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GOD ! what should I do now ? Is he the
head officer? , I can guarantee he's Min Yoongi from my college ! Oh my God - he's coming this way what should I do ?? Does he know me ? Calm down calm down yn he will not recognise you , just keep cool ! Okay I'm all good .

Yoongi stood infront of my table as I stood up and greeted him not wanting him to show my face .

"Hello Sir , this is officer Yn ! Nice to meet you ".

"Yea , can we start the meeting ?"

He sat infront of me hanging his coat on the seat

Now , I can say he's not changed a little bit , always rude .

"Uhm- ye-a ofcourse , sir."

Why do I have to stutter now , I'm making a fool of myself here .

"You have the files ? "


"Show it ".

I removed the files from my bag and handed it to him . He opened the files one by one and started reading them all . By that time I was having a good time observing him . He's not changed at all . No doubt girls from our college were dying after him . I always had the biggest crush on him And who won't, He was flawless as heck and obviously he's the same .

Ever since college he never gave a fck to any of those girls he was just strict and quiet . As far as I could remember he had a group of boys . Taehyung , Hobi , Jimin and Jungkook . They were all easy to talk and playfull ,only this one was into his studies and always topped the class.

How can someone look so flawless while reading a file ?! I immediately mind slapped myself , what the heck are you doing yn ? ! Why are you falling for him !

Never thought I would meet him here after so many years . How can I forget what he did to me . This is ridiculous , why I can't control when he's infront of me ?! No yn you just can't forget what he did to you years back ! You can't forget that so easily !

"Well did you find any clues about the Hazel Hospital ?"

He asked me calmly with his cold voice . Surely he didn't recognise me , well that's a relief .

"Yea , I did actually . Continuous murders , no trace of the murderer , and strangely all those who were killed, were the hospital staff ."

"Their dead bodies had a deep cut on the neck ! All of them, but the thing is they were hanged from the 8th floor . That means he tried to first kill them and then hanged them ."

"Postmortem says that the reason of death is excessive bleeding and less oxygen . Still the dead bodies have some marks which indicates they were killed brutally ."

"If he wanted to hang them then why suffer them like this ? I think he's not just a killer , may be he had some connections with the hospital staff or may be a known person to them . Although the hospital got closed a few years back ."

You stated all the things trying not to look directly in those eyes .

"Well Miss Yn , you did a good job finding all the clues . "

Did he just complimented me just now ! What the - GETTING A COMPLIMENT FROM HIM ,

don't be such an asshole yn , obviously I stayed late at night just to find these clues I should get a compliment what's so great about it , I deserve it .

"Okay I'll see you miss Yn , will be meeting frequently so be ready . "

What ? Why do we have to meet frequently? What did he meant ? Why the heck he has to show so much of attitude , just because he's the head officer dosent mean I can dance with him wherever he wants . Creature!

He just went like that with his cold face , smile min yoongi , smilee...... Sometimes it's good to smile...

More than the Hospital case I'm getting scared of him now . He can do whatever he wants , also fire me . Ughhh why the heck on earth he had to be the Head Officer ! WHYYYYY!!


"What the heck Jin , what do you mean only both of us are incharged , you were also there . "
I shouted at him smacking his head with my one hand .

"Yaaahhh! ..Stop it.... , you are behaving like a kid ... , stop it before someone enters !"

"I don't Careew , you freaking deserve THISSS! "

I left his head just to give him a little punch on his arm .

"Ouch ! It hurts yn ! What did I do ? I just got a call where they told me to handle some other casual cases . This case they told me the head and only you will handle . What can I say further than ."

Well it's true tho , what can he do if he got orders .

"Ohkay , just leave ." You said while returning to your seat .

"But why are you so upset tho? You should be happy . You got the head officer with you . Is he handsome ? "

"What the heck you mean handsome ? I went there for a meeting not to judge his face ."

"Well , I know I'm just asking ! By the way you would have examined his face . Don't you ? "

This brat I swear


"Yea sorry !!! I was just a little playing with you . To be honest I'm also a little suspecious .why only both of you'll I mean I'm not bad at investigation you know ."

"And I thought he will be just observing and not investigating but he replaced me with him . "

"What happened ? YN? why are you so quiet ? Wait by any chance you know him , or something cause you are behaving weird today ."

when Jin finally caught my weird behaviour I didn't know what to tell him . Jin , besides my coworker was just a great friend . He knows everything about me and I know everything . He's just like my older brother who protects me .

Everytime he asks me something when I'm disturbed about something , I just can't say him no . And that's it I'm telling him . He gives the great advice and he'll help me no matter what .

"Uhmmm... Jin the thing is ... The head officer is my college classmate."


"yea ...."

"But then he knows you ? He didn't recognise you today ? "

"No he didn't ."

"Ohkay ...."

"But he was just a classmate, not a friend so keep calm and work yn"

"Well uhmmm ...."

"What ? You'll were close or something in college ?" He asked raising his sharp brows .

"No no ... We were it's just weird I don't know ."

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