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With that my dad I asked where can we meet him . He said that his son was in the isolation room.

We didn't want to disturb him like this and thought that will meet him when both of us are completely fine .

As the days passed I was living a normal life just as I wanted , just as I wished for . All because of that one boy who saved my life and I can't wait to meet him .

My dad drove us to the doctor's place as he himself gave us the address . I was excited and so much greatful to my life saver .

When we reached their house , we knocked on the door . One maid opened it she told us to come in . We entered the hallways and sat in the couch , by that time she went to call the the boy .

When I was eagerly waiting for him to come he just came out of his room and sat on the couch which was oppsite of us . It was wierd . His eyes were full puffy and red .

But then I realised why I'm here . I immediately greeted him , and thanked him for what he did . And the strange part was he was just still with no response .

Holding a cold expression on his face looking at us . He just didn't even smile at once .

We placed the sweets and the flowers on the table , my parents were asking him trying to start a friendly conversation ,
he didn't even say a word . Just kept his cold gaze throughout .

I was getting uncomfortable because of his silence , for some reason I got scared . For what I don't even know .

When I decided to speak again he immediately stood up
and the words came out of his mouth shooked us all

" If you'll are done than please leave , I have more important work to do ".

Now this was rude . And for some reason it hurted me . We were here just to thank him and tell him how greatful we were . But I think he was not in a mood to have a talk .

with that he put his hands in his pockets and returned to his room closing the door behind .

The maid who was standing felt sorry for us .

" He's just like this , don't bother, if you'll felt offended, then I'm sorry ."

"No no , it's alright . We can understand , we'll come any other day . Thanks !"
My dad spoke and exited the house.

From that day onwards we never met but then he joined the same University . I was not mad at him . The thing he did to me was more than anything and I just can't forget that, no matter how rude he's behaviour is .

I guess I liked him the day when he saved my life and the crush gradually grew more and more . Whenever I saw him in the campus I just couldn't control myself . I wanted to be friends with him , talk to him but I think he preferred to be alone .

The girls never left him , I don't exactly know what I feel towards him . But I feel it in my heart . Whenever he's around it beats like crazy . Do I love - no no I just can't , how can I ? when he doesn't remember me ? He never talked to me .

It's not that he ignores me , or is it? Whenever we see each other or accidentally meet in the campus he just stares and then again glances to his book . Does he hates to see me this much ? Then why the heck he saved me ?

This was so confusing , I know that he recognised me . But why he's behaving like this . And it's more painful when I have the biggest crush on him .

 And it's more painful when I have the biggest crush on him

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St. Teresa's University Campus

Eerie || Min Yoongi  Where stories live. Discover now