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Three years later...

I lost my job, the one that had been helping me get by. Now, with no money, my landlord threw me out for missing my rent. He was kind enough to let me at least get my things. Now that there isn't any money, there isn't any way of supporting myself. Money is one of the biggest reasons I find myself going home, a home I ran away from three years ago. What will happen when I go back? Will they even recognize me? Did they even miss me? I know that my parents would miss me, but what about my brother and my mate, Luke? "Finally, we are going back to our mate," said my wolf. I could sense his happiness and excitement, and it made me want to throw up just thinking of feeling those feelings for Luke. This was the first time my wolf had ever spoken directly to me after we left. Leaving my home was the most painful thing I ever had to do, and that wasn't just about Luke. It got better after a few months of being away from him. The pain didn't completely go away, but somehow, I managed. So, it wasn't just about the pain of rejection, but also about leaving my parents and everything I knew. I left everything behind when I left. Going back was just so hard because of all the painful memories. The ride back home seemed awfully longer than it really was, but maybe that's because I dread going back home, to a place where I don't just have happy memories but also some of the worst. And the ironic part of this whole situation is that today is my nineteenth birthday. Why does everything have to go wrong on my birthday? Does the Goddess hate me so much? The only good thing that is happening today is getting to see my parents for the first time in three years.

I pulled up to my parents' house and was shocked that everything looked the same. There were the same flower beds that my mother loves so much; she practically spends almost all her free time tending to them, and the garage door was open with the same tools laying around, the same car that my father has been trying to fix for the last five years. It actually made me smile that not much changed since I left, especially from what I can see on the outside. I slowly got out of my car, still not taking my eyes off the house, taking in every detail. My eyes finally fell on the door and noticed an unknown man on the doorstep looking at me in a very weird way, making me think I have the wrong house. But then the door opened to reveal my mother. Seeing my mother brought an unnatural amount of sadness and happiness that I didn't know I could feel. At that moment, I couldn't contain my excitement and made my way towards her. She didn't see me coming because she was preoccupied with this man.

"Mom," I called out to her, and I could feel the tears starting to form. She looked at me with no recognition on her face at first, but it quickly turned into shock. She stood there in shock but quickly got over it and ran to me. She grabbed me and pulled me into her arms, hugging me so tight that I could hardly breathe. My mother was crying and quietly telling me that this moment couldn't be real and that I'm not really here. She looked at me and asked, "Is that really you, Adam, or am I dreaming once again of you coming home?"

"It's really me, Mom, it's really me," I said barely above a whisper.

"Matt!" she called to my father, but she didn't look away from me or release me from the hug, as if she was so afraid that I would disappear if she let go. "What is it, dear?" asked my father as he came outside the house. Once my father made his way to my mother, he stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted me. "Adam? Is that really you?" he asked. I nodded, and he ran towards me, enveloping me and my mother in a hug. We didn't say anything for a while; we just hugged each other. We detached ourselves from each other, and my parents looked at me. "Don't ever leave again, Adam. We missed you every day that you were gone. We never stopped looking for you," said my mother and pulled me in for another hug as though her life depended on it.

"Mom?" this mysterious man called out. "Lucas, oh my word, I forgot you were there," said my mother. I looked at my mother with a question in my eyes. "Why did he call you mom?" I asked my mother. "He is my husband," answered a voice from inside the house. I looked up to see my brother standing there with his arm around this Lucas guy's waist. "I guess a lot has happened since I left," I said mostly to myself than to my parents, brother, or his husband.

I didn't say anything to my brother. I had absolutely nothing to say to him or his husband. So I completely ignored both of them and looked at my mother. "Mom, I know I just came back, but I'm only staying until I can get on my two feet again. I need a place to crash for the time being," I told my mother. I hated how her face turned into a frown the moment I said it, but I knew that if I stayed here too long, it would be hard for me to leave again. My mother seemed to be in thought for a couple of moments but quickly composed herself. "Sure, Adam, you can stay for a while, but then you have to promise me that when you leave, you will keep in contact, please." She begged; her eyes were filled with desperation, and I didn't have the heart to say no. "Of course, I'm sorry I left the way I did three years ago, but I had to find myself after what happened. I'm much stronger than before, and this place just brings back bad memories," I told my mother. She didn't push me further on the subject and invited me in. Before I followed my mother into the house, I walked to my car and started taking my belongings out with the help of my dad and brother. I still hadn't acknowledged him. I don't think I can ever forgive him for what he did. Now it just seems that he is a hypocrite for what he did to me for who I am when he is gay as well. Who would have thought that my brother's mate would be a male after all? He was a homophobe when I came out as gay. I was lost in thought that I didn't even realize that I reached my room. When everything was set into my room, which looked exactly the same way I left it three years ago, I took my time looking around the room and noticed that the room didn't have much of my scent in it. It is almost like a blank canvas ready for me to make my mark once again. Looking around once more, I decided to go downstairs only to find everyone in the lounge. I didn't know whether I should go into the lounge or not but chose the latter. The moment I walked in, everyone's heads turned towards me. I could see that they were discussing me, and I really did not know how I felt about being discussed.

"Adam, come sit and tell us where you have been," said my father with a little excitement in his voice, and I could see that he was really happy that I was back.

"I've been here and there. I finished high school early so that I could concentrate on work, which I got fired from a week ago, and I didn't have any money to pay the rent, so the landlord kicked me out, and that's why I'm here," I told them, but I was only looking at my mother and father.

"Do you not have friends to stay with?" asked my brother. I just ignored his question. My parents looked a bit worried for some reason, but I was too tired and hungry to contemplate on it. "Mom, when's dinner? I'm really hungry. I hadn't had a decent meal in three years. I really miss your cooking," I said to my mother, which made her blush a very deep red. That's one thing I miss the most about my mother. She would blush at every compliment she gets. "We can eat now," she said and made her way into the kitchen.

We all made our way to the dining room, which surprisingly was already set; all that had to be done was to get the food, which my brother and his husband did. We all ate in silence until there was a commotion at the front door. I heard the door open and two sets of feet following in. "Where is he?" said a voice which I immediately recognized as my mate's. He came into the dining room, and I immediately got tense. "Adam," is all he utters. I do not know what to do at that moment. I want to run away as far as I can go, but I also want to stay here with him. I didn't realize that I got up and tried to go upstairs until he stopped me by grabbing my arm. I could feel the warm electricity going through my body, but I was so out of it that I ignored it.

"Let me go, Luke," I told him in a surprisingly calm voice and pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"Please, Adam, listen to me," he pleads to me. I wanted to listen to him; I really did, but I knew that if I did that, I would forgive without a thought. So instead, I didn't say anything and walked to my room. I couldn't face him or stand to be in the same room as him after everything he did to me.

I could not hear Luke in the house anymore, which was a huge relief for me. I walked towards my bed and laid on it. I didn't care that I still had my clothes on. I curled up on my bed, trying to hold back the tears that had been threatening to fall ever since he came through that door. "I can't let him hurt me again," I said to myself. I could feel the pain from being away from our mate, but I ignored it like I did for the last three years and slowly drifted to sleep.

Author's note:

Changes was made here...

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