Chapter Twenty-five

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Author's Note:

My life got in the way. I didn't realise that my life would be as complicated as it become. I must apologise to all of you for waiting so long for me to update and some of you probably forgot about this story and that's okay because I would have done the same as you. I just wish that you do not give up on me. It took me so long to write again and I hope that it will not happen again.

Chapter 25

Luke POV

Something has changed. I can feel in the air and I can see in the way we (my pack, at least the pack that I trust) were moving around. I wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay but I know that it is far from being okay. I wanted to believe every word I said to Adam but deep down in my heart I know that this was only the beginning of something that was bigger than all of us. I looked around the room and my eyes immediately fell on Damius. He looked really tensed and had this look on his face that made me worried. He was thinking, that can be very dangerous thing. When he thinks, his plans are probably outrageous and probably have a high percentage that there is going to be people dying, a lot of people. I take a large amount of air in my lungs and slowly release it. I didn't want any of my pack to die but I know it's inevitable. I can feel that there is war on the arisen. I know that the Elders weren't going to stop there. They already killed Scott. Who else aren't they willing to kill to achieve what they wanted so badly? They decided that war was the only way to get what they want. I look at Adam and all I feel is my heart filling up with unconditional love and it brings a smile on my lips when I look at him. He is my world, my life, my soul and is everything t. Maybe there was no stopping the war but there was a possibility that if war is won, I can have a peaceful life with Adam.

I just need to know why the Elders are doing this to us. What could they possibly want that they have to consort to war? Don't they release what the first war did for our race? Do they not see that we are still suffering from the last war? What could they possibly want that made this war so important? Made it such a necessity? I really wanted answers to these questions but who could possible know these answers? Just looking at Adam made my heart racing with anxiousness. I really didn't want anything bad to happen to him. I didn't want to worry about him getting hurt when, if, this war that the Elders wants to bad to happen. I didn't want him in this war at all. I'm not saying that Adam is not capable when his in a fight I just don't want to see my mate hurt at all. I looked at Adam just to see that he was already looking at me with a small smile on his face. I could not help but give him one too. I mouthed 'I love you' to him and he gave a short laugh that made my smile grow even wider. His checked was tinted with red and it made my wolf growled in possessiveness. This is what I want to protect. This is what I live for. I don't want to lose any of this because of some stupid war that the Elders want for their stupid selfish reasons. I don't want to lose what I have right now. I don't think that I would survive if I have to lose what I have now. Adam is what I live for and losing him would be the end me.

"Hey, what is wrong?" Adam asked, I can hear the concern in his voice. I want to tell him everything that is wrong but something stop me. I didn't know what to say to him. How can I tell him that I was worried about him dying in this stupid war that the Elders want so badly? What am I supposed to say to him when I keep thinking of his died corpse. "I'm just worried." I said. He pulled me closer towards him and held me in his arms. He is rubbing my back, trying to comfort me and it was actually working to some extent. "It is going to be okay. You don't have to worry about anything while you have me, okay?" he said which made me smile. Knowing Adam, I know that when he says something he means it. Even if it the end result is not alright or work out the way that he hopes for, he will still believe that everything will work out in the end. But right now I'm not sure what is going to happen. I'm scared and worried that I will lose everything that I hold dear. "Look, we need a plan on how we going to deal with this Elders that want a war so badly." I said loud enough for everyone that is in the room to hear me. When I looked at them I can see that Damius is nodding his head in agreement whereas rest was just looking confused.

