Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Adam POV

“Adam?” a sweet voice calls out my name. The voice sounded so soft and innocent but also distant-like. It was almost like it was part of this sweet dark senseless abyss. It is peaceful and calm here and I didn’t want to let go of this place. I didn’t need to think here at all. I didn’t feel any pain and most of all I didn’t feel the heart break from what happened. I liked this place and I didn’t need to wake up any time soon. I didn’t want to either. “Adam?” the voice once again calls out my name and this time I can hear desperation in the voice. I wanted to answer to this voice but then I realize that I had to wake up in order to do that. I didn’t want to wake up. I didn’t want to face the harsh reality that awaits me once I open my eyes. No, I wouldn’t answer to this voice’s call. I didn’t want to think about what happen earlier. I didn’t want to feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and crushed into the ground with no way of putting the pieces back together. I had no reason to wake up just yet. “Adam, please come back to me.” This time it was a different voice, a voice that I recognize. My heart starts to beat a little faster than before and slowly this perfect little place that I created to get away from my harsh reality starts to fade. I knew I couldn’t deny this voice of what it wants. I knew that it would hurt me even more if didn’t do what this voice wanted. I didn’t want this voice to feel as if it had failed me. I slowly open my eyes but close it again of the bright light. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I looked around the room and realize there are people surrounding the bed that I am laying on. My eyes finally focused on one person and it was Annabelle. I can see the tear tracks on her face and her eyes are red and puffy. Her eyes show nothing but pain mixed with anger. I want to say something but the moment I open my mouth nothing seems to come out. “You don’t have to say anything Adam. I know there was nothing you could have done.” She said and I can hear that she was trying to keep it together. She looks like she is on the verge of tears. I gave her a small smile which she returned but it didn’t stop the heartbreak feeling that I felt, seeing Annabelle this way made me want to cry as well. I looked away from her because I didn’t want to feel the heart wrecking pain that I feel when I look at her. I didn’t want to be reminded about Scott’s death either. I didn’t want to see how the ones that he loves have to suffer because of his death. I look down at my hands and realize that I’m crying. I angrily wipe the tears away. I didn’t want to show weakness not now not ever. I was tired of being weak and at this moment onwards I promise myself that they will pay. Everyone that was involved in Scott’s death is going to pay. They will feel my wrath. They will wish that they never got on my wrong side. I am going to change. I’m going to show that what happens when they mess with me. I’m done with giving people second chances and I’m done just taking all their abuse. I’m going to make them all pay. Each and every one of them that was involved in Scott’s death is going to pay. From now onwards they will be sorry that they took the people I love away from me. They will not know what hit them.

“Adam?” Luke whispered in my ear breaking me from the murderous thoughts. I didn’t look at him because at that moment I felt guilty. Guilty for feeling so hurt over Scott’s death that I didn’t even wonder if he was alive. “I’m so sorry.” I said my voice cracked and tears started to fall down my face. I once again angrily wiped it away. “There is nothing to be sorry about.” Luke said softly and pulled me into his arms and for the first time in a long time I felt safe. I felt our bound strengthen and it felt like I was breathing for the first time. All the thoughts of Scott immediately moved away and replaced with the relief of being back with my mate but the pain of losing Scott was still there. The pain dulled but it was still there. “I didn’t realize how weak our bound was until now.” I said and buried my face into his chest while taking in his scent. I can feel my wolf jumping in joy for being in our mate’s arms. “I felt your heart break and it hurt me that I wasn’t there to comfort you.” Luke said and I can hear the sadness in his voice. The guilty feeling is coming back. I couldn’t believe that I let this happened. It was my entire fault that our bound weaken. “I’m sorry.” I said and hugged him even tighter. “There is nothing to be sorry for love. We have been apart for far too long and plus I understand. I don’t blame you for hurting over Scott’s death. I understand” Luke said his voice was filled with sincerity. “What do you understand?” I asked confused. I really do not know what he is talking about. He let out a chuckle before he answered. “I understand that Scott will always have a place in your heart. He was the one to help you when I rejected you even though at the time he wasn’t the best person he was there for you when you needed comfort.” I look him in the eyes and I can see that he knew what he is talking about.  I smiled at him and he smiled at me in returned. “I love you Adam.” Luke said softly. “I love you too.” I said just as soft as he did and he bent down to kiss me on the lips.

