Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Adam POV

If I could write all the things that I hate, Courtney would be the only thing that would fill that list. I never hated anyone as much as I hate her. She literally ruined my life for her own selfishness. Who does she think she is for doing this to me? Did she not think that she would be punished for this? But that would only happen if they find out that she is responsible for this situation. I hope that Scott confess up and tell Luke that she’s the one that helped the man that kidnapped me. I just hope that they find me before serious damage is done. I still felt numb and hopeless that seems not to leave my system. I really want to keep a leveled head but being away from my mate was making me weak. It was making me feel like there was nothing to be done and I hate feeling so week. Right now I wish more than anything that I wasn’t mated with Luke because of this numbness and weakness that’s been coursing through my body making me paralyze. I hate this feeling like there’s nothing I could do. Being mated makes you stronger when you with your mate but when you away from them like how I am you become weak and the will to live slowly leaks out of your body. That was the only con about being mated. If you wanted to hurt someone keep them away from there mate and see how the whether away into nothingness. I’m mostly concerned for Luke. I know that he wouldn’t feel the way I’m feeling right now because of the alpha blood that runs through his veins but he would feel miserable and lost, but that wasn’t what I was worrying about.  I was worried that he would put everything aside and not give a second thought to anything else, not even him, till he finds me. He would completely forget everything else but what worries me the most is his uncontrolled temper. If I wasn’t there to cool him off he would easily lose it but he will also act without thinking. I wish Michael was there with him. His father Michael was the only one besides me that can control his outburst. My head was filled with so many questions and worry that I eventually exhausted myself and fell in an uneasy slumber.

I woke up later to two voices whispering. I assume they did not want to wake me up by the softness of their voices. I kept my position and kept my breathing steady to make them think that I’m still sleeping. I don’t think that they would have this conversation in front of me if they knew I was awake. But I don’t think they would know the difference if I’m awake or not because of the blindfold that I had on. “What are we going to do with him?” one voice said. The voice was rough and deep and I assume that it is a man and by the smell of him a wolf. There was silence for a while until the same man broke it. “We not going to kill him, right?” this time the man had panic in his voice which made me confused. Why would my kidnapper be worry about me, the person that he kidnapped? “No, we need him.” said another person. His voice was much gentler but has so much power in it. I assume that this is a man and could be an Alpha. “We need him so that my plan can go through. If I’m correct he is the mate of the new alpha of the shadow moon pack, right?” the Alpha asked the other man. “Yes Sir Courtney told me herself.” The first man said with so much disgust in his voice which made me wonder why he was disgusted by her.

I hear footsteps approach me and I hold my breath. “His beautiful isn’t he?” the Alpha said his voice filled with an emotion that I didn’t recognize. “We won’t harm this beautiful thing. No, I have plans for him.” the Alpha said. I heard some more footsteps approach me but stopped just millimeters from my face. “Don’t you think your son might be upset because of this?” the man said sounding really concerned. “Rollo, he’ll be fine with this as long as he doesn’t know what’s going on. I don’t want him to be involved in this.” The Alpha said to the man that I now know the name of. “What exactly are your plans for him?” Rollo said but this time his voice was void of emotions. “That story is for another day my friend but right now I think sleeping beauty is awake. Get him up on the chair.” He said and I felt Rollo pick me up and gently put me on a chair. He then ripped the tape off my mouth and I let out a small scream of pain. He finally took the blindfold off and I blinked a few times so that my eyes can adjust to the light. When my eyes finally adjusted I noticed that I was in a small bare concrete room that had a single metal door with no windows. “Adam?” the Alpha called out my name and turned to face the voice from where it came. “Damius?” I gasp out really shocked to see who kidnapped me. I turned around and saw Rollo in the corner of the room. “Rollo?” I called out his name but he kept his eyes on his bare feet. “I’m sorry Adam, I had no choice.” He said still not meeting my eyes. “Damius just let me go. Why the heck did you kidnap me?” I screamed at him and getting angry. “Don’t worry my beautiful Adam. All your answers will be answered when the time is right.” Alpha Damius or just Damius said his voice is calm which just made me angrier than I was already. “Damn you Damius!” I shouted at him trying to get lose but the rope just cut deeper into my skin. I gave Rollo and him a death glare which made Rollo cringe. “You do know that I hate you guys so much right now and I really want to hurt you so bad.” I said angry and hurt that they would do this to me. I trusted them and then they go ahead and kidnap me for whatever reason that they don’t think I’m worthy of knowing. “We are not going to hurt you.” Rollo said but I just gave him a glare and I can see his telling the truth but that doesn’t excuse the fact that they kidnapped me. They are hurting me by keeping me away from my mate. “You are hurting me by keeping me from my mate.” I said softly and tears wanted fall but I held them back. I didn’t want to look week in front of them. “Adam?” Damius called out my name but I refuse to look at him. He let out a sigh and walked in front of me. “You have to understand that I’m doing this for my pack. I need to protect them.” Damius said and I almost believed that he was remorseful but this was Damius we were talking about.  He is the most powerful and ruthful Alpha rogue that you could ever know. You don’t want to mess with him because his really heartless. Many packs met their demise through him. He is hardly ever remorseful unless it involves his two children that he would practically do anything for but they don’t see it that way. They don’t like the rogue life. They really want out of this life.

