chapter ten

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Chapter Ten

Luke POV

“We spotted rouges at the boarders of our land.” Mark said his voice low not to cause distress among the pack. I look at him for the first time today and notice that he had dark circles under his eyes as though he haven’t had enough sleep. “Take care of it I don’t want this meeting interrupted by rouges. This meeting is way too important to be interrupted.” I told him and with that he leaves the house taking a few wolves with him. I watch them till they disappear in the woods. I couldn’t help but feel like something was going to go wrong but I pushed it away. I see my dad talking to the Elders and he looks distressed. I walked closer just to hear. “She is my mate.” My father said his voice strained as though he is trying to keep his anger in check. “We know that but she is still a rouge and a danger to this pack. You have to choose between this pack and her and if you pick her then you will banished from this pack.” Elder Kurt said his voice as cold as his heart. “You don’t have that authority.” I said and they turned to face me. “What you trying to say?” Elder Kurt asked his eyebrow shot up mocking me. “You cannot kick my father out of this pack plus only an Alpha can do that and after tonight I will be Alpha of this pack.” I said with confidences and my alpha tone was coming out so they had to obey even if they didn’t want to.

“You can’t…” “I can do whatever I think is best for this pack and I think that getting rid of my father won’t do the pack well so I suggest that you stop trying to get rid of my pack my members. Just because you don’t agree with my father’s mate doesn’t mean that other people feel the same.” I cut Elder Kurt off. He gave me a glare and walked away. I gave my father a small smile. “You are making a terrible mistake.” Elder Jade said her voice as cold as her eyes and for the first time i didn’t see the warm hearted woman that I’m used to see but rather a cold hearted monster. She gave me a glare and followed the other Elder. “Thanks son I don’t know what I would do if you agreed with them” he said sadness in his eyes I can see that he is sad and worried about the rouge who is also his mate and somehow I know how he feels. It makes me think of the three years without Adam which I try so hard to push it away. “Everything will be okay” I said and he smiled and walked to the hospital wing, to his mate.

I watched my father till he disappeared around the corner and couldn’t help but miss my mate. I wonder where he is. I looked around taking in my surrounding and realized that I’m in the dining room and people was busy setting up the table with different kind of foods for whoever was hungry but knowing werewolves, they are always hungry. I walked out of the dining to the hallway where people is walking up and done preparing for tonight. Nobody knows what exactly is going on; all they know is that I’ve found my mate and that I’m going to mark my mate tonight.

“What was Adam doing in your room?” an annoying voice came from behind me that gave me unpleasant shivers. I turn around just to give whoever this person was a glare and that person just happen to be Courtney. “That’s none of your concern.” I said venom clearing in my voice. “It’s my concern because I’m your mate.” She said shouting a little and made a few people look at us. “You are not my mate.” I pronounce each word so that she can finally get it in her head that I wasn’t her mate. Hurt crossed her face and it was embedded in her eyes which started to glaze over readying her to cry. I didn’t feel sorry for her nor did I stick around to see her in denial. I walked around the house looking for Adam because it was almost time for the meeting plus I needed him to calm myself down.

“Luke.” a voice called out from behind me. I turned around just to be crushed with a hug. “What’s wrong?” I asked him worried. “No I’m fine just wanted a hug to calm my wolf down.” he said I chuckled finding it ironic for I also needed him to calm my wolf down. “What’s got you so worked up?” I asked. He didn’t answer instead he crashed his lips to mine. We heard gasps because he is kissing me in the middle of the hallway. Someone cleared their throat and I broke the kiss to see my father smirking at the scene before him. “I guess the surprised is ruined then.” I said rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

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