“Luke we cannot leave it this way. They killed Scott. We have to do something.” I said desperation was clear in my voice and I can feel that my eyes start to tear. “I know Adam. We are going to do something to avenge his death.” Luke said and I can see the determination in his eyes. “But we cannot do this on our own though. We need help.” He said then looked behind me and I followed his gaze. He is looking at Annabelle. She wasn’t looking at us but rather in a hushed conversation with her father Damius. I can see that they having a really heated argument. “What are you expecting from me? They killed Scott, Dad. We have to get revenge. Remember the code that you said we live on. They killed Scott then they will die as well. A life for a life” Annabelle said louder than she realize. “I’m not going to lose another child. You are not thinking straight. We need a plan; we cannot just rush into this. For all we know, every Elder from different packs is involved in this. Stop and think.” Damius said firmly. “That’s not the case Alpha.” a voice said. We all turn to where the voice came from just to meet a really old man. His hair is really grey and his eyes were a very light brown that looked like he has seen the world. His face showed the years that he lived and when one look at him you would think he is very fragile but the way he holds himself you can tell that it was not the case. “We Elders do not seek war unless we are corrupted by power. It is law that Elders help protect their pack by passing wisdom. We tend to talk to our pack away from fighting from we know what war can do to us. We remember the days when there was only a few of us left from the war that almost lead us to extinction. We remember the grieving after the war and remember the struggle. We will not guide our packs down that path. You’re Elders though Alpha Grey is corrupted by power.” The man said his voice was soft yet every word was heard.  His eyes were looking at everyone while he was talking but it stayed on me. “They are corrupted by your union but do not fear they are easily taken care of.” He said and I can see the determination in his eyes. “What do mean taken care of, Elder Cullum?” Annabelle asked worry was laced in her voice and I can see it in her eyes as well. “Wait, you know him?” I ask confused about the situation. Annabelle turns her head to look at me and nodded her head before she turned her head back to Elder Cullum. “How?” this time Luke questioned her. “I’m the elder from her mate’s pack, Alpha Johnson.” Elder Cullum answered before Annabelle could open her mouth. “I thought your mate wanted nothing to do with you?” I asked surprised that we were welcomed at her mate’s pack. “He didn’t but after what happened he came to realize that you cannot choose who mate is plus he was really worried that I almost died so that contributed to his decision to accept me as his mate. But he has a lot of making up to.” Annabelle said with a smile on her face that made her whole face brighten up. It was a nice change from the way she looked when she speaks about Scott. “So where is your mate then?” I asked curiously.  I was really curious to see who the man was that got Annabelle so smitten. “His busy with pack business he will be here soon so that we can discuss what we going to do about these rogue Elders.” Elder Cullum voiced. Annabelle smiled at him and he returned it as though they were sharing a secret joke of some sort. “Wait a moment, how do you know that not all the Elders are in on it as well?” Damius question and you can see the suspicion on his face. I know that the whole wife dying thing because of the elders made him not trust Elders and by the look on his face it didn’t seem that he wanted to start now either. “Well one of the reasons is that the leader of the Elders is coming to help take care of this problem personally. He wants to make them examples of them if any of the other Elders decide to abuse their power.” Elder Cullum explained to Damius since he was looking him straight in the eyes. Elder Cullum let out a chuckle because of the look on Damius face. He looked appalled by the thought that the leader of the Elders is coming here to help us but I can also see that the tension that he had in his body ever since his son was murder was a little less than before. I know for a fact that once he got his revenge on the Elders that killed his wife and also his son he would finally be at peace. We all will have our piece. I look around the room at each and every body and realize for the first time that I had hope that we will have our peace. We will have a life where we do not have to live in fear. We can have a happy future. But I was also scared. I didn’t want to lose anybody else. I didn’t want to mourn the death of loved ones. “Luke we going to make out of this alive right?” I asked my mate and turned my face to look him in the eyes. “We will, I promise.” He said his eyes had so much conviction that it made me want to cry. He hugged me and kissed me on my head. “I won’t let anything happen to you Adam. I promise you that we will stop them from hurting others like they hurt us.” he said softly and I believed him. I know that he would do anything to make me happy. “I know.” I said and I really did know.

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