“I almost believed you there.” I said and let out a laugh. “I should have known that you could see right through me but I have some score to settle. You understand that right?” he asked me and I can literally feel the smirk on his face.  “How the heck am I involved in this plot for revenge?” I asked getting really annoyed. “You see Adam, way back in time way before your grandparents were born there was a pack, and this pack was one of the most powerful packs in the world. But through hatred of two brothers that pack becomes divided and two packs came about. The pack that I use to be Alpha to and your pack came from that powerful pack but then your pack Elders and my pack Elders decided that they wanted war. They could see that Luke and you would become mates resulting in the most powerful union ever made. You know why your mating bond would be so powerful? No, well I will tell you. You have alpha blood running through your veins and everyone knows that when two alphas mate they become pretty powerful and their pack can start war if they want to. It’s not that I have a problem with your pack it’s your damn Elders that I want and the pack members that were involve in the killing of my wife. And the only way to make a pack weak is to make the Alpha weak or get the alpha to become rogue.” He said and I can see that his really angry because of vein popping out of his forehead. If this was under a different situation then I would have probably laughed at how funny he looks but right now I was shocked. How could my pack do that but most of all how could Elders be so power hungry that they kill someone innocent just to get what they want but this wasn’t just not anyone this was Damius wife. I heard stories of her about how she was just the friendliest person you could ever meet and he always spoke of her with the twinkle in his eye. He really loved his mate and to have someone just take your mate away from you for something as useless as power was just wrong. I felt disgusted that I belong to that pack and I had so many questions that I wanted to ask but at that specific time I couldn’t get myself to speak. “You wondering if your mate’s father was involve in the killing aren’t you?” he asked me and I just nodded my head still unable to get words out of my mouth. “You’ll be surprise what the Elders’ do without the Alpha knowing, so no he wasn’t involve.” He said but this time I saw a broken man. I could see that he never truly got over the death of his mate and I don’t think that he ever will. I never wanted to cry so bad in my life. I really felt shameful of what my pack did and sad that Damius had to go through this. “I didn’t know.” I finally said and tears fell down my face. My heart broke for this man. He look at me and his eyes soften a bit but it still as guarded as before. “Adam, you shouldn’t cry.” Damius said and he looked at Rollo. “Rollo will keep you company for a few days. He will bring you something to eat and drink and take you to the bathroom.” he said and walked to the door. “What is that you have planned?” I asked before he got a chance to leave the room. “All I’m saying is that your mate would have a decision to make.” And with being said he left. Rollo walked towards me and start to untie me but not before he said “don’t try to escape; there is guards outside the room.” I just nodded my head.

“Do his kids know about this?” I asked Rollo. “No.” he said and I can hear from his voice that he was tired. “Why?” I asked surprised clearly in my voice. “He doesn’t want them involve.” He said. “Or he doesn’t want them to stop him.” I said and laughed a bit which made him laugh as well. “Yeah that sounds more believably.” He said. I smiled at him and I almost forget that he was part of my kidnapping. “Adam. You do know that I’m sorry about this right? I had no choice in this and I couldn’t go against him. Damius is my Alpha.” He said and I can see that he really meant what he said. “I know.” I said and gave him a smile which he returns.

When Rollo left to get me something to eat I couldn’t get what Damius said out of my head. What the heck did he mean that my mate have a decision to make and what kind of decision is it. But what shocked me most is that the Elders wanted war so bad that they killed an innocence woman. They really don’t realize what they did. They don’t realize that their hungry for war would end badly for them. What are Elders without a pack or better yet without an Alpha? The moment that a pack loses their Alpha they lose their strength. I mean a werewolf is powerful on its own and even more powerful with his or her mate by their side but on their own they don’t stand a chance. When they are in a pack there’s strength in numbers but most of the power comes from the Alpha and his mate. But the thing that I couldn’t get out of my head is that he said that we our packs came from one pack and that I have alpha blood running through my veins. Is that the reason why I could stay away from Luke so much and not lose myself completely? “Adam, stop thinking so hard.” Rollo said breaking me out of my thoughts. “I can’t help it.” I said right before I took the food that he was holding out for me.

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