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Chapter 26


I dragged myself out from the van pushing everyone aside I was so intense in my mind and my worry that I didn't even bother to wait for Jin . I harshly grabbed the passenger door and hauled out when the van had hardly came to the spot . The destination Hazel Hospital .

As I hardly moved out I could already sense the dreat . I was covered with my own sweat . Scared on top of any thing my feet couldn't resist they didn't stop . And in not time  My sight was covered with people around the plot .

All in one group staring at the huge old building fuming with orange flames and black smoke .  There were alot of people . Inbetween few officers with fire extinguishers and other equipments . One relief among the people that the hospital was closed years ago so no worry about patients or doctors assumed to be inside .

But for me I was broken. From the top to the bottom.  I fell on my knees my tears coming unknowingly following my cheek . All the evidence was gone . There were much things to be found out . Now how will we find the real culprit the real terrible creature behind all this . All was gone and I couldn't help myself shedding more tears .

My hands were gripping my tight knee skirt firmly as my hair were all sprouted in different directions . It was like the fire not only gulped the building but also all my work and all my evidence which was yet to be found was also engulfed .

I kept on crying on the spot where there was a little mud and my knees were hurting but the pain in my chest was hurting the most . I looked up at the smokes . Everything was gone . Now what will happen . How will we find the culprit . This was our last hope and it was all gone in flames and in the dry black smoke .

Yn!! Jin came running shouting my name within a matter of time he spotted me sitting like a dumb creature on her knees. Without giving any moment he engulfed me in his arms .

Yn ... What are you doing come on get up .

I can't  My lips were trembling  I always get him also in trouble with me . He shouldn't worry about me . I have the right to grimace about my loss .

Let me be here Jin  I tell him partially wiping my tears from the back of my fists .

My sorrow now getting replaced by a dreadful anger . Whoever did this knew it . Knew it and may  also be the killer .

I looked up at Jin but now he was also sitting beside me . He wrapped his arms around my shoulder inorder to calm me .

Jin . We have to find  out we have to work more and I will not sit in peace until we find out the real culprit .

I tell him with sheer confidence in my voice .

He looked at me . And then shifted his eyes to the burning building which was now all black the fumes had disappeared but the smoke was still alive . It looked more ugly than before . All broken all cracked up . A terrible sight .

This thing was really important . The hospital was the last key . He said taking a sigh .

You know what yn , no matter what now I'm also in for this . I can't see you like this broken all the time . This case is everything for you and now I'll be also into signing this case . Don't worry will work together . No matter what I have a deep feeling that behind all this there's one name and I'm so sure of it .

He then looked at me for a brief second jolting his eyebrows together .

And I spoke looking into his face : Min Yoongi .

He didn't say anything but returned his gaze back the the hospital . I didn't required any approval because now sure as anything we both knew this name was now going to come often and even a blind person could smell his name . He was surely involved yet his identity was unrevealed .

Come , let's sit in the van we have to do alot planning .

I nodded  as we both got up .

Yoongi :

What a great view I looked at the building fuming with great fire which was lead my me . I had a lighter in my hand and I kept on tossing it . Such a small flame could lead to such a big disaster . Same as what she did . She talked to me like that without even realising here she is now all hopeless  without a single. Clue .

I smirked at the disaster I had caused and saw one of my man stood beside me also taking in the view .

Michael looked at me

Sir . I don't get this why you are doing all this ? This was not our plan at all .

I remained quiet . I didn't felt the necessity to answer his damn - shit- question.

I told him to plan this after the incident in the meeting Lobby with yn . But somehow it couldn't take place that night . Michael told he will get things right and will plan about this in after few months . Hell yea that's what he thought But for me this was highly out . I had come here tonight to put this shit hospital on place . To destroy every single thing yn got in here .

There was a moment of silence before I looked at him and spoke up

Do you by chance have a fucking death wish cuz I bet I know better ways how to fucking send ya in hell .

He gulped . And stepped back .

All the other man were watching the fire also took a step back

then I saw her sitting there crying like a shit Maniac .

Good that's what i needed .  beg and cry there for your shit career .

Let's get going  I ordered my other man let her cry more until the day , we have lott'a shit to deal .

Before taking the keys out from my pocket I had a final glance of her . Great now her bright brother was also by her side .

Talk to me like that again on the phone and you'll regret more .

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