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  • Dedicated to Aqeelah Oliver


Walking down these corridors is the hardest thing I have to do every single day. They hate me so much. My sibling, my brother, doesn't care, and my parent doesn't even know. They think I'm just going through some sort of phase, but it doesn't make life any easier when your biggest bully lives in the same house as you do. My brother is one of my bullies, and what makes it worse is that he acts like the most protective big brother around my parents and encourages them about the imaginary phases I've been going through. He hated me ever since I came out to him, thinking that he would accept me, but he didn't. He even turned the whole pack against me for being gay. When my parents found out that I was gay, they were very accepting, which warmed my heart, but they didn't know about the bullying and how the rest of the pack is treating me. They don't even know that it's my brother that's been hurting me the most.

So here I am, walking down these corridors towards my locker, hoping that no one noticed me, but with my luck, I bump into the future Alpha of the pack, and I knew that my day just became hell at that moment. I was about to apologize when I felt pain against my face, and my body hit the floor, but I didn't shout out of pain. This was a common occurrence where someone of the pack would hit for no apparent reason. I was used to the pain and the bruises that they caused. I was holding the place where he punched me as I was standing up from the floor. I didn't want to seem weak in front of the future Alpha. He grabs my collar and pushes me against the lockers. "Watch..." he stopped speaking when our eyes met, and for the first time, I felt complete and alive. Both our wolves screamed out "mate" at the same time. Luke, the future Alpha, was the most beautiful man that I have ever seen. He has beautiful forest green eyes and chocolate brown hair, and he has a natural tan. He is well-built and looks everything that an Alpha wolf should look like. I don't know how long we were standing there, but his eyes went from warm and loving to hard and cold in such an instant that I could have sworn that I imagined the whole mate thing. I can feel the anger rolling off him, which made me wish I could disappear. My wolf whimpered in fear that we did something to anger our mate, but I knew better. I knew that he didn't want a mate like me, but my heart didn't want to believe.

"You are not my mate," said Luke in a calm voice that sent unpleasant shivers down my spine. When he said that, I was not his mate, my wolf howled in pain. I could see a group forming around us, which usually consisted of the people Luke hung out with. "You are not my mate!" he shouted out, and the people surrounding us started to look at me in disgust. They began shouting hateful words, and some even wanted Luke to beat me up. I wanted to cry right there and then because not only did he not consider me his mate, he also hated me for something I couldn't control. All I wanted was someone to love me for who I am, and the one who was supposed to be the one for me didn't want me. It broke my heart into pieces; he broke my heart.

"What's going on here?" my brother's voice came from the crowd, and he eventually reached the centre where Luke was holding me against the locker with a murderous look on his face. He looked at Luke, then at me, and I could see the anger building up in his eyes. "Your pathetic fag of a brother thinks it's funny to accuse me of being his mate," said Luke, with venom lacing each word he spoke, and for a moment, I swore that I saw pain in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared as it came. "Mark, I'm not lying. He is my mate," I begged with desperation for my brother to believe me, but instead, he went into a blind fit of rage. "Stop lying, Adam. Luke is not a fag like you!" He screamed at me, and tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I held them back. I didn't want to appear weak in front of any of these people. "How can you embarrass our family more than you already have? I wish you weren't my brother," continued Mark, with so much anger that my heart was completely obliterated. I didn't know how I kept the tears from falling, but somehow, I managed it.

Luke came closer to me, so close that his lips were touching my ear, and I could feel the warmth of his breath. "I, Luke Sky Grey, reject you, Adam Cameron Clark, as my mate," he whispered with so much determination in his voice. With those words, I felt a sharp pain go through my heart. My wolf had been so quiet and hadn't said anything, but I could feel his pain, I could feel his despair. I didn't know if it was even possible to feel this amount of pain without dying, and at that moment, I wanted to die. Death would be a kindness because nothing in this world meant more than finding your mate, finding the one who completed you in every way possible. Luke let go of me, and I fell to the floor. I didn't get up immediately because of the pain, but when I finally did, I made up my mind. I straightened my back and looked Luke straight in the eyes. "Fine, but then do me a kindness and kill me so I don't have to feel this pain, and everyone gets what they want. And most of all, you don't have to deal with me, or even better yet, banish me from this pack," I told him with so much conviction in my voice, and for a moment, he looked shocked but quickly hid it, but I didn't care. I didn't wait for his answer because I knew that he couldn't do any of those things. He wouldn't want to experience excruciating pain, and since he is an Alpha, the pain he would experience would be ten times worse than what I am feeling. I walked out of the school, not caring at that moment about my education, and started to walk home. As I'm walking home, I decide that I need to get away from him and from this pack. I needed to put distance between me and Luke because I know in my heart that I wouldn't be able to control myself around him. I know that it will not be easy being here while he is with someone else.

When I got home, the house was empty. My parents were still at work, which gave me enough time to pack my bags and leave. I was going to give them exactly what they wanted, and I'm never coming back. As soon as I entered the house, I went straight to my room and started packing. My room wasn't big, but it wasn't too small either. The walls were a mixture of black and grey with posters of my favourite bands on them and pictures of my family and friends that I had before I came out. I never had the heart to remove them even when they abandoned me. My bed was against the wall opposite my door and had a window above it that looked out into the backyard. When I was done packing, I took out a page from my desk that was next to my bed and a pen to write a letter to my parents. They are the only people that ever supported me when they found out that I was gay.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I am sorry that I'm doing this to you, but I can't take it anymore. I have to get away from this place as far as possible. Please don't look for me. I will be okay, and I really don't want to come back to a place where I'm constantly bullied for who I am. I'm sorry, but please don't come look for me. It's better this way; I'm giving the pack what they want, and that is me gone. I will forever miss you. I love you, but I have to do this.

Your son,


I read over the note to make sure I wrote everything that I needed to write, and when I was satisfied with the result, I went to my parents' room to put it down on their bed. My wolf had been very quiet ever since the rejection, and that made me worried that he might hate me for not being good enough for our mate. I went back to my room, once I made sure that the note was in plain sight, and picked up my car keys that were next to my bags. I looked around my room once again to make sure that I didn't forget anything. Before I left the room, I caught my reflection in the mirror on my wall opposite my bed and noticed how tired I looked. My hair was raven black, and my eyes were the palest blue that anyone had ever seen. My skin was pale, which made my hair and eyes stand out. My lips were the palest pink, but it suited me. All in all, I wasn't bad looking, but still, I wasn't enough for my mate. Wasn't a mate supposed to love you regardless of what you look like and what you are? I guess not because if that were the case, he would have loved me regardless and not rejected me the way he did. I pushed the thoughts out of my head and walked out of my room, down the hall, and then down the stairs, not paying attention to any detail. I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath before I walked out to my car that was in the driveway. I put my bags onto the back seat of my car and got into the driver's seat.

I started the car and waited for it to warm up. When the car was warm enough, I pulled out of the driveway without once looking at my home. I didn't want to look at it because I know that if I looked at my home, I would change my mind in a heartbeat. I need to do this. When I finally drove off, the only thing I was thinking about is where should I go, but I pushed that worry out of my mind because right now, I was free to do what I want.


Please go check out my other stories and please tell me what you think...

also I made changes to this chapter...

REJECTED BY MY MATE (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now