5 ramen

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Lisa POV

It went well and I'm sincerely happy despite my unnoticeable swollen leg. It hurts so much and I do not even know where it started. I have not told my mom yet because I do not want her to worry but oh well. I need to figure this out myself, quick. I do not want my friends worry if they knew my pain.

I've been receiving this kind of pain for three years already. At first it wasn't that bad but then it started to hurt more each month. That is when I knew I needed to see the doctor asap. For the sake of my loved ones, I have to be safe.

We are currently in our dorm because DDU DU DDU DU MV shooting ended 2 hours ago. Its 6 pm right now and we are in our respective rooms.

Until Jisoo messaged us in our groupchat.

spicy thai ramens

hi bestfriends we are going out for dinner.

hi unnie i forgot u existed im sorry

where chuchu


there where

how would i know, chimpanzee. do i look like a trivago restaurant version to you? we'll decide in the car now get ready before i start existing and make u gone

thats too mean unnie, why not just lock her out the bedoga;-;

not a bad idea chae, i might as well do that


i am still here you know.

This is perfect. We're going to eat dinner outside , that means  I can go to hospital after dinner. But I have to lie.

I got ready and went to the living room. Once everyone was ready, we headed out. Since, Jisoo is the unnie, we followed her.

We followed her until we arrived in front of a Ramen Restaurant. I guess we'll be eating ramen huh.

We went inside and ordered our foods. Well, since we don't want paparazzi, we went to a private room. We were sitting on a table of four. The seating arrangement is Me and Rosé facing Jisoo and Jennie, respectively.

Minutes later, our ramens arrived and we started eating. We were eating silently when Jisoo decided to break it.

"Any plans after this?"

I checked the time and it was currently 7:01 in the evening. I have to at 8, the earlier, the better. But first, I need to tell them..

"I have to go somewhere" Oh no, they're looking at me. They will ask where I'm going.

" Where are you going?" And there's the question. Unluckily it's asked by Jennie with a challenging look. What do I say??

Meet with Irene unnie? Nah. They might call Irene unnie and bombard her with questions. Should I just tell them I need to buy something? Yea that's a good idea.

"I need to buy something in the mall. I'll be quick so don't worry." I put on my best reassuring smile and what I received back from Jennie is rather the opposite.

She looked at me with concern and worry.

"You want me to go with you?"

"Nah I'll be fine."

If you were wondering why our little chipmunk isn't talking.. Well, she's busy feeding herself silently. You know her.. she eats like there's nobody around her.

Jennie smiled and nodded. Thank goodness, she's like that. One of my favourite things about her.. She's caring.

Once it ticked 8 in my watch. I excused myself, but before I left, Jennie asked one last time.

"Are you sure, you don't want me to go with you?"

Rosé looked at us confusingly.

"Where is she going?" she pointed her finger to me.

"She is going to buy avocados. You want to go with her?" Jisoo asked sarcastically, Rosé shook her head furiously.

"No thank you. Thanks for asking." she rolled her eyes. Aish this two.

I looked at Jennie and smiled.

"No it's okay." she nodded understandingly and by that I left.


I made my way to Hirai Hospital and automatically went to a doctor's office. I know him since diapers. Never told anyone cause he likes being private.

"Jimin!" I went to him and hugged him. We pulled away and he looked at me confusingly.

"What brings you here?" he asked. Is this guy really serious right now?

"To look for elephants, have you seen one?" I rolled my eyes. This is a hospital of course! What do we do in hospitals? Of course check-up!

"For check-up, you dumb dumb" I rolled my eyes once again.

"C'mon, you might go blind." he led me to his table and started the check-up.

"So what's wrong?" he looked at me worriedly.

"Just don't look at me like that. Don't look at me as a bestfriend, look at me as your patient!" i glared at him. He nodded and put on his serious face.

"So what's wrong?" he asked coldly. Attaboy! That's better!

I smiled at him approvingly and showed him my swollen bruise on my leg.

His eyes widened and looked at me with worry.

I looked at him, confusion written all over my face.

"This is just a bruise, what's so shocking about that?"

"How'd you get this?"

"I don't know." I seriously don't know. I mean how would I know? I'm the best dancer after all. *wink wonk*

"I dance alot. Maybe it's because of that?" I'm so unsure but fuck it.

"Nonsense. This is too big to be a bruise caused by that."

"Well, you're the doctor. If you knew, why'd you ask?" I rolled my eyes for I don't know how many times already.

"Lisa!" he called out with a stern voice. What is it now?

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