Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Mark POV

“Alpha, they been spotted again and I’ve send the fighters to sort the problem out.” I reported to alpha Michael. He looked worried and I was also worried. The rouges have been coming on our territory nonstop ever since Adam’s returned. “This is the fifth time this week that they came on my land.’ Alpha Michael said mostly to himself than me.

“I know alpha and we doing all we can to keep them off but I think they after something or someone because they really determine to get further into our lands.” I said to the alpha and he looked like he was thinking hard about something.  “Okay next time a group of rouges come on our land we capture one to question it. We need to know what they want so badly for them to risk coming on our territory.” He said. “Okay alpha.”

I was about to go when Alpha Michael spoke. “Have you and Adam made up yet?” he asked me.  “We haven’t had a decent conversation since he came back. We only spoke once and that was him telling me that he can’t forgive me for what I did to him.” I said not meeting his eyes because I know if I look in his eyes I will see the disappointment in them. I know that they blame Luke and I for Adam running away and no matter what we do there is nothing we can do to change that. “He just needs time.” Alpha Michael said his voice is filled with compassion and sympathy but there was also something else there that I was too tired to contemplate.

I gave the alpha one more glance before heading to his shared house with his husband Lucas. When he found out that Lucas was his mate he couldn’t believe that the goddess choose a male to be his mate. At first he didn’t acknowledge Lucas because he was human and humans do not feel the pull as strong as werewolves do but he can’t but help looking back to the memory when he finally got the courage to be with his mate.


I’m walking to the restaurant that my parents told me to meet them at. They said that they want to talk to me about something. They also said that the alpha was there which put me on edge. What if the alpha found out I found my mate and didn’t even talk to him yet? Will he banish me from the pack? This was some of the thoughts that were going through my mind. When I got to the restaurant I could see my parents and the alpha at the furthest table in the place and I slowly made my way to the table only to bump into none other than my mate. He fell in my arms and I can feel the sparks and my wolf screaming mate. I looked in his eyes and everything seems to disappear.

“I’m sorry.” My mate’s small gentle voice wrapped around me and slowly slinked into me. “It’s okay.” I said surprised that I can even speak to this beauty in front of me. He had black short hair with light brown eyes. He had a button nose and his features was soft as a woman but yet still manly. Everything about him was perfect. I can hear my wolf shouting out that I should mark him and claim him right there and then. But he was human and I knew I couldn’t do that not while he didn’t know the existence of werewolves.

I released him and step back to put a little distance between us. “I’m Mark.” I said and he looked at me confused. “Why you looking at me like that?” my mate asked.

“Looking at you in what way?” I asked my mate me also being confused. “Like you a love sick puppy.” He said and smirks.

“I’m Lucas.” Lucas said and his smirk not leaving once his face. I smiled but my smile quickly left my face realizing that I’m talking to my mate. Not just my mate but my male mate which would mean that I’m gay. I couldn’t be gay, I despised everything that involved gays how can I be gay?

“I have to go.” I said quickly and tried to go but he stopped me and I can feel the pull once again and without thinking I kissed him. The moment our lips touched I can feel the electricity sparks running through my body. I can feel that he was kissing back. I didn’t occur to me that I was actually kissing my mate in front of people in the restaurant and in front of my family that know that I’m a homophobe.

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