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Chapter 23


I have already sent you the report it's just that things are just weird I have to make some changes

I barely shouted but more it came as an irritated sound .

No doubt things were getting on my nerves for the past few weeks . I wanted to withdraw and resign myself from this case completely as the rage in my blood was heavy . But something deep down in my gut told me not to give up

If I played like this definitely I'm the looser . Everything happening and the things between yoongi and I were so fucked up . Since that day nor did he contacted me and same goes for me . I never bothered where the heck he was hooking up as the not so responsible officer I am .

But since that day I kept myself away from him even if anybody or even Jin asked me a tons of questions but instead I gave him some lame excuse which he definitely didn't buy but let it slide away . I let myself in my room sobbing for freaking three hours and with lack of sleep and had come to the conclusion to stay fucking out from his shadow .

So here I was dealing with the same shit . Jimin was hanging around with me here and there whenever I needed him . He was sweet as ever but it didn't ignore the fact in me that he had that mask which was weird.

And what about the rooms they were all lined with blood .

The man from the other side of the phone spoke up .

I tensed my brows trying hard not to fire with anger .

I pressed the telephone wire more forcely speaking up again .

Mr. Luise what I found is clear first : the freaking hallway had weapons inclined with the other hospital instruments cemented inside a wall . And about the blood in the door way I'm finding about it right now don't think that I'm just sitting warming the seats and second : I had a freaking supervisor and a teammate I don't have any news about him . Where's he ? You know ? Cuz I don't and I'm handeling all this shit on my own .

I breathed in for a moment and waited for the response eager to hear what was coming from his side but surprisingly nothing came .

The other side of the phone was quiet . I couldn't hear a sigh even .

But then I heard a raspy breath . Which seemed more shocking .

What ? Miss officer we have already informed you that the officer is not keeping well . These days you have to manage the case by your own . And what about the clues and the files which he sent ? You didn't get 'em?

I breathed for a heavy freaking moment I could feel the nerves in my brain were pumping and pricking out from my skin .

What did he just say ? A freaking file and clues ? I was working here on my own my ass off .

I got nothing . Not a single file from his side what are you talking about ?

Miss we surely know that Mr. Kim sent you all the files .

What the fuck ? Who?

Mr. Kim ? Who are you referring to ?

Are you serious ! The Head Officer obviously Mr . Kim Taehyung .

The pressure on my hands was loosened and the nerves which were popping out felt like somebody had just put chilled water chilled than anything else which also froze the blood running inside my body .

I dropped the other hand from the phone wire but managed to keep the other still on the other supporting the phone rigidly .

Everything went blank now I was not able to hear the voice across . What the heck is happening what does he mean Mr. Kim Taehyung ? Who was he ? When did he became the head officer . Where was yoongi ?

I snapped for a moment and blinked my eyes multiple times . I was feeling suddenly cold and my sixth sense told me that something was happening wrong . So wrong that my gut was shouting from inside and it never in a million times lied .

What was happening ?

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