chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

 Luke POV

I woke up to an empty bed that sends panic throw my body. I felt Adam’s side of the bed and it was cold and his scent was barely there which as strange because he fell asleep in my arms. I jumped out of bed still naked of last night’s events and noticed that my and Adam’s clothes wasn’t lying on the floor. I went to the bathroom thinking that he might be there but I opened the door to find the bathroom empty. I looked around the room once again then went to my closet, put on the first things that I see and made my way to the door just to stop when the door handle was in my hands. I had to calm down because I knew that Adam would not just get up and leave especially after we mated for the first time. After we shared something so special that made our bound even stronger than before, that made us inseparable. I don’t think that Adam will want to leave after last night so I have to calm down. Adam might be somewhere in the house.  I chuckled at my ridiculousness and turned around walking to the bathroom once again. I put on the shower, strip while waiting for the water to reach the right temperature and got in. I stood the shower letting the water wash away the worry and stress and just thinking of last night’s event that had me smile from ear to ear when I got out. I put on the clothes that lay on the floor just realizing that I grabbed Adam’s t-shirt when I was in a hurry to look for him. I put it on, his scent filling my nose that got my wolf purr in response.  I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed putting on some shoes before making my way out of the room and down the stairs just to smell Adam’s beautiful scent coming from the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen excitement filling me as I get closer to my beautiful mate.  Adam is sitting at the island, that’s in the middle of the kitchen, enjoying a stack of pancakes. Lucas was in front of him talking and laughing with Adam. Which didn’t sit well with my wolf but I pushed that to the back of my mind because I knew that Lucas was already mated with Mark my best friend. “Oh my, this is so good. Where did you learn to cook this good?” Adam asked Lucas while stuffing his mouth with the pancakes. “My mother was always in the kitchen and I as a good son always helped her cook and bake.” Lucas answered going back to the stove to make more pancakes because Adam was done with the ones he had and was asking for more resulting in Lucas laughing out loud. I took that as my cue to make my presences known and walked to Adam putting my arms around his waist making him jump in surprise. I chucked and kissed him on the check. “How did you sleep?” I asked him. Adam giggled, his checks turned bright red and he turned around and kissed me softly on the lips. “Best sleep I ever had.” He answered me which made the smile on face even bigger. He then turned around to the freshly made pancakes that Lucas put in front of him and stuffed his mouth once again. “Want any, Alpha?” Lucas asked me. Even though Lucas is human he has to adhere to the pack rules and because his mated to a werewolf he has to do whatever I tell him to after all he is part of this pack. “Yes thanks Lucas.” I answered him. Looking at Lucas I’ve just noticed how different Mark is from Lucas. Mark is more reserve and keeps to himself whereas Lucas is more energetic, outgoing and a people person. Mark has blond hair and blues eyes whereas Lucas has raven black hair and brown eyes. I don’t think I could ever understand how they work but when I see them together all you can ever see is that they are really in love with each other.

Lucas set the plate in front of me and I thanked him before I started eating. “Mark wants to spend the day with you, Adam.” Lucas said to Adam. My head whipped up and turned towards Adam waiting for his reply. I did not know what the relationship between Adam and Mark was but the last time they were together they were being civil to one other and that was the day of the rouge attack when I marked Adam.  “I guess it’s time that we bury the hatchet.” Adam said still not really sure that he really wanted to do it or not. “It will really mean a lot if you give him a chance just to talk.” Lucas pressed and Adam frowned. I turned my head to look at Lucas ready to tell him to back off but he had this hopeful puppy dog face that cut me off. He gave Adam the most adorable, not as adorable as Adam, face and I knew that Adam would give into him. “Fine, when and where?” Adam asked. Lucas jumped in joy and went around the table and hugged Adam. “His is waiting for you in his truck.” Lucas answered. Adam’s face showed shocked then went to anger. “You and him planned this didn’t you?” Adam asked glaring daggers at Lucas. “No we didn’t know if you going to say yes or not.” Lucas said pouting. “But I’m still in my PJ’s.” Adam said looking down to his body. “Now get ready, his waiting.” Lucas said and walked out of the kitchen probably going to Mark to tell him that Adam is going to be the whole day with him. It made my wolf sad to think that we won’t have our mate by our side the whole day but I understood that Adam and his brother needed the time to fix their relationship. Adam gave me a small smile before he too left the kitchen. I finished the rest of my pancakes fairly quickly and went to my room to find Adam almost done dressing himself. He was only wearing a grey skinny while he was topless and throwing clothes out of the closet letting them land all over the room.

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