"We do not need a war." said Elder Cullum. He look distress for some reason. "How come do we not need war?" I slowly ask looking at him as if he had lost his mind for not understanding what's happening. "We, the Elders, will sort this mess out. All you have to do is wait." He said as if that was the most obvious solution that there is. "We just wait? For what exactly? To be killed? How do we know that you not part of these rogue Elders?" I asked as I was slowly walking towards him. I felt a hand on my arm stopping me from moving further. "Luke stop. You are overreacting, all Elder Cullum said that we must wait." Said Adam next to me. "Right Elder?" he asked the Elder and the Elder nodded his head. He looked a little frighten but quickly covered it up with a smile. "Sure thing Adam, that is all that we going to do is wait until Alpha Johnson. We can discuss what are the next steps are and also see what Elder Alexandria would say about this situation." Said Elder Cullum. "Who is Elder Alexandria?" asked Annabelle. "Well she is the leader of the Elders." answered a voice that some of us or just Adam and I did not recognize. The man that spoke has dark skin and had a deep voice to match. He was really tall and muscular built. He have strong sharp feature and his eyes is a very dark brown that look almost black. His hair is perfectly straight and he looked like he comes from India but does not sound like one. He have a smile on his face that could make anyone attracted to the male gender weak to their knees. "You are not wrong Alpha Johnson." Said a voice behind him. All my attention was on the Alpha that I did not notice the woman behind him. She is short, half the size of the Alpha. The Alpha is in his own right tall that makes me look up to him but this woman or girl reached just pass my shoulder if not taller. She have red hair that is so dark that it makes her looks like a fire goddess. If I didn't know any better I would think she was one. Her eyes an unnatural color that I cannot name which made her look godlike. Her skin looked so smooth and milky her lips full and pale. Her beauty put anything that was compared to beauty to shame. She makes me feel so insecure on her beauty alone but looking at Adam make me realize that I have nothing to fear. "Who are you?" asked Annabelle and I can see how tense he looked. It made me realize that this beautiful woman was standing next to her mate. I can understand the emotions that was being held behind her eyes. "Who do you think I am?" asked this godlike women. I still cannot make up my mind on whether she is a woman or a girl. "Do not mess with me you good for nothing whore!" Shouted Annabelle, jealousy and anger was clearly on her face and a fire burnt behind eye. She is moving slowly towards this woman but her father quickly stopped her. Alpha Johnson has a smug look on his face that makes me want to punch him in his face. Whereas the woman look a little startled by what Annabelle said. "If you know what is good for you, you would calm down right this instant." Damius told Annabelle harshly. "Shut up old man that whore is trying to steal my mate!" Annabelle shouted at her father. Damius stood there shock with his mount partly gap. I can see that his shocked at how Annabelle spoken to him. Annabelle was always the one to do what she was told and always did what her father told her but now she is so consumed by her wolf that she is not thinking straight. I can see that her wolf is slowly taking control and if her wolf took control there would be no way to stop her unless her mate intervened. I look at her so called mate and try to glare at him but the moment I see the expression his face my irritating that I was feeling towards him seems to disappear. The way he looks at Annabelle is the same look I always see on Adam's face. He looks at her as though she is the only one in the world and that life began with her. He loves her. There is nothing but love on his face and my heart beats a little faster with the excitement I am feeling towards the couple. "Annabelle." Alpha Johnson voice is soft and gentle that it send chills down my spine. I literally cannot stop my body that decided to shiver. Annabelle calmed down hearing her mate call her and that jealousy in her eyes dim a bit. She wants to smile by the way her lips move upward but she quickly control herself and glare at him then at the woman next to him. "Show respect. I will not tolerate a mate that is disrespectful." He said with so much authority. Annabelle's glare deepens. "Who the hell do you think you are bossing me around the way you want? You the one that is disrespectful bringing this whore here when you know I am here!" Annabelle shouted at the top of her lungs and she is about to go on when a voice cut her off. "I am not a whore let alone in any kind of relationship with Alpha Johnson." The girl told Annabelle. Annabelle stops to stare at the woman with shock on her face, her mouth opening and closing several times before she looked at Alpha Johnson. "What the hell Tristen?" Annabelle look at Tristen with betrayal in her eyes. Tristen gave her a blank look. "This is Elder Alexandria." He introduce Elder Alexandria to us and my jaw literally fall to the floor. "B... b... but she is so young to be the Leader of the Elder." Damius stuttered. The only emotion on his face is shock. Even I cannot believe that this woman is an Elder let alone the leader of the Elders. "How old are you?" I ask still in shock. "My age is not important." She answered not looking at me but at my Adam and for the first time in my life I can feel the little green monster awake in my chest.

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