chapter fourteen

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author's note...

i just want to thank everyone that read this book you guys are my motivation and inspire me to carry on with this book...

on another note i would love to get your feedback on the past chapters including this one and i want to apologies for the grammar mistakes and the missing words i will only edit this book when im done with the book...

so without any further ado heres chapter 14...


Chapter fourteen

Adam POV

Millions of emotions have been going through my heart. His standing in front of me like nothing happened, like I didn’t suffer when I thought he was dead, like what we went through never happened and right now I’m not sure if it ever did but the ache in my heart when I left him was a remainder of what happened. It remained me that he died but his here in front healthy and very much alive. I didn’t know what to do or what to say because my mind was fogged up of thinking that I might have made a mistake or maybe his sister lied to me when I asked her about him. for three weeks I waited for news if he made it or not and been in and out of the hospital just to see if he was going to be alright but then I ran into his sister. She never liked me and never liked the fact that her brother was gay so her lying to me wasn’t far-fetched.  I just stared at this beautiful man in front of me and taking in his features. His skin was dark that complimented his dark brown eyes. His hair black and cut short that it looks like he didn’t have any hair on his head. His features strong that made him look manly. He looked more buffed than the last time I saw him and he is just plain handsome.

“Adam?” my brother called me out of my thoughts. I looked at Mark and blinked a few times and realize that both of them were waiting for me to say something. “Scott? What you doing here? I thought you were dead.” I said the first thing that came to my mind. He looked stunned at what I said then turned to anger. Scott always had problem with his anger. “Who told you I died? I waited for you to visit me but my sister said you went back home.” He said as his anger slowly taking over his body as fear was taking over mine. “Your sister told me you died.” I said softly and his anger quickly disappeared. “She lied to you Adam.” He said more softly. I look at Mark and he wasn’t saying anything but clearly observing what was happening. I could see confusion in his eyes and knew that when we were alone that he be expected some answers. I loved that about my brother, that he didn’t put himself in other people’s business even if it’s his family. He would rather wait till he got you on your own so he can get answers without people interrupting him. “Look Adam I’m going to wait in the car for you okay.” He said while getting up. I nodded my head and watched him leave. “Who was that? Is he your boyfriend?” Scott said his voice dripped in venom. “No, he is my older brother Mark.” I said softly afraid to make him angry.

We didn’t say anything for a while not knowing what to say. “What are you doing here?” I asked Scott. He doesn’t say anything for a while and just staring at me. “I came here to take you back home.” he finally said and took my hand into his which made my wolf angry. I pulled my hand away and I can see that Scott is having a hard time trying to control his anger. “I can’t go back with you, this is my home.” I said a little afraid but it didn’t show in my voice which I was proud about.  “What do you mean you can’t come back with me? I’m your boyfriend and you coming back if you like or not.” Scott said through his teeth. He is slowly losing control but I didn’t let that affect me. “I can’t be with you Scott, I have a mate.” I said with pride clear in my voice. “WHAT!” Scott screams in my face which made me flinch. He got up and his chair fell to the floor forgotten when he came to my side of the table and pulled me up. “You will come back with me I don’t care whether have mate or not, you are mine.” he said to me which makes my wolf take over and growl at him. The growl was so load that it made the windows shake. He looks shocked for the moment before he smacked me. The moment he smacked me I turned into my wolf, and I can hear screams from the diner and people running out but that didn’t stop me from attacking Scott just as he was changing into his wolf. He didn’t have time to dodge when I run into him and he fell through the window of the diner making glass shatter into millions of tiny pieces falling everywhere in and out of the diner.

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