chapter Seventeen

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Author's Note

sorry about making you guys wait so long. I was being lazy but its the chapter's done.

on a other note and this is a sad note... the book is almost at its end...

so just a few more chapters then its the end of the book plus there will be no sequel. I was thinking of writing about Emerald and Michael away from the pack but I'm not sure yet... its up to you whether I write it or not so comment if you guys want to know what they been up to and maybe who knows they make an appearance later in this book again...

until then here's chapter Seventeen


Chapter Seventeen

Adam POV

Luke is sound asleep so I quietly climbed out of the bed not to wake him up and ending up sitting at the end of the bed. I look at the Alarm Clock to see that its five minutes past midnight, making me realize it that Luke and I been at it for most of the night. I didn’t really understand why I was still awake since we been at it like sex deprived wolves.  I laughed at that thought realizing that we are wolves and our sexual drive is really high especially when we mated. I looked back at a sleeping Luke and smiled at how peaceful he looked when he sleeps. I got up from my sitting position and walked to the closet. I grabbed random clothes and once they were on I went back to the room. I walked up to the bed and gave Luke a kiss on his forehead before I headed out of the room. I headed down the hallway just to be stopped by two people whispering.  I stopped by a door that I recognize as Courtney’s and I walk up to the door to push my ear against the door to hear whatever the people are saying in the room. “Look I’m not sure about this.” One voice said that sounded too deep to be a woman’s voice. “look it would be fine okay, nothing going to happen to Adam I promise.” A second voice said and immediately recognized it as Courtney’s. “I just don’t want anything to happen to Adam. So did you figure out the plan yet?” the man asked. “Scott, how many times did I tell you that nothing going to happen to Adam and about the plan I have figured it out I was hoping that you just stay out of the way.” Courtney said a bit annoyed. “Why should I stay out of the way?” Scott asked his voiced went a bit higher than normal. “So, that you don’t screw up the plan.” Courtney said. I heard someone walk to the door and immediately ran to the stairs and went straight to the kitchen.

I stood in front of the sink and looked out of the window. My mind went back to the conversation that Scott and Courtney had. They were planning something that involves me. I didn’t even know that they knew each other but that talk they had would say that they knew each other for ages but that was beside the point. What were they planning and why was I involved in this plan of theirs. I have to tell Luke about this immediately. What if they try to hurt me or even worse Luke or my family? I couldn’t let that happen. “What you doing up?” someone asked from behind me that made me jump in fright and I turned around to see Annabelle. “Don’t scare me like that.” I said holding my hand over my heart and trying to calm my breathing. “I’m sorry princess didn’t mean to scare you.” She said sarcastically which really worked on my nerves. “What you doing here? I thought you wanted to go home and that you taking Scott with you.” I said as I was turning facing the window above the sink once again. She let out a sigh which made me look at her just as she is leaning against the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. She looked exhausted and not the firing goddess that she usually shows. She looks more human right now. Usually rogues lose that part of them and become cold monsters but that’s not always the case. Some rogues do not become heartless monsters; they just move from place to place or just keep to themselves. Annabelle was part of a pack of rogues and most importantly her father was the Alpha of that pack plus she was going to take over the pack when her father steps down as Alpha. Her looking human means that something wasn’t right but I wasn’t going to ask her what was wrong with her because Annabelle and I aren’t the best of friends and I doubt that she would say anything to me even if I asked. “I want to leave but Scott just doesn’t want to. What do you have that attracts you to him so much? I just don’t understand how he can be so obsessed with you and you not even his mate.” she said looking really confused. “He said that his mate died.” I said softly. She let out a loud laugh and looked at me as though I’m an idiot. “Why are you laughing at me?”  I asked getting really angry at her. “He lied to you Adam, he never found his mate and even if he did I doubt he will tell you. He will probably reject the poor thing.” She said and actually sounded like she cared. “Why would he lie to me?” I asked this time letting my anger go a bit but not enough to lose control. She looked at me in disbelief. “Oh my, you actually believed him? Why Adam, he lied to you to get your sympathy so that he can get in your pants. He just wanted sex but since his still hooked on you I doubt that right now.” She said amused. I didn’t say anything to her not because I didn’t believe her but because strangely I was hurt. I was hurt because he lied to me and I trusted him even when we were fighting I trusted him but right now I was just hurt of the fact that at the reason for all the beatings was nothing to do with the fact I didn’t want to show him how much I loved him but because he was frustrated of me not giving in to him. “Too bad he didn’t get what he wanted then. I’m glad that I saved myself for Luke anyway.” I said my voice was slowly breaking as the memories were coming back but I refused to cry. What Annabelle said made me wonder if that’s still the reason why his fighting for me. I don’t want him to fight for me, I don’t want him period. All I want is for him just to move on with whoever his mate is. Strangely I wanted Scott to be happy but at the same time I wanted to rip off his penis and feed to him.

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