Chapter Thirty One

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Hi, this is the end of Adam's journey. It took me so long to write this not only because I couldn't decide how I wanted to end this book but also because I didn't want it to end. I hope that you enjoyed reading this plus this is the first time I wrote a fighting scene so if it's not good please give me pointers on how to improve.

Chapter Thirty One


They say that sometimes a person can become so angry that they do not completely comprehend what they are doing. The only thing on my mind is the blood, all the blood I see on Luke. It fuels my anger until it is the only thing that I am feeling. I do not think. I do not care let alone know what I am doing. All I see is his blood. I do not even know if he is alive or not. All I can remember is Alexander smiling as if she just won the lottery. As though all her dreams come true right at that moment. All I wanted was that smile to be wiped off her face. I wanted to see the life leaving her body. I needed to make her suffer. She is going to feel the pain that I have to endure. The pain that Luke had to go through.

"You come in just the time, Adam." Her voice was too sweet and I growled at her. My wolf was close to the surface. "Don't you like my present?" She pouted and crossed her arms as though she was a stubborn child not getting their way. "After all the effort I put in it to get you here. How can you not like it?" I took a step towards her and immediately she took a step back. Her face lost all the childlikeness and immediately I was faced with a warrior. "You don't want to do that." This time her voice was hard. She moved backward until her two bodyguards were standing in front of her. "No offense Adam, but I don't so my own dirty work. What I want is going to happen whether you like it or not. This was only the beginning." I didn't care who was protecting her but I am going to end her and I'm going to end her war.

I didn't see the point of saying anything to her. "Nothing to say?" Alexander asked and this time her voice was once again sweet. I roared out as I transformed into my wolf. The only thought was to get to her. I ran without any care. The blood of Luke fuels me. It gives me the energy to do what I have to do. As I charged towards her the two men in front of her transformed into their wolves and stood in front of Alexander. They start to advance towards me and we meet in the middle. The three of us were not the only ones to transform. As I reached the first man I can hear my brother jump on the other. I howled in pain as he bit me. I kicked him off me and he cried out as he was thrown against the tree. I ran towards him and jumped on his back. I didn't know what came into me but I bit into his neck. I can hear him howl in pain as the bitter taste of blood flows in my mouth. I don't let go until I can feel him stop fighting. The moment he let out his breathe I finally let go. Behind me, I can hear my brother still busy with the other man but all I can see at that moment was Alexander. This time she is not smiling. Her face was scrunched up in a very unpleasant way and for a moment I wanted to know what she was thinking. I wanted to know if she was in fear. I wanted to know if she finally realises that this is the end, to know that after tonight she will not be able to hurt any of my loved ones again. I wanted to see the fear in her eyes as she realises that I was the one to kill her. To know that she failed to accomplished what she worked so hard for.

Her head is shaking. She's moving backward but stops after a moment. I wonder if she knew that there was no escaping from this. "You can't win this, Adam!" there is a quiver in her voice as she growled it out. I growled at her in reply. I would have never fought her if she hasn't gone after Luke. If only she didn't go after Luke. I would have let this world burn as long as the people I cared about were safe and happy. She could have done anything to me and I wouldn't have cared. "You can join me," she hastily said. I growled at her again. I move slowly towards her, I didn't see the point of rushing towards her. I wanted her to feel every emotional moment before I ended her. "You don't have to do this." She whispered and her eyes were sparkling, I had enough of playing with her. I sprinted towards her, her eyes widen and she transforms into her wolf seconds before I reach her. The moment I reach her I crushed into her before both of us are rolling apart. She recovered first. I roar in pain as she bit down on my leg. She is pulling at it the same time I'm pulling it away from her and I hear a crack! I groan in pain but it doesn't stop me from getting my leg free. The pain is excruciating but it doesn't stop me from grabbing her by her neck. I bit down as hard as I can and I can feel her struggle. I cannot let her go. I need to end this now and for all. She is growling and scratching at me but it is getting weaker as the seconds' tick by. Her blood is flowing down my snout, soaking my fur. Mark is back in his human form. His walking slowly towards me with his hands in the air. I start snarling at him. He immediately stops. "Adam, it's okay. You can let her go," he spoke softly but still firm. I shake my head trying to rip her throat to shreds.

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