Alternative Ending

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The most requested chapter that people wanted. Let's see what is going to happen.

Thanks to all of you that followed this journey right up the end. I know that there was a lot of things you didn't agree with but still went on. Don't forget to tell me what you think.

So, without further ado...

Happy reading!

Alternative Ending


Blood. All I smell is blood. Its suffocating. Everywhere I turn I can smell it. The smell is so distracting that I turn around in a complete circle, trying to find the source that it is coming from but all I see is trees. I needed to make a decision on what direction I want to go but the smell makes it hard to decide. It's as though its main goal was to distract me enough to let my guard down but I couldn't afford to do that. I needed to find Luke as fast as possible because this pain in my chest felt as though it was going to snap me into pieces any minute. I didn't want to find out what was going to happen if it does.

I took a step forward and it felt as though I walked in mud. That cannot be possible since it hadn't rain for a month now. I look down and step harder down on the ground only for a dark thick-like substance being released. I bend down and put my hand flat on the ground. The substance was thick as it looked and felt sticky. I lifted my hand just to see it was covered in blood. I stood up and looked around me again but this time I looked at the ground. I can clearly see that not all of it was soaked in blood. It was just in one direction that I was going in. It also made up my mind about what direction I wanted to go in.

The blood-soaked ground looked like a path leading me to some unknown place. It looked like it was planned. Like the person wanted someone to follow this bloody path. That they wanted to be found. I don't know whether I should follow this path on my own but something, be it my bond to Luke or some type of sixth sense, urged me to follow. Making up my mind I decided to follow it but not before sending a message to both Mark and Michael to tell them what I am about to do. I needed to tell them in case something happened to me.

As time went by, the path become more bushier and I can smell that water was nearby. It took me some time to detangle myself through the thick bush but before I could push myself through a hand grabbed my arm. As I was about to scream a hand covered my mouth and I felt myself pulled back against my attacker. My back was against his broad chest and every word he spoke I could feel it against my back.

"Why do you always have to do things on your own?"

My whole body sagged and I let out a breath of air. It was Mark. I don't know how he made it to me so fast but I am so relieved about it. I didn't know if I could have gone through with this on my own. Mark let me go and I turn around just to punch him in the stomach. He bent over in pain and for some reason I smiled at his pain.

"Don't ever do that." I pointed at him.

He looked at me as though I betrayed him but I ignored it.

"How did you get to me so fast?" I said as I turned back to the bush that I was trying to go through.

"I ran." He didn't elaborate further and I didn't push him. Mark was next to me, trying to help. Then I heard it, water. The lake right in front of us. It also made me release that we were further in the forest than we thought. The lake was right in the middle of the forest and also a great distance from the pack. Whatever was going to happen here, no one was going to hear us. But luckily Michael knew that we were in the forest. So, if we don't come back by the time he was back at the pack house, he would have the pack looking for us. In a way I wasn't worried but it didn't stop the feeling of forbidding in the pit of my stomach.

REJECTED BY MY MATE (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now