17 sleepover

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Jisoo POV

I hope Lisa's fine. Her dad left her and that's enough pain for someone. She doesn't deserve more pain. Although, I have a feeling something else is bothering her, some kind of pain. Pain that I don't know and I can't put my finger on.

But what I know is that she's a strong girl. In fact, the strongest girl I ever encountered.

"Hey, let's head back. I want to sleep now." Jennie said, tiredly.

We've been here for the past 2 hours so technically it's 7 at night.

"Why don't we just stay here?" Lisa suggested.

That's a good idea, Lis.

"But our clothes?" Rosé asked.

"I have extras, don't worry. I put extra clothes in this cabin for emergency sleepovers. Plus, I haven't used them at all!" Lisa replied and exclaimed the last sentence in a higher octave.

"Well, okay then!"

We all agreed and went inside.

If you were wondering where the driver went, he went back home as Lisa commanded him to do so.

Fairy lights are on and it made the place so much prettier than before. I'm still surprised this is Lisa's place. I mean, for a girl like her??

Owns a Rolex? Moonshot? Fendi? Adidas? Balenciaga? And all those brands?

Never would have imagined this is Lisa's.

The sillage of sweet vanilla welcomed us as we entered the room. This is really Lisa's, I must say.

Lisa guided us to the closet and boy, it was big. And a lot of clothes that are branded are spotted. Lisa is this rich, i tell ya. We picked our clothes and changed including Lisa but of course. There's 2 bathrooms and there's 4 of us so took turns of course and that wasn't a problem at all.

After changing, we made our way to the living room. It wasn't that big but not too small. At least about 10 people can fit in here?

This is a cabin anyways. Not a house.

Lisa turned on the tv and put on Netflix but Rosé's tummy couldn't handle it.

It growled in hunger.

3rd Person POV

The three looked at her blankly.

The lad apologized and admitted she was hungry.

"It's okay." the oldest said reassuringly.

Jennie got up and went to the kitchen, followed by Lisa. The youngest grabbed an apron from the stand and put it on Jennie which was followed by a back hug then she tied the strings. Everyone were shocked by her act including Jennie but they shrugged it off anyways since the two always flirt. Just never thought they would flirt until here.

"Unnie! come help me please!"

Jennie grabbed all of the ingredients from their places, not minding what Lisa would think because she knows Lisa would allow her. Jisoo followed through after Lisa handing her an apron. 

Then they started cooking..

"Done!" Jennie exclaimed signaling  the other three who were sitting on the sofa to eat. They rested after helping Jennie with the cutting and stuff, so that's why they were sitting in the sofa instead of standing and preparing the food with Jennie.

"Jennie is a wifey material, you should keep her." Park Chaeyoung winked at Lisa before getting up and towards Jennie.

Jisoo on the other hand agreed and told Lisa, she should confess. But that's a hard thing to do. Confessing is nowhere easier than encountering a spider. Lisa would rather encounter a spider than confessing.

She just couldn't bring herself to Jennie and say,

'Hey, Nini. I like you. Can you be my girlfriend? '

That's too simple and basic. What she wanted to do is give what the girl deserves and desires. Jennie is still a baby in her eyes. In fact Jennie, is still her baby in her eyes.

The two that were left behind in the sofa soon followed to the table. Jisoo sat beside Jennie, in front of Rosie and Lisa respectively. Jisoo helped Jennie cook gamjatang and kimchi rice, cause that's their go-to food. Especially Lisa, that lad loves gamjatang.

The four sat on the table and started eating. They had a day, I must say. Not a tiring day but a good tiring day. The 'good' is the difference.

Jennie POV

We finished our food and gladly, they loved it but now we are just watching stuff on Netflix. We finished an episode of Arthdal Chronicles earlier and it was an episode that Tanya knows something about Tae-alha's secrets. It's about them killing someone. Who might that be? Her name I think. If I can remember, Sae na Rae?



I turned on my phone and the brightness almost burned me. All the lights are off in the living room because we decided to have a movie marathon.

Kai messaged you.

'Hey, Jen. How's Thailand?'


'That's good to hear!'

And then I left him on read. Sure he's sweet but I wanna watch the screen too. Stranger things would be something I recommend. Plus, I personally love Max.

3rd Person POV

They watched several more episodes of random series including Stranger Things and other movies before they fell into a deep slumber.

It was a great night. One of nights that Lisa would always remember.

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