38 heal

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I went out of the room to grab some food and drinks for everyone but on the way, I felt my leg started extremely hurting.

Not today please...

I prayed but nothing worked.

I grabbed my pain killer from my bag and ran to the nearest toilet. I spread it out all over my leg and I sighed.

"Yes ma'am, how may I help you?" The woman on the counter asked.

"In-nha-aler" I managed to spit out due to my hard breathing. I don't know when this started or what happened but I think, it has got to be how much I cried earlier.

Everyone is still sleeping because I came around 1 am so literally it was that late.

I bought latte coffee and a croissant and sat in the balcony of the hospital. It is currently 6 in the morning so the sun is still rising.

"Omo unnie, where did Lisa go in such rush?" Yeri walked towards me and as I sat down in the nearest chair.

My heart is beating so fast, I don't think I am able to catch up.

"Some...thing... ur-gent...i think..." I whispered the last part as I'm trying to catch my breath.

"Huh? Now? What about Jennie unnie 's surprise?"

I took a deeper breath and though about it.

"Unnie!" A voice called.

"Unnie! Where did Lisa go? Jisoo and Jennie is on their way already!" I looked up to see who the person is and there, stood Rosé.

"Unnie, Lisa went somewhere in a rush earlier... " I just sighed in relief when Yeri answered it for me. Rosé tried calling Lisa but noone answered. I sat there on the chair, still thinking what the caller have said that caused Lisa to react like that.



"Oh come on!" Rosé then gave up after trying to call Lisa 8 times. She gave up and called Jisoo instead.

"Unnie. Something came up so do not bring Jennie to the woods anymore. Come straight away." She stated sternly.

Lisa has finally awaken the black side of Rosé.

Rosé went in front of everyone and spoke up.

"Okay guys, I would just like to inform you that Jennie will be arriving in approximately 10 minutes, so I would really appreciate it if you are in your places ready to surprise Jennie unnie!" She sweetly smiled at everyone then it was gone after a half second.

I tried calling Lisa again after 5 calls yet no answer.

What could've happened that she isn't even answering our calls?? She could've told me at least where she was going...

A week has passed by now and I am currently at the airport of my second home. Mom has finally healed but I still can not forget our conversation last night...

"Lisa... how are you, my dear..." she asked with a soft voice.

"I'm okay, mom.." I smiled at her. She's still worrying about me when she should be worrying about herself.

We're too alike, I thought. Same thing would happen anyways.

"What about your cancer?" She suddenly asked.

I looked at her confused.

Wait. How did she know about that?


"Lisa, dear... did you forget that you told me?" She chuckled.

"Oh, that... yeah, I am doing fine, mom. Cancer is a big thing, but I think I will do fine." I fake chuckled and we talked a bit more.

Am I starting to forget stuff?

"Lisa!" Someone shouted.

I snapped of from my thoughts with eager to see where it was coming from.

I looked over to the direction and there stood Jimin, waving at me like a toddler.

He smiled to me and ran towards me.

"Gaja." He grabbed my suitcase and bag as we walk to his car.

"Jimin... is forgetting things part of the side effects of cancer?"

"Well... technically a memory loss can occur to times giving you signs that its getting worse." He emphasized each word of the last part and hmphed.

He's worried that now he really wants to send me far away to get healed. Such a good friend.

I chuckled and laid my head on the side car window, thinking about the future when I should be thinking about the present and present only.

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