me continue whenever I ask about my favor.

"Can you cook for me please?" I say, using my aegyo.

And of course, there will always be feedbacks to my aegyos.

"Ewww, Lisaaa!!" Jisoo unnie acts like she's gonna vomit.

"Lisaaaa, not here pleasee.." Nayeon unnie pleaded, fake coughing, copying Jisoo unnie's actions.

"Lisa you're doing great but it wasn't really necessary. Really. I swear." Rosé says, raising her right hand and lying it flat on her left chest.

"Lisa, you're gonna kill us. I almost bumped into that car." Irene unnie says, but I see no car. Not even beside or in front of us. And it's impossible to bump into a car that's behind us. Nayeon and Jisoo unnie stopped and Jennie giggled. Nayeon and Jisoo unnie then followed her giggle. HEY! What's funny???  I thought you were on my side!!

"Sorry, Lili. I can't help it. I say you're cute though. Cuter than the cutest animals. Cmon I'll make it up to you. I'm gonna cook you food at the dorm." She smiles sweetly at me, her eyes full of love. How did I get so lucky with this girl?? 

I smile back then she turns her gaze to the driver's seat.

"Unnie, dorm please." She says.

Irene unnie nodded and takes a U-turn.

We're going to the dormmm!!

I'm so happy because, first of all, I'm with the best people, missing the others though but anywaysss,, second, I'm not feeling any leg pains at alll!!

Jennie POV

We arrived in the dorm with groceries on each of our hands except for Lisa. I didn't allow Lisa to hold anything heavy because she just got discharged out of hospital and as a girlfriend, I should be taking care of her.

Once we stepped in the kitchen, all goods started going to their own shelters, getting organized by Rosé. I start cooking food cause I don't want these people to wait. Yes, I'm cooking for all of them because Rosie kept bugging me and whining saying she wants me to cook for them too. Even Nayeon, Jisoo, and Irene unnie followed her lead. I had no authorizations to protest. Cause once I protest, they won't talk to me for the whole day or longer. It could even take weeks for them to talk to me again. They'll talk when they need something though. *sigh*. Atleast Rosé is helping me. The unnies are very disappointing but I still love them.

All of them goes back to the living room and starts playing truth or dare. So great. Note the sarcasm. Truth or dare played by these idiots always end with something bad, they will only end when Irene unnie snaps put to reality and scolds them but then she's in the game too. Doesn't make sense right?

"Unnie, anything I can help you with?" Rosé asks, not glancing at me though. She is doing the last finishing touches of organizing the goods. Before arriving in the dorm, we stopped in a grocery store since Jisoo unnie remembered our cupboards were empty so we shopped.

"Uhm, I guess so." I look at Rosé who's now looking at me and smiling widely.

I smile back and she starts walking towards the living room.

Wait. I thought she wants to help??

"Unnie.. here." She comes back, handing me an apron. Awe. She wears the other one that she was holding and gives me the other one.

I smile and wear it. That's why she's the angel. She loves helping and then she's very caring.

Omg. I just realized, I sound like a very proud unnie.

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