chapter sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen  

Luke POV

The car was filled with silence and I can see from the corner of my eye that Adam was deep in thought. I once again focus on the road letting my mind drift just a little but it was still on the road at the same time so I don’t miss anything that could happen. I couldn’t believe that the son of a bitch did that to my mate. My wolf was trying to take control when he told me what Scott did to him but I kept him at bay for the sake of Adam. All I wanted to do was run home and rip off for that bastard’s head for laying a hand on my Adam but I promised him that I wouldn’t make any rash decisions and Adam knows that I do not thinking before I act is something I do a lot, if it was not for Adam then that sick ass fuck wouldn’t be alive right now.

I couldn’t say that I was happy at what Adam did to Scott and I knew that he had good reason behind it but something made me realize that Adam always kept a calm aura around us and sometimes nervous and shy but this, this made me realize that my mate has a side of him that I didn’t know about, a side that didn’t think rationally and only think on instinct. It made me happy that he stood up for himself but it made me sad to know how much blame he put on himself even though he had every right to do what he did. When I first looked at Adam, when we were young, I thought he was weak and annoying and had no purpose in this pack. At the time that I didn’t know that he was my mate I planned on banishing him from the pack because I wanted a pack that was strong (and your pack is only as strong as the weakest link) but right now I don’t see that weak wolf anymore. I see my Adam in a whole different new light ever since he came back.  Even after he told me the real reason he came and what happened he was nothing but strong in my eyes and my wolf was proud of that our mate who is stronger than I thought. And he is also so much different at things and problems. Adam is the one that would listen and think before he does anything whereas I would act before I think. We were so different in many ways that made us fit together like a puzzle. I smiled at the thought of how Adam changed the pack since he came back and at how people are slowly warming up at him. I think that they finally see what I see and what the elders seen even though they only see power.

I know that the elders only want power that’s why they rushed us into mating before we were ready because if I had my way I would have first gained my Adam’s trust and take him on a real date before starting the mating ritual, and I hated them for forcing us into something that we were not ready for even though we happy that we mated. I knew that they knew how I felt about them and I didn’t care, they cannot tell me how to run my pack even when they like to think they can. When I wasn’t alpha of the pack they made decisions because they knew that my father was becoming weak but right now that I’m Alpha they don’t have a say in what I do in my pack. They couldn’t make us go against other packs just because they wanted my pack to be the strongest in the world. No, I didn’t want to create war especially after the last one where we were almost close to extinction and they should know that.

“Luke?” Adam called me out of my thoughts. “Yes...” I said curious in what he wanted. “What will happen when we get back?” he asked uncertainty was clear in his voice making it slightly quiver. “What do you mean?” I asked and looked at him for a second before looking back on the road. “I don’t know, I just don’t want the pack to know about the whole Scott thing especially my family.” He said and his voice broke a little. “Look you don’t have to say anything that you don’t want to.” I said calmly. I took my hand off the steering wheel and rubbed his knee in comfort. I could see in the corner of my eye that he physically relaxed and smiled a bit at the feeling of me touching him. I smiled at the fact that I will forever have that effect on him. That no matter what anyone does he will always be mine and I will always be his.

“I just want you to be happy Adam.” I said softly after a while of silence between us. I gave him a quick glanced just to see a small peaceful smile on his face. “I am happy Luke, you make me happy and it’s not because of the fact that you my mate but it’s because even before I knew you were my mate I always loved you. Ever since I was a nine years old.” He said and I was a bit shocked to know that he loved me for so long. I didn’t know what to say or let alone what to do. It made me a bit sad to think that I didn’t realize at the time how Adam felt but it made me also really guilty to think that I was going to banish this beautiful person right next to me. How could I’ve been so blind and so judgmental not to notice his feelings back then? “I’m so sorry I didn’t realize how you felt back then.” I apologize to him. He gave out a soft laughter which made my heart skip several beats. “Don’t apologies Luke that’s the past. Don’t hurt your head over it.” Adam said still laughing which made me happy to know that I caused that beautiful sound.

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