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Detective office

Friday , 12 March 1940

"Come on yn you have to complete this before the sun is down "
Jin shouted from his office door making me gasp from my cabin .

My hair was messy by now and I swear if Jin was here he would have already smacked my head , three days I was not getting the sleep just because of this shitty case . And just when I was having my nap this man shouted . Why life is so hard?

I opened the file which was already placed on my desk ' Five murders in one week ' this was just litrelly weird . That too in the same place at same time and only one name
'Hazel Hospital '. The people who were killed were not too old they were litrelly young or could say near my age which is in their 20's .

I grabbed my red ink pen and started pointing out some clues from the typed file . I tried to highlight each and every clue which was there .

One thing that was weird was not a single trace from the murderer . Strange!

I opened another file which had all the information of the the hospital . It felt like I heard this name before, but when and where I was not able to recall .

One picture caught my attention , OH God ! This hospital looks so weird . "What the heck ?! "

I immediately called Jin to my cabin " hello Jin, please come to my cabin right now! it's urgent ". I didn't even give him time to speak and just placed the telephone down .

Immediately I could hear Jin's footsteps making its way towards my cabin .
"Yahh ! What happened ? , Did you find something?"

"Why this hospital looks like that- like kind of Erotic?" I asked him while pointing on the picture which was of the Hazel Hospital .

he shifted his gaze towards where I'm pointing ! And then again towards me

"You know this is the point . This hospital is closed and nobody goes there . And according to the rumours when our investigation team went there, the people near that locality told us that there were fresh blood stains at the entrance . Nobody knows how ."
He stated looking towards me

This was the weirdest case of my life, there should be some person killing others . And the question is why he's killing them in that hospital and what's the reason behind it .

Right now too many questions were popping out in my head but it will only be answered when I find the real culprit and I have to do it .

"Can we go and see right now ! Like I want to go there right now !"

"It's already late yn ! Better you should head home you know tomorrow you have to come early cause of this case , you have to work with the new head ! New Head officer is appointed you have a meeting in the crime department Sharp at 8.00a.m . "

"Wait ! What ? New Head Officer that too with me ?? Why ?"

"Don't tell me you were not aware, hobi didn't inform you ?"

"No ! He just told me I have a meeting but with the Head Officer of the crime branch ? Are you serious ??"

"God that creature! I'm so sorry yn , yea you have the meeting tomorrow . "

"But why me ?"

"Cause you will be promoted next month and you have to do this "

Holy God ! Only me ?-

"Yes, only you , you are the one who will be promoted. Don't act stupid yn you know the head officer has the meeting only with the main case holder . "

"Ohk fine . Im so nervous tho I'll go then have to be early tomorrow !"

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