22 faint

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Lisa POV


My head hurts as hell.

And I'm still a sober. For the fact that I drank 2 bottles of vodka but I feel nothing but headache.

I feel nothing because I'm used to this. And this is just the beginning.

I'll just go wash myself up. I'm tired.

The rest are in the room, still partying. Some are drained so they're totally knocked out, like Jeongyeon unnie and some others. I let my girlfriend because I won't let her drink next time. She's totally drunk and drained. She's knocked out. But even before that, she was going nuts. She slapped Dahyun for no reason at all. Dahyun didn't complain at all because she was too, drunk.


It hurts badl........

Irene POV

"So Lisa gets this leg attacks and it's really bothering me. I just couldn't stop thinking why she's getting those or what's bothering her. I mean, don't you agree she's acting differently from the Lisa we know?" Jisoo asked more like a statement.

"I agree.."

I couldn't agree more but maybe she has things she has to face alone that's why she's not spilling the beans.

"Speaking of the devil..." Nayeon pointed her finger to the direction to the bathroom.

"She's going to the bathroom.." Jisoo whispered. This is a detective work for the three of us. The rest are either drained or too drunk to notice things. Me, Jisoo and Nayeon decided to sit away from them since we don't really plan to go nuts tonight. Not tonight since we have Lisa to look out for.

We silently followed her. However, not really inside the bathroom, just outside. We heard the water faucet turned on so we guessed she's just washing herself up.


It's been 5 minutes and the water's still running. What's happening now?

3rd Person POV

"Let's go in." Nayeon got impatient, she opened the door and what they saw shocked them to the max.

It was Lisa's unconscious body on the floor.

The three instantly had their worries faces on. They turned off the water and surrounded the body.

The rabbit was panicking. The lebbit didn't know what to do. The bunny was calling their manager for help.

Soon later, Lisa was picked up and was brought to the hospital. Hirai Hospital.

Rosé POV

I wonder where they're going. People think I'm drunk but I'm actually not. I didn't drink at all cause I wonder what the four are up to. I mean, if others don't sense the differences. Well, I just might.

The four has been acting out. Especially Lisa but thinking about it, what's the deal with my girlfriend and my unnies!

They headed to the bathroom and stood outside. Why aren't they going in?? Okay, I don't get them. What are they up to? Are they drunk or just simply spying on Lisa. Wait. I never thought of that in the first place. 


Alright, they better trip over a knife. They've been standing there for 5 minutes now. I can't wait any longer.

Nevermind. I am terrified.

I mean, imagine having people surrounding you who are drunk and wasted. Then you discreetly spot your girlfriend and your two other friends standing inside the bathroom while there's a body on the floor.

The bar is very big so I wonder what they're up to. The world is so big, we don't even know what God is up to.


Huh? Lisa hasn't come out yet right? It's been like what. 10 minutes? Why are there 2 men coming in? Are we getting arrested? And they went in from the back door? Huh?

Is that the body??

3rd Person POV

Rosé left her friends wasted in the room and decided to sneakily follow her girlfriend, her two unnies and Lisa.

The three were so worried, forgetting to check if there's someone who could be spying on them and find out about their secret. Lisa's secret to be specific. Rosé called a taxi and told the driver to not be caught. Rosé is on Detective Chaeng mode. She couldn't stop wondering what the four are up to.

She wondered why her unnies didn't want to get drunk. Usually, they just go with the flow, but today seem so unusual. Lisa too. Lisa should be very, really wasted right now, instead she's unconscious and Rosé has no idea why and what in the hell hole happened.

The taxi followed the black Mercedes Benz until they arrived in a hospital. Namely, Hirai Hospital. The famous hospital around the world.

Rosé paid the driver and wore a mask and glasses so she won't get caught. She spotted nurses going towards the Mercedes and pulled out Lisa and put her on the stretcher. She saw her girlfriend and her Nayeon and Irene unnies crying their hearts out.

She started to cry too when she saw Lisa's body even when she didn't know what exactly happened. She cried too, because her girlfriend lied to her. Yes, she just proposed hours ago but she expected more than this. She's been bestfriends with all of them, so yes. She was hurt.

So the lesson is,

When you love someone, don't expect a lot. You're the one who's gonna get hurt. But don't expect too little too, they might think you don't trust them. Even a bit.


Don't expect they would do things the things you did for them.

Don't expect they would love you the way how much you love them. Or how much you care and trust them.

Life's meant to be unfair.

Don't expect too much.

-Just like what the author says-

Too much expectations can lead to disappointments.

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