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I arrived home earlier than I usually do, which isn't unusual for me; there have been times in the past when I would leave work to surprise my boys. While I was at work, though, I kept getting this strange feeling at the bottom of my stomach that something was wrong, so I decided to go home to put my mind at ease. When I pulled into the driveway of my house, the bad feeling that I had been experiencing the entire day gotten times worse, and I couldn't help but worry that something had happened to my two boys. I walked into my home to see my eldest son, Mark, was at home with Luke, the future alpha of the pack. I didn't see any sign of Adam, my youngest son, and his scent was very faint in the house, which worried me immensely.

"Mark, where's your brother?" I asked. He looked shocked to see me for a moment but quickly came to his senses. "I don't know, probably in his room," he answered. I didn't bother to say anything to him and went upstairs to Adam's room. His room door was closed, so I knocked on his door before I opened it. When I walked into his room, I could see that his room was far emptier than it had been this morning when I woke him up for school. I tried not to panic about his empty room and made my way to his closet, hoping that he just packed his things away, but when I looked inside his closet, most of his clothes were gone. I do not know when I started to panic, but my breathing started to become laboured. It took me a long time before I could get my breath back to normal, and I ran out of his room, downstairs to get my cell phone out of my bag, which was in the kitchen, so I could give him a call to see if he was just staying at a friend's house. I dialled his number, and his cell phone was ringing, but he didn't pick up because I heard his cell phone ringing from the lounge. I slowly moved towards the lounge, only to find his cell phone on the couch. I looked at Mark and Luke with questioning eyes, and I could feel the panic making its home in my gut.

"Mark, I'm going to ask you one more time, where is your brother?" I asked, my voice was cold and shaking. I could see Mark looking confused. He looked around, and I think he started to realize that Adam's scent was very faint in the house. I could see in his eyes that he was panicking. "I don't know," he said, and his voice was filled with fear. "What the hell do you mean you don't know? You are his brother; you're supposed to look after him. Protect him. Almost all his clothes are gone, and his scent is barely in his room, barely in this house. What did you do?" I shouted at him. I could feel the tears fall down my face, and Mark got up to comfort me, but I pushed him away. I didn't want his comfort; I wanted my Adam home and safe, but he wasn't here.

I looked at Mark, and I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry; I'm just worried about Adam. Can you call your dad and see if Adam contacted him?" I asked him and headed up to my bedroom. As I was walking to my room, I suddenly felt exhausted. I didn't want to think at that moment, but when I walked into my room, I saw a page on my pillow and immediately ran towards it. I read the letter, and my whole world came crashing down. Adam, my youngest child, ran away from home. I didn't know what to do, but I cried all my strength away and eventually fell into exhaustion.


I haven't seen my mother lose control of her emotions like she just did ever. She is always calm and collected when it comes to any situation, but she never acted like this before, even when Adam came out as gay. After I talked to my father, I went up to their room to tell her what my father said. I saw my mother on her bed, clutching a piece of paper against her chest as though it's the most precious thing in the world. She is sleeping, but I can see the tears that still lingered on her face and the tracks that they made. You can see that my mother cried herself to sleep for my brother when it's obvious that he probably vented off steam from what happened this morning.

I turned to walk out, but the page that my mother was clutching was testing my curiosity. I slowly went up to my mother's bed and took the page out of her hands. I didn't read it immediately since I wanted to get out of my mother's room before looking at the page in my hand. I looked at the page and realized that it was a note from Adam; that made me really pay more attention to what was written. Once I read the letter, I didn't know what to do. I was shocked that my brother thought that the best thing for him was to run away. I quickly ran down the stairs. I couldn't believe that my little brother ran away. Luke was still in the living room when I entered the room. I could see the concern in his eyes when he looked up at me from the sofa.

"Mark? What's wrong?" asked Luke, and I could hear worry in his voice, but I didn't answer him; instead, I shoved the letter into his hands. He looked confused when I handed him the letter, but the confusion quickly turned to worry when he read the letter. He looked at me, and guilt is all I saw in his eyes. "He can't be gone. We have to look for him; we have to find him. We have to find my mate," he said the last part so softly that I could barely hear him. "So it's true then that he is mate?" I asked, putting every ounce of anger in my voice. I can't believe my best friend lied to me like that. Yes, I know that I do not like gay people, but I hated to be lied to. He nodded as tears were running down his face. "We have to find him; I know I rejected him, but we have to find him," said Luke. I didn't know what to say to what he said. The only thing that is running through my mind at that moment is that I cannot believe that my best friend and future alpha of this pack is mated to a man.

"You should let your father know about this, and I will let mine know," I told him, my voice was void of emotion. Luke didn't say anything and walked to the kitchen with his cell phone in hand. I went to my parents' room to check on my mother and see if she has woken up. To my surprise, she was awake and looked ten years older than she really is. She looked up to me and started to cry again. I could see that she is blaming herself for my brother running away. At first, I didn't know what I should do, whether I should leave or comfort my mother; I chose the latter. I walked up to my mother and enveloped her in my arms, trying to comfort her as best as I can. "Your father is on his way, and Alpha Michael is also coming over. Mark, we have to find him. He could get killed out there; you know how small he is," my mother said in her small voice after she has finally stopped crying.

"We should go wait for them downstairs," I said to my mother. She slowly nodded her head as she got up from her bed and made her way to the lounge. I didn't move immediately; instead, I watched my mother walk out of the room looking like the life has been sucked out of her, and for a moment, I hated Adam for making a strong woman like my mother look so weak. I let out a sigh, realizing that it was not Adam's fault that this happened. I followed my mother out of the room, and when I walked into the lounge, I could see that my mother and Luke were sitting in a rigid position. They were not saying anything. The first thing that came to my mind was what Luke's father is going to say when he finds out that Adam is Luke's mate and that he rejected him. Will Luke's father banish him or not? Either way, their bloodline is going to end with Luke. We werewolves cannot reproduce with anyone but our mate, and since he was mated with a guy, that means that they won't be able to have children. This also means that the pack will not be happy about this. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that my father and Alpha Michael were already here and reading the note that Adam has left.

"How did this happen, Mark?" shouted my father, his face is red with anger. "How could you let this happen? Did you know about the bullying? Why did you let this happen? You promised, Mark," whispered my mother, and she started crying again. I look at both my parents, and I can see the disappointment in their eyes.

Author's note:

So... I made changes here too...

I don't know where the original is... 

REJECTED BY MY MATE (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now