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As months were passing by, Lisa kept getting better in Korean language. She's now bestfriends with Red Velvet. They've helped Lisa in every way, they even helped her settle in Korea.

After meeting Irene, a year later, YG decided to prepare a debut for the five. Joy, Yeri, Wendy, Seulgi and Irene, and they did debut. Sadly, Lisa couldn't debut with them because she wasn't ready so she still needs to train and work harder.

Sooner after, Red Velvet became more busy but don't think Lisa became lonely during that era cause she was for sure, not lonely.

Before Red Velvet debuted, they made sure to introduce Lisa to Nayeon-- the social butterfly and since Nayeon had a lot of friends she introduced Lisa to her friends, names of Chaeyoung, Sana, Tzuyu, Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, Momo, Somi and Jennie.

She instantly clicked with everyone except Jennie. Jennie was cold to her so she had to earn her trust. But when she finally did, Jennie became her soft spot. her heart started fluttering every time Jennie clings and goes close to her. Her heart beats madly every time Jennie is present. She does not know if it is what you call falling, but she can't identify her own feelings. She doesn't even know if Jennie feels the same way. Jennie on the other side, actually has the thought. She's just scared at the thought of Lisa leaving her. They're bestfriends, she doesn't want it to end because of some stupid feelings. 


Lisa kept getting more better in Korean. She can read and speak now, exactly like a native. She was feeling more comfortable in Korea now, thanks to her friends and Jennie. She was grateful and thankful all her heart. She can say it was the most amazing thing that has happened in her life. Her friends are making her feel like Korea is her second home, which was in fact, true.

Then the debut thing happened again. All of them debuted except Jennie, Lisa, and Somi. Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Dayhun, Sana, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Mina, Momo and Jihyo debuted and became a group called 'Twice'.

Lisa supported all her friends when they debuted. She is the leader of ReVeluv and Once. She supports them all the way.

A year later, Somi debuted as solo. Which left Lisa and Jennie. Their debut was always delayed, you can tell YG had other plans.

Jennie and Lisa became closer than ever and they've been friends for more than a year now. They're like sisters but then, they're not. Instead, they act like couples. They were always together, supporting all their other friends and helping them. They hoped to debut together but YG had other things in mind. Since 2ne1 disbanded, he wanted a version 2 but better. He knew Jennie and Lisa could do it, he just needed two more amazing people.

Well I guess, his wishes came true because 2 months later, Lisa and Jennie instantly became friends with an Australian girl, an angel in disguise. She was a soft and innocent girl. Even her voice sounded angelic and her face prettier than a model. Her name is Rosé, full name, Park Chaeyoung. She actually met Lisa inside an elevator and became friends with her. Then she met Jennie, she was jealous at first but Rosé seem to be a good, innocent girl. So Lisa and Jennie took care of her. They helped Rosé settle down in YG and bam. They needed one more person to debut.

Not longer later, they met Jisoo, the chicken queen. She loves chicken so much that she calls them 'chickin' and not 'chicken'. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She has so many talents, she can even balance anything on her head and shoulders. Lisa instantly clicked with her since they're both funny and goofy. They met her while training. The four of them danced 'bbhm' and yea, YG felt hot.

They became bestfriends from then and they debuted after that dance. Their group was called 'BlackPink'.

They debuted, instantly rising up the charts. They stored fame right away and took the hearts of others because of their duality. Everyone loved them right away. Just look at how hot the four of them can be, you'll feel hot right away. Or look at how the four of them can change from being hot to being cute. Your heart will stop, I'm warning you.

They're so successful that now, they're making their comeback.

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