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It's been three years since Adam left, and I still haven't found him. I looked everywhere, but for some reason, he seemed to disappear off the face of the earth. For three years, I had to live with this pain in my heart because I do not have my mate by my side. I rejected him, and I have to live with the consequences of what I have done every day. My father hasn't given up his position as Alpha because of the rejection situation. He went to the elders to discuss my rejection situation, and they decided with my father that until I find my mate and complete the mating ritual with him, then I would become Alpha of the pack. Turns out they do not appreciate wolves that reject their mate. Usually, wolves that reject their mate get banished from the pack, but since I'm the future alpha of this pack, they couldn't banish me. Thinking about my missing mate makes the pain in my heart increase. I do not know what else to do in order to find Adam. I really miss him and think about him all the time. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even see my father's office door open up. I didn't even pay attention to the person that came into the office. For all I knew, I was alone.

"Hey," a voice broke me out of my thoughts. The voice was sickeningly sweet, which gave a horrifying shiver down my spine. I looked up only to come face to face with Courtney. She gave a small smile, trying to look innocent, but she was failing miserably. I frowned as I wondered what she was doing in my father's office without permission, but I pushed it out of my mind, not actually caring. She flipped her long brown curls over her shoulder and walked towards me, but I quickly stopped her in her steps.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"To see you, silly, and maybe have some fun," she said in her sickening voice, which made me want to throw up right there.

"No, my father's not here, and you're not even supposed to be in his office without permission. You can leave." Ever since the meeting my father had with the elders, my father ordered me not to have sex with anyone besides my mate. He says that it will cause my mate pain, and if I ever want him to forgive me, then having sex with other people isn't the right way to go. Courtney seemed disappointed that I didn't want to have fun with her once again, which made her big brown eyes seem to glaze over. With a huff, she turned around and left my father's office. I sat there in my misery until my best friend Mark walked in with my father.

"Luke, what are you doing in here?" asked my father. I didn't answer straight away.

"I can smell them on heat," I said to my father, and he just chuckled at my discomfort around the heated wolves. "It's your own fault," he said under his breath.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" I asked. We haven't spoken a lot to each other since Adam's disappearance, but I still consider him my best friend. Ever since he got married to his mate, he has been beta of the pack.

"Pack business, Luke. There have been rogues spotted on our territory," he said, his expression unreadable. My father keeps me out of the way, but he also keeps me in training constantly, another punishment my father thought of that can teach me a lesson.

"Alpha, I will see you tomorrow. My mother asked Lucas and me over to dinner, and he is already there," said Mark. I can't believe his mate turned out to be a man; it is actually ironic because he used to be a homophobe. When he found out that Lucas was his mate about two years ago, his whole perspective changed, and they've been in love ever since, even though Lucas is human. Mark left after he said goodbye to me, and it was only me and my father in his office. We were in peaceful silence until my father broke it.

"I think you can start helping around with the rogue's business," said my father. I looked at my father in disbelief.

"Dad, do you really mean that? I mean, I know that you're still mad at me, but this really means a lot to me that I can get involved with the pack business and help you," I told my father. My father looks at me, and I can see that he's really tired, and he looks older than his actual age. His blue eyes were dull with tiredness, and his chocolate brown hair was starting to turn grey. My dad and I look nothing alike except that we share the same hair colour, but his hair was really straight, whereas mine is really curly. I take after my mother mostly. My mother was a very beautiful woman; she had curly black hair and forest green eyes. She had a heart-shaped face and had a natural tan. Everything about my mother was perfect, but she died while giving birth to me, so I never met her, but her memory still lives in the pack house. There were so many pictures that hung on the walls of the pack house that it was actually hard to forget her, even if you tried. My father walks to the window that is on the side of his desk and looks out of the window like he always does when he's stressed.

"Son, I think that you're ready to be the alpha of this pack, so I will give you some of the responsibility until you find Adam, then and only then will you become alpha. Did you make any progress?" he asked, and I can hear in his voice that he's really concerned. "Not yet, but I'm not stopping the search until I find him. I haven't felt whole ever since he left three years ago. "I feel empty without him, dad," I told my father, tears running down my face. Ever since Adam left, I cannot help but cry constantly when I talk or think about him. I even cry myself to sleep when the pain becomes unbearable.

"That's how I felt when I lost your mother. I can understand what you're going through. That's why I was so mad when you rejected your mate. I didn't want you to feel the pain of not being with your mate and vice versa," said my father, and I swore that I heard his voice crack, but I didn't say anything about it. I wanted to say something but got interrupted by the phone ringing. I knew better than to stay here while my father was on the phone with other pack alphas, so I left.

I was in the kitchen when my father rushed in. I looked at him as though he had lost his mind. "Luke, Adam came home," said my father, then he walked out of the kitchen. It took a while before the words sunk in, and when they did, I forgot about the sandwich that I was eating and ran out of the kitchen just as my father headed out the front door. "Dad, I'm coming with you," I said. My father turned around to look at me and only nodded his head. We walked together out of the pack house and immediately got into my father's car. The ride to Adam's house felt longer than it really was, but that was the last thing on my mind. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got there. I didn't know how I was going to react when I saw him. Should I hug him? Or just let him decide what to do. But the thing that was constantly running through my mind is that this cannot be real. And if it was a dream, I don't know what I'm going to do if this turns out to be a dream. I didn't say anything the whole car ride. I was mostly afraid that this was a dream again, and I would wake up at any moment.

We finally pulled up to the Clark residence. I didn't wait for my father to stop the car properly. I just got out of the car and practically ran to the door. I stood in front of the door for a moment, trying to figure out what to say when I saw him, but my father interrupted my thoughts when he came up behind me and walked into the house. I soon followed after him. "Where is he?" I asked out loud without thinking. I walked into the dining room only to see that he physically tensed up. "Adam," I said just above a whisper, but I knew that he heard it. My wolf was going wild inside me and wanted to claim him right here and now, but I knew that I had to wait. I knew that if I ever wanted to win his trust back, I would have to wait until he was ready for that step. The room was so quiet, and I could see that everyone didn't know what to do or say. We just stared at each other, not saying anything. I wanted to say something, but he got up from the table and tried to go upstairs, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. I could already feel the electricity shocks and the warmth of him running through my body, and I knew that he felt it too. "Let me go, Luke," he said and pulled himself out of my grasp. "Please listen to me, please, Adam," I pleaded with him to listen to me, but he just ignored me and went up the stairs, probably to his room.

I wanted to follow him, but Mark stopped me. "What are you doing? Let me go. I need to be with him," I said, trying to get up the stairs. "No, what he needs is time," said Mark, and I looked at him in disbelief. "I'm his mate; he needs me. He doesn't need time. I need to be with him," I said and was practically being held back by my father, Matt, Mark, and Lucas.

"Stop it, Luke," said my father. I looked at him with questions in my eyes, but he said nothing. I stopped trying to get to Adam. "Fine, but I'm calling the elders and making sure that he is going to be mine whether he likes it or not," I said and walked out of the house.

Author's note:

Changes was made... hopefully all the errors are fixed if not let me know.

REJECTED BY MY MATE (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now