Chapter Twenty Seven

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The fire is hot against my face and the moon is full. I can feel its power coursing through me and my wolf wants nothing more than run under her light. The wind is so cold against my face that it feels as if its ice whipping around me. Annabelle’s hand in mine is tight and if she tighten her grip any more she would be braking my bones. She doesn’t say anything besides me but I can hear her quite sobs. Seeing a loved one’s body burn into nothing but ash is hard on anyone. It is at that moment that you realise that they are not coming back. I do not bother to look around me to see who is there but I know one thing, Damius did not show up. He have not been seen since he disappeared on us a few days ago. Annabelle has been really heartbroken that her father did not bother to show up to Scott’s funeral. Not caring enough to say their last goodbyes.

The Moon Goddess watches over the souls of the people that have died. Her rays guide their souls back to her. She is the one that decides whether the soul will be reborn or not and sometimes if rumours have it right she keeps them by her side to heal the soul, to make the soul once again whole (or as whole as a half a soul can be). There are so many stories about the Moon Goddess. No one knows whether it’s true or not but it gives one hope for the afterlife. Just knowing that there is someone there that is looking after us gives the living peace for the dead and for the living piece of mind. I hope that the Moon Goddess looks after Scott and makes him whole again. For when Scott died, he was lost and broken. When I met him I could see in his eyes that he experience a lot in his short life. In his eyes there was so much heartache. He was especially heartbroken about his mother. Losing her the way that he did was not a way a person should lose any parent.

“Scott is in a better place. The Moon Goddess will look after him until he returns.” I spoke softly to her. She looked to me and gives a small smile. “I know.” She replied. I can see that she will not get over the death of her brother anytime soon but at least she hopes that her brother is at peace. She looked at her brother’s body that was in flames and slowly walked towards it only stopping right before the flame could touch her. She turned around and looked towards the people that came to Scott’s funeral. “When Scott and I spoke about death we never thought for one second that it would be one of us.” Her voice is loud and clear to the crowd. She looked so small and vulnerable up there. “Scott always told me that he would protect me and that he would die for me even though I am the older one but what he said was true.” She paused. I can see that she is trying not to cry but her tears makes their way down her face making me even cry. “He died for someone that he really cared about. He died so that that person can live. I am proud of my brother. He did what he said he was going to do. I am going to miss him, I do miss him but I know that the Moon Goddess has him and one day we shall meet again.” She finished. “Till we meet again.” Everyone shouted in unison and you can hear the sadness in that declaration.

I walked up to Annabelle and pulled her into a hug. I squeezed as hard as I can because I know that she needs all the support she can get. “What you said was beautiful.” I whispered to her so only she can hear it. All she did was nod her head as she cried on my shoulder. The only thing I can do is hug her and try to support her as much I as can. “Let’s go back to the house and then you can take a nice long bath to relax.” I said as I pulled her with me towards her mate’s pack house. “Adam I just want to stay here for a while if you don’t mind.” Her voice was raw from the crying. I nodded my head and headed back to the house hoping that I might find Luke.
As I am walking towards the house I notice that Alpha Johnson and Elder Alexandria were talking in very hushed voices. They were quite a distance away from the pack house. “You are not supposed to be here.” Alpha Johnson said and I can hear that he is very annoyed. I quickly looked around to find some place to hide so that I don’t interrupt their conversation.

“You know very well why I am here. Don’t you remember our deal?” She told him in the most condescending way. She also sounded really smug. “You know I don’t want my pack part of this war that you want so badly for whatever reason you have.” He stated, his voice was filled with an emotion that I couldn’t recognize. I wanted to move closer to them but I didn’t dare make a move in case they heard me. Luckily they were too distracted with each other that they couldn’t smell me. “Who ever said there was ever going to be a war?” I heard her move and her voice was softer this time when she spoke. “I will get what I want and you will allow me to get what I want. Once my elder is gone which should have been yesterday I will take over his Elder duties. You will welcome me with open arms and you going to be happy about it. Do I make myself clear?” I didn’t hear Alpha Johnson say anything for a while and I almost thought that they were gone until I heard the Alpha answer the Elder.  “Fine but don’t forgot our deal. I don’t want my pack in this war.” Elder Alexandria chuckled at what he said. “You don’t have to worry about your pack. What I am doing is for the good of this world. Once I am done no one have to worry about anything ever again.” This time she full out laughed as though all of her plans were falling into place without her having to work hard for it to work. “What about my mate?” He asked after some time. “Don’t worry so much. Let’s enjoy this the peacefulness that we are experiencing for the little time we have because before you know it, it will be over.” She answered him and this time I heard them walk off towards the pack house. I didn’t move from my hiding place for some time. I waited for them to go into the house before I moved just to be safe. I don’t know what to think of the conversation that I just overhead. Everything just seem like a completely big pile of a complicated mess. I thought that she was here to help with whatever has been going on. All I can think of right now is to find Luke and the others and get the hell out of here. I knew she was up to something and I knew that it wasn’t anything good not only for me but for my pack as well. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t realise that Elder Alexandria walked up to me until she spoke. “Are you hiding from someone?” I jumped from fright and immediately turned around coming face to face with the devil incarnate. I didn’t know what to say to her and if I am being honest with myself I didn’t want to be near her either. “I just came from the funeral Elder. I was looking for Luke on my way to the house.” I told her as politely as I can but the way she was pulling her face I can see that she didn’t believe me. “If you looking for Luke why are you just standing here looking like you lost in your thoughts?” I give her a confuse look or at least I try to but I can see that she is suspicious of why I am standing here. “I can’t get my mind wrap around the fact that Scott is gone. I was just reminiscing.” I stated really starting to believe my own lies. “If you say so.” She voiced cheerfully with the biggest smile I have ever seen on anyone before walking in the opposite direction of the house.

I stood there till I could not see her anymore and then made my way to the house to find Luke and tell him exactly what I heard. We had to get out of here as quick as possible. The only thing that is going through my mind at the moment is to get as far as I can from this mad woman. She is going to do something terrible to my pack, to Luke and everyone that I hold dear to my heart. I needed to get them out of this place before anything bad can happen to any of them.
“Luke?” I shouted out the moment I entered the room that we have been staying in ever since we got on Alpha Johnson’s property. “Adam, why are you shouting?” He ran out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, dripping wet. The words stopped short when I set my eyes on him. I still couldn’t get enough on how perfect he is. My eyes trailed over his body making my body react as though I have no control over it. “What is it? You came rushing in here as though there is a fire happening.” his voice cut me out of the dirty thoughts that I was having about my mate. I look at him and I can see the concern in his face. “We have to leave as soon as we can.” I said to him. “Why?” his voice showed more concern than confusion. “Luke I think that Elder Alexandria has something planned and it involves not only our pack but us as well.” 

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