Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Adam POV

“Why did this happen? Please don’t be dead. Please wake up. Don’t leave me. Come back please wake up come back. Wake up! Wake up please wake up! Someone please help him. He is dying. He is not breathing please wake up!”

“Adam let him go we have to go let go of him!”

“No I can’t leave him. We have to take him. Wake up please! No don’t leave me please don’t leave without me I want to die too let go of me!”

“Adam, stop this we can’t help him. We have to go. Let go of his body.”

"Let me go, wake up please wake up! Let me go! We can’t leave him here. Take his body we can’t leave it here. Wake up please.”

“Adam let go of his body.”

“No. you go I will take his body.”

“Don’t be difficult. He is going to slow us down plus I’m not leaving you here. Let go of his body. Adam let go!”

“No! I don’t care what you say I will take his body if you like it or not.”

--- Three Hours Earlier---

Luke POV

“Who are you?” was the first thing that came out of my mouth. The fact that my mind is chaotic at the moment I could not think straight. All that was on my mind was Adam. All I cared at the moment was Adam. I could hardly control my wolf when I saw Adam being pulled like a rag doll by this man. This man, who holds so much power even more than me on my own, didn’t even look evil. His scent is nothing like most rogues smell like. His scent smells like chocolate mixed with mint, his scent smells almost like home which scared me. “Why don’t you ask my daughter and son that are standing right next to you?” he said his voice sound nothing like an evil man that I thought him to be. He voice was soft but strong and didn’t have any roughness that most rogues have. Come to think of it even Scott and Annabelle didn’t have a hint of roughness to their voice. I didn’t say anything as I was processing his words and when his words finally sink in I frown and look to Annabelle and Scott. “What is he talking about?” I asked my voice betrayed how confused I was. Scott wasn’t looking at me, his eyes was only on Adam which immediately made my wolf growl at him. He whips his head to me but he doesn’t answer me he just stares at me and his eyes are void of emotion. “Adam I had no idea that my dad did this to you.” Annabelle said which quickly got my attention. I look pass Scott to her and I can see in her eyes that she was remorseful of what her father is doing. “If I knew I would have gotten you without a second thought.” she said after a while with her head facing her feet. When I look at her I can see that’s she’s trying to hide the betrayal that was clear on her face and the unshed tears. I smiled a bit knowing that Adam had somehow got under her skin even though she hates him with a passion. She still had a soft spot (even though it is a very small spot) for Adam. “Dad what did you do?” Scott asked his father pain was clear in his voice and when I looked at him once again I could see that he had a variety of emotions behind his eyes but betrayal was the dominate. “He’s your father?” I ask in disbelief and all that Scott could do is nod his head. I didn’t know what to say let alone know what to think. All that’s running in my mind is that their father kidnapped my beautiful Adam. I wanted to be angry at them but I knew in my heart that they didn’t know that their father had Adam. I knew that if they knew that their father had Adam they would have told me right away but my anger was still there. And it was getting harder to control but somehow I managed not to lash out at them. “Why?” I breathed out. I look up at him just to meet a smug faced man that still had Adam. I heard Adam whimper in pain and I was about to run up to him but Scott stopped me. “You don’t want to do that. He still has Adam plus you weak from being apart from him for so long. There is a reason why father came here instead of you finding him.” Scott said just below a whisper but just enough for me to hear him. I look at him and about to respond when Annabelle cut me off. “His right Luke my father did this for a reason. Why do you think so many packs never survived when his through them. I have seen him do this before. He is baiting you, trying to figure out your weakness before he makes his move.” “And why should I trust what you saying are true? He is your father after all” I glared at them but Annabelle just rolled her eyes while Scott let a sigh. “Exactly, who knows him better than his own children let alone someone that’s next in line to be Alpha of the pack?” She said like it was the most obvious reason in the world. “Just listen to Scott and me. We know our father.” She said then turned to face her father. I look back at Adam and he gives me a small smile but I can see in his eyes that he is worried. I was about to say something when I was cut off by a voice behind me. “What you doing here Damius?” a very angry voice that sounded almost like a growl said from behind me. “Oh so I see that you returned but do I smell a rogue on you? I wonder how that happened.” Damius said and chuckled at the end of his sentence. I turned around just to come face to face with a fuming man that’s known as my father. The last time I saw my father this angry was when he found out I rejected Adam so I knew that my father and Damius had history. My father stood there looking at Damius as though he is the spawn of Satan. “You a rogue now Michael so this doesn’t concern you anymore. Why don’t you return to your good for nothing mate of yours and let the big boys sort this out?” Damius smirked at my father and I can feel my father getting angrier than he was before. “How dare…” “Dad, control your wolf and self. We don’t want Adam to get hurt. Let’s just work this out as civil as we can. We don’t want anyone to die.” I cut off my father before he could say anything that could make this Damius man angry and he take it out on Adam. “I think you should listen to your boy. At least he knows what he is doing.” Damius said and let go of Adam’s arm resulting in him falling on the ground. Before I could realize what was going on I ran towards him just for me to be tackled by one of Damius men. “No!” I hear Adam shout out. I hit the ground and it felt like a truck had hit me. The man that tackled me was quickly thrown off of me by my father. I get up just to see Damius’ men coming out of the forest one by one. “That was stupid of you.” Damius said still looking smug even more now than before.  “Where is my pack?” I ask my father and my voice betrayed how panic I was. “They are right behind you son.” The anger that he felt seems like it disappear in thin air but I knew my father. I knew that my father was keeping all that anger for the fight that was head.  The fight that was about to break out between our packs was inevitable. I can see in Damius dark eyes that he senses the same thing. He looks at me with no emotions on his face and his eyes look dead but determined. After a while I realize he wasn’t looking at me at all which made me look behind me just to see all twelve Elders behind me. I didn’t know what I was more shock about that they here or for the fact that they all seem to be in some kind of excitement that scared me. The Elders always seemed to be calm and collective and never show any kind of emotion especially on their face. When I looked back to Damius, he wasn’t there which made me nervous. “What you doing here?” I asked the Elders as I turn to face them once again. “We are here to see that whatever has to happen happens.” One of them said. “What are you…?” “I wonder how this pack will survive when its Alpha is dead.” A voice said from behind me. I turned around and before I can comprehend what is happening a hand wrap itself around my neck. I was being slowly lifted up from the ground and I was trying to remove Damius hand off my neck so that I can breathe. I was struggling to breathe and I can see the evil glint in his eyes. Everything was slowly going black and before I finally gave into the darkness I saw the two packs in the bloodiest fight I’ve ever seen but that was not what had me panic at just the last few moments of consciousness. What got me panic was Adam standing in the middle of the whole fight trying to get to some place I can’t see. With my last breath I finally let myself drift to probably the last sleep that I would ever take.

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