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"I need you, please forgive me." Luke said softly in my ear. He pulls back to see my facial expression and I try hard to keep it blank. I'm looking down to my shoes so that I don't get hocked by his beautiful forest green eyes. Please look at our mate, my wolf whispers to me as though it's afraid that if he talks any louder than I will not do as he says. "Please, I'll do anything to gain your trust back and I'll do anything for you to love me the way I love you." Luke begged and took my hands in his. I can feel the electricity between us and I release a small moan. My wolf is going on wild and is on the verge to come out. I look in his eyes to see that it's filled with different emotions but lust was clearly dominated for his eyes turned a deep dark green.

He leans in and kiss me softly on the lips and whispered a quite I love you before pushing me against the wall kissing me deeply. My arms go around his neck and my legs around his waist with us grinning against each other. I can see that his wolf has taken over and mine is soon to follow. I wanted him to claim me right there and then but before I said anything, everything disappears out of my reach.

I sit up in my bed trying to get to terms that it was just a dream. I can't believe that it was just a dream. Something I wanted ever since I found my mate but knew that it will never happen. I couldn't trust him not after he rejected me. I know that if he ran through that door right now and beg for forgiveness, I wouldn't think twice but a part of me will forever not trust him and that part is keeping me from running into his arms.

I heard a soft knock on my door and turn towards it to see my brother walk into my room. I didn't know what he wanted but I didn't want to hear whatever he had to say. He looked slightly nervous and tensed. My brother and I look completely different but we share the same colour eyes. He has blond hair that he keeps short because it's really thick. He is buff and a very handsome man.

"I want to talk to you." He said shyly and started to nervously play with his hands. I looked away from him and got up from my bed. I walked to my door but was stopped by him. "Please." He begged and I can hear his voice slightly break. a part of me wanted to turn around and hear what he had to say but the other side was reminding me of what he did and what a hypocrite he turned out to be.

"I have nothing to say nor do I want to hear anything from you. No matter what you say will never change what happened. No matter how hard I tried and yes, I did try, I can't forgive you." I said to him not once looking at him. I didn't want to see his expression or the emotions that was playing behind his eyes. I couldn't let him make me feel guilty and let me take everything thing I just said to him back.

"I will do anything to earn your forgiveness, and I will get it no matter how long it takes. I will never stop trying," he says to me softly. I can hear the determination and truth in those words, and I turn around to search for a hint of a lie in his face, only to find none. "Until that day," I said as I made my way down to the kitchen, leaving my brother in my room to ponder our recent conversation.

I was at the bottom of the stairs when the door right opposite the stairs opened, revealing my mother coming in with her arms filled with groceries. "Mum, let me help you," I said to her while running to her, taking most of the bags out of her arms. "Thanks, my sweet. It's really good to have you back at home," my mother said. I put the groceries in the kitchen and turned to face my mother at the exact moment she took a seat at the island. Looking at my mother, I can see that she looks older than she is. Her blond hair was slowly turning grey, and wrinkles were forming on her face. Even though she looks older than she is, my mother is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Okay, so maybe I'm just saying that because she's my mother, but still, my mother is beautiful.

"You look tired, so why don't I make breakfast and you relax," I said to her, but she shook her head. "No, dear, the council wants to see you," she said in a very calm voice, but I can sense that she was nervous about something. I looked at her, waiting for my mother to continue, but all she did was space out.

"Mommy?" I called out in my small voice that I know will get her attention, and it worked because she looked at me with concern on her face. "Look, Adam, I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to tell you anything by their orders and the alpha," she said.

I looked at her, shocked, and didn't know what to say, but all I knew was that it probably had something to do with Luke. No words were forming out of my mouth, and I looked like a fish.

When I finally could think properly, my mother had already left the kitchen, leaving me once again with my thoughts. If they wanted to talk about Luke, then they would force me to mate with him, and I don't think I'm ready for that yet. The only solution is to pack up and leave again. I needed time to think, and I could feel my wolf itching to take control and stretch its limbs. I walked out of the side door in the kitchen, making my way to the woods behind my house. Once I was in the woods, I didn't bother to take my clothes off and just transformed into my wolf. My wolf was raven black, just like Luke's, but my fur would turn blue when I moved, whereas his was just black. Mates have the same colour fur but have slight differences as well. I was smaller than most wolves, but I was faster and heard much better than most wolves in this pack, which I was always proud of.

I ran deeper into the woods until a scent hit me hard, and I knew all too well whose scent it was. My wolf screamed out mate and ran towards Luke. When I reached the clearing, Luke was standing there in the middle of the clearing in his human form. He turned around, and shock was clearly seen on his face when he saw me. He didn't say anything and started to walk towards me. "Hey," Luke said softly, looking me straight in the eye. Looking into his eyes slowly melted my insides, and my heart was slowly warming up to him. I turned into my human form, not caring that I was naked, and closed the distance between us. I studied his face, taking in every detail, trying to memorize every detail I could. Without thinking, I crushed my lips to his. He was, for a second, shocked but responded to my kiss. I felt something wet go across my bottom lip, realizing that he was asking for entrance, and I gladly gave it to him. His tongue invaded my mouth, and I didn't fight for dominance because I knew that he would end up winning.

I broke the kiss, and I could hear my wolf whining, but I knew that I had to take control before things went too far. I looked at him once again, getting lost in his eyes, but I knew that I had to get my thoughts and emotions that I had been keeping in for so long off my chest.

"You hurt me so bad. Now you want me, why?" I asked, looking at him, and I could see the guilt and fear in his eyes. He was silent for a while, and I could see that he was contemplating what he was going to say.

"Look, I was an idiot to treat you the way I did. If there was any way of going back in time and undoing the thing I did, I would. You don't know how much I blamed myself for you leaving. When you left, I begged the goddess every single day to bring you back to me. I didn't know how to live without you. I felt lost and alone constantly, and if it wasn't for the council, I would have gone out and searched for you." He stopped to catch his breath and continued. "But they wanted to punish me for rejecting you and rejecting the goddess and told me that I couldn't be Alpha without you by my side. But please, Adam, don't think that's the only reason why I want you in my life. I want you because I love you, and I know what you're going to say, that I only love you because we are mates, but that's not true. I promise you that I will do anything to make it up to you." Tears were slowly rolling down his face. I looked into his eyes to find a hint of untruthfulness, but I couldn't find any.

"I will give you a chance, but mess it up, and then I'm leaving and never coming back. And no, you cannot mark me until I'm ready for that, okay?" I told him. I think he saw how serious I was and agreed without thinking about it. He leaned in to kiss me, and I responded immediately to his lips.

He broke the kiss and took off his shirt, and I immediately looked at him, confused. But all he did was chuckle and hand me his shirt. "You do realize that you are naked and not making it easy for me not to take you right here and now, right?" he asked me, a smirk playing on his lips. A deep red blush crept its way onto my cheeks as I took his shirt and pulled it on. His shirt was big on me, reaching my mid-thigh. "Thanks," I said and turned around to leave. But I stopped, turned around, and smiled at him. "Walk me home, then we can talk," I said and walked without waiting for his answer because I knew what his answer would be. I knew that he would follow me to the ends of the earth, but my insecurities were stopping me from believing it.

Author's note:

29/03/2024: Made changes... Just realised that... what was happening? My 31 year old can never...  Still love Adam though... 

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