31 preparation

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Rosé POV

Honestly though, it's funny to see Lisa being like this.... and even though I also got scared and worried cause she was turning pale... I still think it's funny.


I'm confused.

Usually whenever we forget something in the house. She would just shrug it off and tell our manager or she just figures it out herself. Even forgetting the house keys. She too, shrugged that off. But right now. I don't completely understand why the hell she's crying, worried about the key. This is the first time since trainee days that cried this much for something she don't usually cry for. Doesn't make sense. Really.

3rd Person POV

Rosé sheepishly smiled, perfectly hiding her suspicions and Lisa was slowly getting scared the acts.

"Well..... I have the key." Rosé admitted as if it was nothing. She jingled the keys towards Lisa's face so she could see it properly.

"I knew you would forget it." She smiled at Lisa.

Lisa grunts and glares at her bestfriend. She furiously fixed herself before walking away from the lad.

Rosé silently giggled and started making funny faces to the camera. There's a camera there because burglars might come, don't worry though, it's hidden. But Rosé is the only one who knows about it. She starts skipping and giggling to herself, following Lisa to the car.

"Where are we going?" Rosé asks as she entered the car in the passenger seat.

"Store." Lisa says bluntly, while fixing the aux for music.

Rosé smiled from the fact that this is so Lisa's habit. She turns on music really loud whenever she's either disappointed or mad. She thinks it's cute, but Lisa thinks the opposite. Once, Lisa is done fixing, she turns on 'I Don't Care' by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber. In addition, Lisa turns it very loudly, for a matter of fact, it was almost in the level of rock music. Rosé is being tortured but this is her punishment for making the youngest mad.

After few songs, Lisa feels at ease from anger and madness and soon sings 2002 by Anne Marie, not caring if she was out of tune or not. Rosé joins and later they arrive at the store. Rosé wanted to argue, suggesting the mall, since malls can be really helpful but she couldn't since Lisa is still mad at her.

They enter the store and Lisa starts walking around, finding for the things she needed for the next day.

They continued that until they were exhausted. They walked around for 2 hours and 30 minutes and when they reached the cashier, Rosé sighed in annoyance but calmed herself. Why? You ask?

Well, Lisa walked to the cashier with only a box of fairy lights after all those time wasted on walking.

then they went home.


Lisa POV

I really feel bad for Rosé but she made me mad. I know I sound really arrogant and rude but I said I'm sorry... I mean I didn't say it out loud but you know what I mean.

I planned the surprise party already. It will be held in Jimin's cabin that I used to go to. I asked for his permission already and he is fine with it.

So the plan is, Jisoo unnie is gonna lead Jennie to the forest and her excuse is wanting to show Jennie something. And then, she secretly walks away, when Jennie is not looking so she would be scared, but Jisoo is still on watch so Jennie doesn't get lost. We know Jennie would be getting scared by then and calling out Jisoo unnie's name. Jisoo unnie will then be making a rustling sound of bush andso Jennie unnie will look that way and sees a sign, saying FOLLOW THIS WAY made by fairy lights. There will be arrows so she will follow that, leading to the cabin but in darkness. Jisoo unnie follows Jennie unnie until they reach to the cabin. Jisoo unnie will turn on the fairy lights and we will all scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Nini. Everyone will be there, Twice, Red Velvet, her family and my family, even Somi and Evelyn. We need some catching up.

And of course, it will be very special. So, we are having dinner outside the cabin. It will be very memorable for all of us.

So that's the plan.

Everything is already settled by the help of some connections. So, everything is ready. The signs are already up in the woods and the cabin is already decorated.

Now, it's currently 6:47 in the evening and we're just hanging out in the living room, continuing Arthdal Chronicles. My ears are hurting right now since Rosé screamed when she found out that Senarae or something was Jisoo. I still don't remember the name, I'll search it up later.

Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie arrived an hour ago. Rosé ranted out to Jisoo how she didn't tell us that it was her. She did tell us that she will be in Arthdal Chronicles but she didn't say which part so it was nerve-wrecking to be honest.

We watched some more until they all fell asleep. I decided to not sleep, since it's 12 am, I decided to go to my cabin. Irene unnie and Nayeon unnie is already outside of my dorm. This is planned of course.

We make our way to my cabin and wow. They literally did more than their bests. I'll thank them later.

Everyone asked me where did I find this place so I had to come up with small stories such as, 'Oh my mom's friend lent it to me just for this special occasion.'

We checked everything if everything was perfect cause everything needs to be perfect. And it was.

Omg, this is will work perfectly. This could even be the best birthday for my Nini. I don't mean to flatter myself and I'm not giving myself all the credits. It's just that this is exactly what I planned out. Nayeon unnie and Irene unnie looks at me. And even, though they are tired and in the same time disappointed because I didn't tell them about this place, they looked at me as if they were proud moms.

Then we slept there since we're lazy to go back to our perspective homes.

Lisa POV: not yet asleep.
I have enough clothes so we will be fine. I'll wake up at 5 am and go to the dorm since I  need to be with Nini, while Nayeon unnie and Irene unnie will stay here to get ready. They already know about this so there's nothing to worry about. They are gonna set up cameras everywhere for memory. We also took videos of us preparing this, in fact, I took a video of everything we could see in here.

Tomorrow will sure be very exciting. It's a dinner so the surprise will start in the afternoon at 6 by then. By 6, Jisoo unnie and Nini will be walking in the woods since jIsOo uNnie wANts tO sHoW nINi sOmeThIng. 

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