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Lisa POV

Ahhh, today is January 15 and we are doing nothing today. We have been really busy and today is just a rest day. Now, I'm sitting in the living room with Rosé. Jisoo unnie took Jennie unnie to shopping and I don't know why.

"So, Lis.. tomorrow is—" Rosé tries making a conversation with me but,,


I honestly love this series. Istg

"Tomorrow is—" she tries again but my phone lights up and my phone gives out alarm sounds. It's a reminder, I realize. I grab it from beside me and face it on my face.

'NINI'S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW. BE READY." I read out loud. My brain doesn't function at first but then I realize it after I read it twice.


"Omgomgomg. O. M. F. G. ROSÉ HELP." I quickly jump off the sofa, go to my room and take a shower. It's 1 in the afternoon and I haven't taken a shower yet. I'm the only one in the house who hasn't.

I know I stink right now and since earlier but the AC did not want me to take a shower. I finish taking a shower as fast as I could and quickly put on clothes, not caring what the result would look like. Moreover, the pain that I'm feeling. I jumped with one leg all the way from my closet to my bedroom. It's not so far though. But my leg hurts to death.

3rd Person POV

Lisa quickly grabbed her phone, her shoulder bag and her money. She also grabbed a piece of paper and a pen for purposes. Even I don't know what she gonna do with that.

Continuing on with the story, Lisa makes her way to the living room, running on one leg as fast as she could. She grabs Rosé by the wrist who was focused on the TV, getting to know Senarae or what her name is. But even before she could even see her face, Lisa turns off the TV and runs around the house to turn off every electricity that's on.

Rosé face palmed to herself and sighed. She's annoyed but she can't do anything because she understands her. It's Jennie's birthday the next day and Lisa almost forgot about it.

After Lisa has finished, she grabs Rosé by the wrist again and goes outside and clicks the lock and shuts the door. After that happened, she turned her face to Rosé, looking as if she has seen a ghost. She took a moment to breathe first and then.....

"Rosé..... AHHHHHHH" she screams.

Rosé looks at her confusingly, but in the same time, worried, frightened and scared. Lisa's face turns pale and her eyes, wide.

"What happened, Lisa?" Rosé asks, getting really scared. She hates moments like this. Where someone would suddenly scream as if they saw a ghost or something really disturbing or really scary and deadly.

"I........I....." Lisa stutters, her face turning more pale every minute.

"Lis.... What happened??" Rosé panics, her breath tightens and her heart beating very fast as if it's gonna explode. Somewhat makes her think that she should run any minute now.. or at least call for the cops.

"t.....th.....the.....k...key....." A tear falls down from Lisa's right eye.

"Oh that." She sighs in relief. She exhaled deeply and loosens and not trying to kill her, her heart slowly taking pace to pump blood. She thought it would be something more important like Lisa thought she saw someone or she left the TV on but that's impossible because she was going to find out who is Sanaera (istg, i keep forgetting her name.) or yeah. (I give up) but Lisa turned it off before she could find out and she is extremely annoyed with that fact. In fact, if Lisa was a stranger to her, she'd probably feed her with tons of food until her stomach can't consume anymore, until she would vomit and get sick and die. But that's not how cruel Rosé is.

Before Rosé could even speak, she realized Lisa is already in tears and her snots disgustingly making their way to her mouth. It is disgusting, but you can feel the pain. Plus, Lisa wipes of her tears and snots before it even reaches her mouth. Rosé frowns in disgust but shakes her head to reality. They're wasting time and Jennie's birthday is already tomorrow. Rosé grabs something out of her LV small bag pack. She pulls out from the pack and hands it to Lisa.

"Here. Use this." It's tissue.

Lisa smiles but her expression suddenly changes when she looked at their dorm that's locked.

"Oh Lisa... don't worry.." Rosé smiles at her sweetly and pats Lisa's head. Lisa's tears has turned completely dry but her expression hasn't changed a bit. Although, a tint of confusion can be seen on her face.

"H-huh? W-what are you talking about??" Lisa asks then continued.

"How can I not worry?? How can we go back in later? How will Nini and Jisoo unnie go inside later when they come home??" Lisa bombards Rosé with questions, hoping for a short but clear explanation.

But Rosé's expression doesn't change one bit. In fact, she smiles wider.

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