Chapter Thirty

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I'm sorry for the long wait. Being an adult is hard...  I hope you like it...

Chapter Thirty


Something broke inside me and the pain woke me up from my sleep. I turned around to wake up Luke only to find that his side of the bed was empty. It confused me not to see him there. Even when we had fights, as small as they were, before he always came to bed. The dread in my heart didn’t go away and it started to burn through my veins as if I should already know what the problem is. I get up and search for a t-shirt to put on. I’m going to look for my missing mate. The house is quite and I can only hear the breathing of those who are sleeping and the wind outside mixed with the people that is on guard duty for the evening.

“I’m worried about Luke. I haven’t seen him for a while now.” I heard someone say. Their voice is coming from the living room.  I try to be quiet but the next step I took made a very loud creaking sound. “Who’s there?” the same voice called out. Realising that it is useless to pretend that I wasn’t there I moved into the living room coming face to face with Michael, Alpha Johnson and Annabelle. They were sitting at the table and each of them hard a mug in front of them. It looks like that they have been sitting here for a while. “Hi” I pathetically answered. “What you doing up?” Annabelle’s voice gentle and warm which remained me of when my mother comforted me after a very bad dream. I looked at her and gave her a smile but I can tell that she looked even more worried than before. “I’m looking for Luke. I woke up and he wasn’t in bed. I assumed that he would have come back by now.” I said and the feeling from earlier became worse than before. “I’m really worried that something happened because he always come back.” Annabelle looked at me and I can see that she pities me but I ignored it. I just wanted to find Luke and apologise for all the things I said even though it was true. “Did anyone see him?” I asked but any hope that I had disappeared when I saw their faces. They haven’t seen him and they are also worried about him.

I needed to look for him. I need to make sure that he is alright. I just have this bad feeling that his in danger. That if I don’t find him in time something bad going to happen. “I’m going to look for him.” I whispered to them. Just as I was going to walk out someone stopped me. “Wait, Adam, you cannot look for him on your own.” Annabelle shouted out and I can hear the worry in her voice. She just buried her brother and I can hear that she cannot deal with any more bad news. I turned around to look at her trying to assured her that everything was going to be fine but I can see she doesn’t believer it. No matter how hard I try I cannot believe that everything is going to be fine. “You right and I am going to take my brother with me. He knows Luke better than anyone else, they have been friends for years.” I answered her. “I am going with you.” Michael stood up and walked towards me. He putted his hand on my shoulders to show some comfort and at that moment I didn’t realise how much I need that. I didn’t realise how stressed out I have been before this moment. “I haven’t seen my son since this morning and I’m getting worried. His not known to stay away this long.” He said to me and I can hear the sadness in his voice. “Okay then, I’m going to ask Mark if he wants to help.” I turned from him and walked towards Marks room. Mark’s room is right at the end of the hallway. His room is the furthest from mine and I know that he did that intentionally. He is trying to give me space in the only way he knows how. I knocked on his door and I hear something fell hard on he floor and someone giggle inside. It was a while before the door opened. Lucas stood there topless and for a moment I was distracted by his body looks. I heard someone cough and realised I was staring at Lucas. Lucas scratched the back of his head and blushed which in turn made me blushed even more. “I need Mark.” I finally said after some time still feeling embarrassed. He opened the door further and I could see Mark putting his pants on and he had a smile on his face which told me he saw what happen. “I’m sorry I can come back later.” I said as I was turning around to walk away from the room but Mark stopped me. “Adam, wait! What do you need?”

I turned around and said, “Luke hasn’t come back yet and I’m worried. I want to go look for him and I want you to help me. You know him better than I do, you guys have been friends since like forever and you might know where he has gone.”

He looks at me shocked because his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly open. He looks weird and crazy at the same time, if that’s a thing. “So, will you help me?” I asked again because clearly the first time I asked wasn’t processed by his brain. “Yes, of course I will help.” He finally answered after a minute or two. “Good then, get dressed and I will wait for you in the kitchen.” And with that I left his room.

Michael was in the kitchen when I entered and he looked ready to go. “You ready?”

“Just waiting for Mark.” I answered.

“Okay guys I’m ready to go.” Mark said as he entered the kitchen while he was still putting on his jacket. We looked at each other one more time as though waiting for someone to back out before we left the house. I really don’t know where we going to start looking for Luke but I hope that he is okay. As we were ready to move into the forest I pulled out a map from my pocket. It’s the map that Luke had because he was helping out with the security of the pack. He wanted to help protect the pack that took us in when our pack had nowhere to go.

“Okay so I think we should split up.” I told them and they were ready to protest but I stopped them. “We are going to cover more ground this way and find him faster this way. I know that it’s not safe but we have to do it if we want to find Luke faster.” They still didn’t look convince but they agreed either way. I held out the map that I brought with trying to show them that I have some type of plan. “I brought a map and the forest in this area is large but not as large as back home. There is a lake in the middle if it and since we are three, we should divide it in three sections.” I told them.

“I will take the east side of the forest and Mark can take the west. Adam you can take the section all the way to the lake and if you didn’t find Luke when you reached it, you come back here. We all do.” Michael said. Mark and I nodded our heads in agreement. I still couldn’t help the bad feeling that was getting worse but the minute. I just know that something bad happen to Luke. I honestly don’t know what I do if something happen to him. I don’t know if I can handle it so soon after Scott. I don’t think any of us will know how to cope of something happen to him. I don’t think I want to know what is going to happen if we lost him.


“What’s going to happen now?”

“Nothing for now.” I answered. “We do nothing for now but watch.” They don’t need to know what I have planned. No one need to know. They just have to do what I tell them. They know what happens to those that don’t want to obey. I need to do this. I need to show them that this is the only way. The only way that will lead to peace. No more hate. No more pride. No more prejudiced. Adam will understand. They will all understand that my actions are for the betterment of society.

“What about him?”

“Leave him. We don’t need him anymore.” I answered. I feel somewhat happy that my plans are working the way I want it. I hope that they will understand that I had to do it. I had to make the hard decisions in order for us to have a wonderful future. They will eventually understand that this is the only way. I looked at the men with me and they stood straighter when they realise my attention was on them. They were waiting for me to tell them what to do next.

“It’s time to go” I said.

Just as I was about to leave Adam came out of the tree line and looked straight at me. His face is blank but I can still see the anger behind those eyes. “What did you do?” his voice is just above a whisper but he also sounds dangerous. His eyes darken and his face turn in complete fury. “What did you do?” He spoke through his teeth.

I smiled at him because that is all I can do. “What I had to.”

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