Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six


Elder Alexandria is the most beautiful person I ever seen in my short life. I bet she can practically get anyone she wants besides me though, I don’t think she is that kind of person that goes after someone that doesn’t play for her team. I hope so at least, girls can get really crazy when they like someone even do crazy stuff. She does not look crazy though. She might be beautiful but she doesn’t do it for me but the way she is staring at me I feel a little uneasy or maybe I was wrong with the whole craziness. The look in her eyes scare me. She look at me like I am a challenge waiting to be accomplished. Her eyes follow my every move and it makes me so uncomfortable. I move closer to Luke and grab his hand trying to give her a hint that I’m not interested or available but her eyes still follow me. I move even closer to Luke. I guess she is one of those crazy ones. “Why is she looking at me like that?” I asked looking at Luke only to realise that his not looking at me but glaring at Elder Alexandria. His hand squeezed my hand a little bit harder than before and at that moment I knew that he felt threaten by Elder Alexandria. In my heart I know that whatever this Elder think she has planned would never come between Luke and me. It would be like she would be barking up the wrong tree and I hope that her craziness does not involve my relationship with Luke or so help me Goddess I would kill her before she thinks she can do whatever she thinks she wants to do. But seriously, I am so tired of crazy girls thinking that they can change the Goddess mind about the whole mates’ thing. Apart of Annabelle, she is crazy but I know that Annabelle is not like those craze types that think they can go and brake a mates bond or try to replace a mate. Why can I not just meet a girl that do not have that craze look in their eyes or a lesbian? I think I’m cursed where meeting new people especially when it comes to girls. I have a feeling that both Luke and I are cursed, craze girls seem to just appear out of nowhere and try to break us up. These girls should learn from the previous girls that tried.

“This is the first time in many years that I saw two alphas mated together. I think the last mated pair was more than a thousand years. Your pack must be really honoured and not to mention smug that the Goddess blessed them with you. Your pack must have felt the power that coursed through them when you mated.” She said and the craziness that I saw earlier just intensified which sends a chill down my spine. I really do not have a good feeling about this woman. I have seen the same craziness in Courtney’s eyes and she had me kidnapped just to get to Luke. “They would have if they accepted our mating.” I answered her with contempt in my voice. Everyone turn to look at me and I can see on their faces that they agreed with me. If only Luke was not so against our mating back then we would not be in this position. “We would have been a stronger pack if they just accepted that we were mates but not all of them wanted us to be together. They were more concerned about an heir than what they think the Goddess wanted. They forget that an Alpha does not always give them the next Alpha of the pack. The Goddess have a hand in it as well and if She decides that someone is more suited for the job she will choose them.” Said Luke, the glare that he has on his face doesn’t lessen and it remind me of the time that he rejected me. I can feel his anger rolling off of him and it is making my wolf restless. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. His body immediately relaxed into my arms. This woman was slowly starting to anger me. She was deliberately trying to anger Luke some reason and that was not okay with me. Who does she think she is to say these things to Luke? I looked at her trying to figure out what she was up to but she was already looking at me which gave me that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. She is up to something and I didn’t know whether I wanted to find out what it is or not. The look in her eyes is not only crazy but also something that looked like hunger, intelligence and there was also power behind those eyes. Power that made you aware of who she is. One can see that she is a person of power. The way she held herself, the way she spoke, everything about her told you about the power that she has. There was a reason that she was the leader of the Elders and just by her power alone you knew why. She smiled at me and strangely it changed her face a little. The smile soften up her face from the hardness that she had when speaking about us being Alphas mated to one another but still the look in her eyes was creepy. “Something to say Alpha Adam?” Elder Alexandria asked me. I looked away from her to look at the rest of the group in the room and I noticed how tired they all looked. I especially look at Annabelle and Damius and I can see that they were not only tired but they were also mourning. Just seeing the sadness that seemed to literally leak out of them make me realise that they just lost Scott and that they have a funeral to plan for. “Look it’s been a long day and we all tired. I think it is best that we get rest and recharge.” I said softly.

“Adam’s right. We have not truly had a good night of sleep and I think that it would be best to discuss this over again tomorrow when everyone is well rested and can actually stand on their feet without falling over.” Alpha Johnson said as he pulled Annabelle into his arms and she seems to just melt into his arms. It made me a little happy to know that she is not alone while she is mourning. “Plus we have to start planning Scott’s funeral.”  Damius said from behind the couple. “We have to bury him under the full moon and which is merely a few days away.” I said to Damius but he didn’t look at me, he was deliberately trying to avoid my eyes. “Damius, what’s wrong?” I asked as I am move towards him but he walks away from me. “It’s your fault that his dead.” He said and I never heard so much pain in his voice before. I can see that his trying to keep the tears from falling. I do not know what to say to him. I do not know what to do to comfort the man because I know that it is my fault that Scott died. “It’s not his fault, Damius. What happened to Scott is the Elders’ fault. They decided to kill him to hurt you, to hurt us.” Luke defended me and it made me feel a little better but it still didn’t change the fact that I felt that I was responsible for Scott’s death. If he never met me he would have not died the way he did. “Luke his right. It is my fault.” I said, my voice breaking as the tears are falling down my face. 

“If I never met Scott none of this would have happened. Don’t you get it? They killed Scott to teach me a lesson. That’s what they said to me before they killed him. They wanted to hurt me with his death. So Scott’s death is my fault.” I said looking at Luke trying to get him to understand that this was my fault but he shook his head and moved towards me. He took my hands in mine and said; “If it is anyone’s fault its Damius for kidnapping you. He is the one that wanted to go against our pack for something that the Elders did. His the cause of Scott’s death, hurting you was just an added bonus.” His eyes held nothing but firm belief that what his saying is true. “I don’t care whose fault it is we still have a funeral to plan on the full moon.” Came Alpha Johnson voice from beside Annabelle’s side. Looking around I notice that Damius is gone as well as the two Elders. “Where did Damius go” I questioned, confused to why he left in the first place. “I don’t know. He just left.” Annabelle answered, she sounded so sad when she said that. “Annabelle I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I express to her. She smiles sadly at me; “I don’t blame you Adam. I just wish all of this never happened. Look right now nothing matters but the funeral” She replied as she turned around to leave not looking back. I wanted to call out to her but Luke stopped me by shaking his head.

Alpha Johnson moved closer to us to shake Luke’s hand. “Alpha Grey, I welcome you and your pack. You can stay as long as you want. I just want to say that if war do break out my pack and I will be standing by your side.” Alpha Johnson stated to Luke. “Thanks Alpha Johnson. I really appreciate your hospitality and about the standing by us.” Luke replied as he shake the other Alpha’s hand. “Let me show you where you would be sleeping.” Alpha Johnson said as he was moving towards the door. I grabbed Luke’s hand as I turned to follow him out of the door just pass Elder Alexandria as she was walking back into the room. She smiled and winked at me. She gave me a bad feeling in my stomach and I didn’t know whether I wanted to be in her presence in the future let alone anyone that I love. She is up to something that involve me and I don’t know whether in want to find out what it is she is planning or not.

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