chapter eight

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Chapter Eight

Luke POV

He closed the door before I could go in. He is pretty upset about what the elders said plus the rouge attack pushed him even more over the edge. The fact that he wanted to leave me hurt me more than anything in the world. He was only running away because his scared that I might hurt him again but that will never happen. I already lost him once so I’m not going to lose him again. I look at my closed room door contemplating weather I should open it or not but I can hear his faint sobs from behind the door. He was afraid not only of me but of the elders as well. The fact that they will kill him if he runs away again terrifies him and what makes it worse is that he is being forced in a situation that his not ready for.

I open the door, surprised to see that he didn’t lock it, to see my mate on my bed shaking with tears. I want to comfort him and tell him that everything is going to be okay but how can I tell him that when I’m not even sure myself. “Adam you can’t run away again this time.” I said softly afraid he might cry more than he already is. “You can’t leave me, Adam I need you more than you can ever imagine. I know that you are afraid I’m also afraid but when I have you by my side it feels like all the fears just seem to disappear. Please don’t leave me.” I begged him trying to hold back the tears but fail miserably. I don’t think I can survive if Adam leaves me, I don’t think I want to live without him. The one thing that he doesn’t know is that he is keeping me alive. Without him I’d lose the will to live.

“You know that this is happening way too fast and now the elders are threatening me. Luke, how must I feel when I’m being forced in a situation that I can’t even control? I don’t know what way to go because they controlling everything.” Adam said his voice is strong and emotionless which scared me a bit. He looked like he wanted to say more but his eyes said it all. He didn’t trust me or this pack which is understandable for the way we treated him but he should trust me for I’m his mate. He knows that I won’t hurt him again. “Please you promised to give me a chance so please give me a chance. I know what the elders are doing is wrong but Adam we need to do this. My father is growing weak which means the pack is becoming weak. Without you what’s the point in taking over when I won’t be strong enough without you. They are doing this to ensure that our pack is going to be strong so that we can protect each other and the people in this pack. Without you by my side this pack will lose when there is a rouge attack. Not only does the pack need you but I need you, if you don’t want to stay because of the pack then stay for me.” I said a bit out of breath after the mini speech I gave him. He looks at me shocked but understanding is slowly being the only emotion that was showing on his face.

Adam didn’t say anything for a while. “I understand but do they understand what I’m going through after what you and your friends did to me? I doubt it but I will do it but don’t think I will forgive any of them for what they did to Me.” he said each word dripping with venom that send chills down my spine. His words scared me yet I still thought of him looking sexy when his so cold and against people especially when it comes to the people of the past. I didn’t question him or went against him instead I closed the distance between us and kissed him. The kiss we shared was filled with hunger and want.

I pushed him slowly to the bed and lay on top of him without breaking the kiss. “Luke.” Adam said in the kiss and I broke the kiss to look at him with concern. “I’m not ready.” he said in a small voice afraid that I might get upset. “Don’t worry we won’t go that far, can’t I just kiss my mate?” I asked him and he giggled and started the kiss this time but this time the kiss was more soft and loving as though Adam was pouring every emotion he had into the kiss. I didn’t want to stop this moment. I wanted to live in this moment forever with on one else but Adam.

We ended up cuddling with each other and I can hear his breathing becoming slow and even which told me that he fell asleep in my arms. Which made my heart swell with love that I didn’t think was possible. I slowly get untangled from him and made my way to the door of my room only to give him one last look to make sure that he didn’t disappear or that this is all a dream. “I love you.” I whispered before I walked out of the room and made my way to the hospital wing.

When I got to the hospital wing I find that the unknown rouge still in a deep sleep because of all the blood that she lost. I see the pack doctor busy examining her to make sure that she is okay. I hadn’t taken time to look at her properly and now that I do I can say that she is really beautiful. She is under a blanket that is covering her nudity while her hair is covering most of the pillow that she is laying on. She looks slightly pale but slowly regaining her color. She looks peaceful but that doesn’t change the fact she is rouge that is on my land. She poses a threat to the pack.

“What you doing here?” a voice came from behind me and I tensed up just to relax when I turn around to see my dad standing in the doorway. He looks worried and ready to attack me as though I pose a threat to him which is strange. I pose no threat to him. My father might be alpha of this pack but he is slowly becoming weak whereas I’m growing stronger and we both know who will win if he attacks me. I see that realization sparked in his eyes and his expression paled as though he was caught in a predicament that he couldn’t explain. I look to the pack doctor and was about to ask him how the rouge was doing. “She is still healing and that will take a few hours before she wakes up so no need to worry.” He said calmly but that didn’t assure me that it’s going to be okay.

“We have to guard the rouge at all times we don’t want to take chances.” I said mostly to my father than the doctor. When he didn’t answer me I turned around just to find that my father was nowhere in sight. I didn’t pay mind for the fact that he isn’t here but I turned to the pack doctor and said the same thing to him he nodded and left the room. My father came back not saying a word. He is staring at the rouge in a loving way, the way mates look at each other. Wait that can’t be my father had a mate and that was my mother. I look at my father shock clearly on my face. He looks at me afraid and worried but he doesn’t say anything. “Dad?” I said more in a question. “I don’t know how neither do I understand but she is my mate and you can’t tell anyone because I have to make sure when she wakes up.” My dad whispered to me. I didn’t know what to say, my mouth opens and closes countless of times. “What about mom?” I asked. “She was my mate and I love her dearly but there’s something about this rogue that reminds me about her. My wolf says she’s my mate and who am I to deny my wolf.” My father said.

He looks away from me and his eyes land on the rogue. He has a small smile that softens his face. I haven’t seen a smile like that on his face in a long time. I don’t know what to do with what my father have said but I knew that I couldn’t keep them apart but that didn’t  change the fact that she might be a danger to the pack and I will do anything to protect my pack even if it means going against my father.

“I just want her to wake up.” My father said after some time and there was an emotion in his voice that was so raw and true. That made me thinks of the time when I was looking for Adam, when I felt like hope was lost. I knew how my father was feeling at that moment because not too long ago I was there too. It pained my heart to see my father that way and that made me realize that it didn’t matter who your mate was or what gender your mate is but what mattered is that you have your mate by your side and the love that you and your mate shared. Nothing else mattered as long as you had your mate. My father looks at me with pleading eyes that makes my heart ache. “Fine, nothing will happen to her.” I said but I couldn’t help but feel like I’m making a mistake but something in my heart was telling me not to worry about my father and his new found mate for they will be fine and with that in mind I walked out of the hospital wing to my sleeping mate that put the same smile on my face that my father had.

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