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Chapter 29

I traced the stitch marks  which I had during the operation of my valve . The scar was still there on my skin for so many years I thought it made me feel ugly after the surgery I felt ugly . There were marks around my neck and the stitch line continued its way up to my clevage . No doubt I was alive because of that mark but still it had so many memories bad memories.

I looked myself in the mirror .

Hair muffled up , dark circles underneath,  few pimples . And then again my eyes traced the long deep stitch scar . All these years I thought Yoongi had saved my life . He had given me a new life but whenever I think about that letter and his pic with yumi I want to choke her and him with my  bare hands . For some reason i wouldn't have believed her if it was only for the letter . It was so direct and mean .  Anybody would have not belived actually the way it was written .

But when it came to the picture the way he was hugging her and her arms around his abdomen all wrapped up  fuck Why do I even have those memories all stuck up in my mind .

Yumi is not here or may be she is  with him or may be they both are involved in this case . I don't care as long as I am the investigator I will dig in and make sure that  they get the least punishment for what they have done .

I pressed the tap applying pressure my knucles were red and eyes were shining with immense passion . I was weak for the  past few days because of all this shit burning of the Hazel Hospital the proofs being gone it really had put me down but Jin was there with me . To be honest I feel like the luckiest girl because I have somebody who cares about me and protects me like his own sister . Like his own family .

I stared at the eye bags and traced my finger tips to one of those . They were always there when I was going through a deep trauma . When I was young I felt it made me ugly . Who wants to be pretty when you can be strong . And moreover nobody is ugly . I remember some of my classmates used to apply those weird creams just to be pretty and then roamed around the campus . And when they looked at me I had those eyebags .

Their faces were obvious also their whispering Which was not actually a whisper I could hear what they used to say  ugly bitch with racoon eyes and their shitty giggles But who cares . If my eyebags or marks or pimples made me ugly then so it be . I don't want to be pretty .

I don't want to hide my scars with shitty makeover . If you want to see me this is how I am , scars and pimples and I love that about me . These are the things which teach me to be stronger and I can bear it . I can handle it .

Nobody is ugly we are just different and different means  pretty and beautiful .

For the final time I looked at myself in the mirror and at the scar I smiled at myself  :

Thank you for showing off who you actually are . Keep going .

After washing my face I came out  Jin was in the kitchen cooking my favourite pasta .I had told him to go home but he insisted to keep an eye on me . After the burning incident he used to make sure I was safe and never left me alone .

Hey Mr. Worldwide Handsome I teased him .

He looked at me and smiled   hey

I dragged myself towards the kitchen and  plopped one apple from the huge fruit bowl which Jin had restored today itself . Moreover he loves to set up my kitchen .

I took a bite . Sweet and fresh .

You know I really feel  I should set  you up  with someone . He said still chopping the onions .

I frowned  what do you mean ?

You know like a Date . He started chopping it more finely but without paying attention to the faces I made .

Why suddenly , I took another bite I'm better like this . Single and cool and frankly I'm more interested in the case and nobody .

Hmmm he kept quiet and took spring onions from the basket and started chopping it but now with more speed . It looked cool when he did it but when I tried to do the same I looked like as if I was chopping the wooden board and not the vegetables .

So how long you are planning to be like this .
He asked again breaking the silence .

I raised my brows but it was useless he was too focused on his work . I ate the apple and threw it in the bin after rubbing my hands together I  folded it infront of my chest  like what ? I asked

Like A Single Young Lady .

I sighed  . Becauseeeee I'm not interested and for time being l like to be like thiss and I'm more focused on the case rather then my love life which is basically you know is DEADD . I purposely stretched the words and made it loud and clear to irritate him a little but he was mature than me . He kept quiet and continued saucing the pasta in the pan .

A delicious smell spread across the room and my nose filled with the Tomato sauce and spice also my mouth watering already imagining it's taste .

I licked my lips

Okay I'll not force you but after this case I will find you someone.

Whatever I rolled my eyes .

Now help me to serve it on the tabel  he said pouring the appetizing red saucy pasta in a glass bowl . He had cut some frech salad and dressed it beside the pasta bowl . Jin always loves to decorate his cuisines . And specially he likes to serve them on the table with proper tradition no matter how less the people are .

I took the pasta bowl as  the smell filled my stomach . It was too delicious to smell it and I can't wait to devour .

He took the salad bowl and placed it on the dining table . We both sat opposite to each other .

So what Taehyung said did you get any phone calls from him .

No actually I took the fork and put a wholesome of the dish in my mouth .


this is so goooodd...

May be by today evening he will call us anyways .

He nodded and stuffed his own mouth 

And what about Jimin where is he ?

I stopped for a while . I tried to call him after the hospital got burnt but he was not picking up nor did he contacted back . Yesterday I tried to call him and went to his place but only I found was the housekeeper there was no one . Only thing the housekeeper told was they were out of  of town for some business . But he didn't inform me that was strange .

No , he's not in town , some urgent work I'll catch up with him later .

After that we talked about the plan which Taehyung had discussed on the call I took one more bite munching the pasta .

This is so good Jin you are really the best . I swooned as I took another bite .

yea ! Worldwide chef you know  he winked .

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