Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine


I love Adam. That is all I can think of as am being strapped against this tree. She stood there, watching her people tie me up. The smile that she has never leaves her face. Her eyes sparkles like water sparkling in the sun. I love Adam. He is all I ever wanted, even when I didn’t want him, and I know that I was possessive and unreasonable at the beginning but I love Adam. I hold on to that truth as she looks at me as though she has just won the lottery. I remember the day I met Adam for the first time. He was just 10 years old but he sparked something in me that at the time I didn’t understand. He was a cute happy little kid back then and he followed Mark and me everywhere we went. I pretended that I was annoyed by it but I loved that he followed us around. I’ll do anything right now just to tell Adam I love him one last time. I love Adam. He is my strength, my hope and everything that makes me who I am. Elder Alexandria knows how much he means to me. She knows that I am nothing without Adam but she also knows that I can be very dangerous. If I didn’t have Adam in my life then I have nothing to lose. That is why she is doing this. She knows my pack is fickle and it is easy to change their mind but does she know that Adam is stronger than I am? I hope she doesn’t. I hope he doesn’t lose himself if I don’t make it out of this. I love Adam. I need to get out of this for Adam. I need to get to Adam then everything will be alright again. I need to tell Adam how sorry I am. He doesn’t deserve what I put him through. I just have to tell him. I just need to tell him that I set him free. “Any last word?” She asked softly. I look up to her and all I can think of is Adam. “I love Adam.” She laughed at what I stated. “I know that. I’m hoping that he loves you just as much as you do.” Her smile rivalled that of a Cheshire cat. “I need him weak and out of the way.” She stated as though it is a known fact. I love Adam. I repeat that phrase over and over again in my mind hoping that he might just hear it even though I know that it’s impossible. Her smile is all I see as she moves closer to me. I wanted nothing more than wipe it off her face but I can’t.


“Adam?” Mark knocks on the open door. I look up at him and concern is all I see. I look down again not wanting to look at him because looking at him just brings up memories that I would like to forget. But it also makes me guilty for not trying to work out things out with him. I’m so tired of being mad but I just don’t know how to fix what is broken. I heard him sigh, making me look up at him. He looks really stressed and it makes me worry for a moment but only for a moment. I really do not need to know his problems right now while I’m dealing with my own. “Do you have time?” he voice sounded so uncertain. I nodded my head and he walked into the room. “I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for everything and…” “Mark…” I stopped him before he can go on. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” I softly said to him.
“I am so tired of this. I just, don’t want to talk about this anymore. What I want is to move on and forget.”

“I know but let me explain! Just, stop trying to be difficult.”

“Explain? What is there to explain? I trusted you when I told you my biggest secret and all you did is throw it back in my face.”

“I know Adam but this is me trying to make it up to you.”

“Make it up to me, Ha, really?”


“Make up exactly? You don’t know what it’s like to have your pack hate you for something that you cannot chance no matter how hard you try. I bet when you came out from that closet, everyone was too scared to say anything because your best friend was the future Alpha of the pack. I even bet that they welcomed your husband into the pack with open warms even though his not a wolf. Don’t try to make it up to me because as far as I know you can’t. You outed me to the entire school when you had no right to. Did you ever think what that did to me?”

“Adam I was young I did stupid stuff.”

“Don’t you think I was young too? I am your brother, did that not mean anything to you when you outed me? You know what I don’t care anymore.”

“You don’t mean that.” He looked hurt but I couldn’t make myself try to care. Mark got up from the bed and walked towards me. I stepped back not wanting him to touch me. “Please leave.” I whispered hoping that he would just leave and let it go. I didn’t need to deal with Mark right now. I had my own problems to deal with and he is just making everything even more complicated than before. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what more to say or do.” His voice cracked at the end. “There is nothing you can do.” I walked towards him. He wanted to say something but I stopped him. “There is nothing you can do. I love you and nothing is going to change that but right now I cannot forgive you. Maybe one day I can but not today. Please believe me I tried in the past but I need time and I really don’t know how long.” He nodded his head as though he understood but I can see he didn’t. “Okay, time?” I smiled at him and nodded my head yes. “I’m still sorry. I just… I don’t… Adam, I know that you need time but what if there isn’t time?”

“What…? Why would you say that?”

“It’s just with this…”

“Look, we have time, trust me. We are going to be okay and I promise that we will get to a point that I won’t not want to be in your presences.” He let out a laugh and he looks like the brother that I use to look up to. The brother that I miss.

“Where is Luke anyway?” he asked me as he is looking around the room. “I don’t know, we had an argument earlier and he left to cool off. I haven’t seen him since.” I answered as the earlier feelings of the argument all coming back. “He needs time to think about the stuff I said and I need time to think about the things he said.”
“Well I hope you guys sort out whatever is happening between the two of you.” he uttered and I smiled at him thinking the exact same thing. No matter what happened between Luke and me, I still love and want to be with him even with everything I said. Yes, I am still confused about everything but it still doesn’t change the feelings I have for him. As far as I remember I was always fascinating by him and wanted to be around him whenever he was at my house. I didn’t understand it back then but now I do. My head didn’t know we were mates but my heart and soul did. “We will and probably when he comes back.”

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