chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen

Scott POV

Everything seems cold. There is no heat in this heart of mine just the coldness of my rage. Rage towards what I did to Adam and rage towards what he did to me but mostly rage towards me. I couldn’t help but replay those times of our relationship when it was still young and how happy he was when I told him I loved him even though I only knew him for month but in my heart I knew that he is the one. He is the only one that chased my demons away. I remember his kisses, the way he would shy away from me and mostly his warmth that reached my heart melting the ice that’s been covering it for such a long time. He was and still is the one that holds my heart. I am completely utterly in love with Adam and he doesn’t even seem to care. I remember how he didn’t want me to show him how much I love him, claiming that he wasn’t ready for that step of the relationship and that raged me. I wanted him to be my mate, I wanted all of him. What I did after, made me feel so guilty that I showered him with gifts begging for his forgiveness just for it to happen again when he refuse to have sex with me once again.

These memories never seem to leave me. It swirl around me torturing me, making it hard to breathe and I knew that the only way for it to go away is to have Adam back again in my arms, and that’s when I decided to look for my Adam. To say that my sister, Annabelle, wasn’t crazy about the idea didn’t stop me for asking her help. At first she was reluctant to help me but after I told the reason why Adam did what he did she understood why I wanted to find him, well mainly part of the reason why. She didn’t know that I planned to get him back. I needed him and most importantly I love him.

When I saw him in that diner sitting with that man there wasn’t words to explain the jealousy I felt in my heart. I was sitting at a table in the far back so that he doesn’t see me. “Anna, who do you think that is with him?” I asked through my teeth trying to hold back the anger that was coursing slowly through my body. I have to admit though that I have an anger problem and I took my anger mostly out on Adam, which I regret doing. “I don’t know and I don’t care, little brother.” She said in a bored tone and you can see by her body language that she didn’t want to be here. “Look, I’m going to wait in the car for you.” She said as she got up and was about to walk away just to turn and look me straight in the eye. “Do not and I mean do not mess up okay I don’t want any trouble.” She said and power was radiating off her making me nod without a will. With that being said she left me to watch the love of my life.

“Marks just stop, I don’t want to talk about it.” I heard him say to the other guy and power radiated off of him that coursed through the diner making the few customers in the diner bow their head in respect for him which made me wonder if his mate is an Alpha. I don’t think that he realize what he did because he was paying most of his attention to the blond hair guy. I didn’t realize that Adam possessed that kind of power. When Adam was with me he always seemed so weak and fragile. I always thought that it was because his mate rejecting him but right now here in front of me was a whole different person that possesses power that shows in everything that he does. I wanted to go to him and make my presences known but the moment I got up everything just disappeared. Darkness surrounded me once again making me shiver in fear. I wanted to see my Adam again; I wanted to taste his lips once again. I shouted out for him over and over again. I’m on the verge of tears when my mind got side tracked by the most glorious smell that I ever smelled before. It was a mixture of apples and cinnamon that got my wolf screaming mate.  It couldn’t be I didn’t want a mate I wanted Adam and only Adam.  Adam is the love of my life and I didn’t need a mate to ruin it for me. I needed to get away from this so called mate and find Adam. You can’t do that. My wolf said to me anger as clear as day in his voice. I knew that he was going to react like this but that didn’t stop me from ignoring him. I didn’t need a mate, all I needed was Adam. He was the one that made my dark filled days shine bright making me happy like I was before my family decided to become rogues leaving the pack to fend for them resulting in them dying by my father’s hand. My father wanted a pack filled with ruthless rogues that didn’t have an ounce of humanity left in them to feel sympathy. They fought to kill. Up to this day I still don’t know why my father did what he did but I think it’s because his beta killed my mother that turned him into this heartless beast and that includes my sister Annabelle. Losing my mother was the hardest thing that my father went through and that’s part of the reason why I didn’t want a mate.

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