chapter eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Emerald POV (the rogue)

Darkness is all see. I hear nothing I see nothing. Wake up my wolf whispered. I couldn’t and my wolf knew it but that didn’t stop her from encouraging me to wake up. Wake up my wolf whispered again. I can hear the desperation in her voice that breaks my heart. Wake up for our mate my wolf said louder than before. Mate? What mate? We don’t have a mate I told her. Yes we do and he wants us to wake up my wolf said. How do you know that he is our mate? I asked my wolf. I just know please wake up said my wolf.

I couldn’t move no matter how hard I tried. My wolf hasn’t spoken to me clearly angry at me. I let out a sigh clearly frustrated with my body that’s not responding to my brain. I don’t know how long I was trying to wake but I felt a wave of electricity shocks across my face and my eyes flattered open just to look into a pair of shocked blue eyes. He opened and closed his mouth several times before he finally found coherent words in his head. “You awake!” he yelled that made me flinch in pain. “I’m sorry.” He whispered this time.

I didn’t know what to say to him but that didn’t stop him from attacking me with questions. “What’s your name love?” he asked his voice so sweet and inviting that it literally melted my heart and making my brain all fuzzy that made it hard to think. I looked at him only so see that his smiling at me and I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “My name is Emerald.” I said my voice horsed from not using it in a long time I assume. “My name is Michael.” He said looked behind him and I followed his gaze only to see two young men standing in the doorway of the room. The one man had pale blue eyes and he was wearing a smile while the other man had green eyes his had no emotion on his face that made me shiver. His eyes are so cold that it felt like the room’s temperature dropped. “I see you awake.” The blue eyed man said the smile never leaving his face. I notice that his holding the other man’s hand and his gaze followed mine. He let out a chuckle. “I’m Adam and this is my mate Luke, who is the alpha of this pack.” Adam said. Luke looked at his mate and smiled, his eyes became warm and soft but the moment he looked at me it was just balls of ice.

“Son can you give me and my mate at least a day before you go and question her. She only woke up now.” Michael pleads. “I don’t…” “Of course Michael, Take the whole day but we will be here tomorrow early.” Adam said cutting Luke from what he wanted to say. Luke gave Adam a glare but Adam brushed it off and kissed him. Adam smiled then leaving Luke behind. “Fine a day and only a day father.” Luke said and soon followed his mate out of the room.

“Emerald” Michael called out trying to get my attention. I look at him and my heart immediately melted at the site of him. Even though my mate was an old man he was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. His blue eyes are filled with life and his chocolate brown hair is kept short and styled in a formal way.  His face showed the years he had lived but it just added to his beauty. He makes my heart beats ten times faster than it already is and the smile that is forever on his face made him looks younger than he is. I couldn’t help but admire this man in front of me; he was everything that I was waiting for. 

I smiled at him and he smiled back making my wolf sigh in happiness. “I think I want to talk to the Alpha before we do anything today.” I told him and he looked wary of what I said but he nodded anyway. I had my reasons for doing this. Even if he was my mate I can never stay in the same place for too long and I don’t want to take him away from his family when I leave. I had my reasons for not staying but I didn’t want to break his heart yet. I was a rogue by choice and I didn’t want to belong to a pack not because I was bad ass but because I don’t do well in groups. I’m good on my own, yes sometimes it’s a hard life to live but I was happy with it. By the look of my mate I don’t think that he will want to run away with me, he doesn’t look like he will make it as a rogue especially with me. there was a lot of people after me and that’s one of the reasons why I don’t stay in one place for too long, but I didn’t want to break his heart yet by telling him that I was to leave soon without him by my side.

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