Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Adam POV

I feel numb. The numbness is all I can feel. I can’t feel anything in my body and the numbness is the only feeling in my limbs. I can also feel a numbing sensation coursing through my body and makings its home in my heart. Is this how it feels being away from my mate? I must say that it feels nothing like when I left him before. It feels like my wolf is dying. Is my wolf dying? It feels like dying but I don’t want to die. I don’t think I have a choice in the position that I’m in. The numbness is still making its way through my body and slowing turning every positive thought in my head to a living nightmare. The doubt is becoming strong and the will to live is fading. No! I need to get to Luke. I need him, only he can chase away these horrible thoughts but where is he? I need him now more than ever and his not here to chase my demons away. Could it be possible that he didn’t want me anymore? Has he finally had enough of me? No, I cannot think like that. He wouldn’t have mated with me if he didn’t want anything to do with me but no, I’m not thinking like that.

Adam wake up. A voice said in my head. Who was that? Am I losing my mind? No you not just wake up. It came again which is making me scared. I’m hearing voices in my head. No it me your wolf, I’m part of you. The voice said and it apparently thinks it’s my wolf. I am your wolf and wake you idiot. He said and I can hear the anger in his voice but it was also laced with pity. I don’t think I want to. I said softly in my head and I can feel my heart finally giving into the numbness. No Adam, fight it! Luke is coming! Fight it don’t give in to it. That’s exactly what they want. My wolf is shouting to me and I can feel the panic that’s coming off of him. Luke’s coming? I asked sounding like a little kid. Yes his coming to get you Adam. I can feel it in my bones that he is looking for you. My wolf said his voice much more gentle than before and I can feel that the numbness was going away. I’m slowing gaining control of myself and the doubts started to disappear.

A new sense of determination seemed to set in making it easier to wake up from this deep sleep that seemed like a prison not so long ago.  But it was short lived when I opened my eyes just to see that there was a blind fold over my eyes. I tried to move my arms and feet just to feel that they were tied up really tightly. I couldn’t shout out because my mouth is taped shut. Panic started to set in chasing away the determination that I once had. I sniffed the air to get a sense of where I am but all I smelled was the cleaning products that they used to clean this room with and something else that is faintly familiar but I couldn’t recognize it. I can tell that I was in a small room by the cleaning products and that I was laying on a tiled floor by the coldness that it held. What now? I asked my wolf but he remained silent which made me sink in a pool of sadness. I could feel the numbness coming back and this time I didn’t fight it when it consumed me. My heart was empty and I was disconnected to my wolf. I accepted whatever death that was coming my way. I slowly fell asleep with the last thoughts of Luke saying he loves me but even that didn’t make me fight for another day.

Luke POV

I made my way down the stairs that lead to the basement. The basement was where we held rogues that we caught and where the torments happened. Once at the bottom I walked down the passage that resembles an opening of a cave which was understandable because the basement was after all underground. I made my way up to a metal door that had all kinds of locks on it and on each of them they had wolfsbane on it including the door itself but only the Mark and I knew about it. Reason behind it was that if someone wanted to break out of this place or break in they would seriously suffer while doing it but also not to mention that there was another door after this one. Once I was in the room I could see the holding cells on the east side wall that has five in total. On the west side was where the chains on the wall was held and also where Courtney was being held. She was silent and unresponsive. Mark has been here an hour trying to get information out of her but she kept quiet. I can see the blusters forming on her wrists and neck from the wolfsbane soaked chains but even when it was burning her she kept quiet.

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