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You wore a simple below knee  black dress , it was not sexy nor exposing , just comfortable for you to wear . 

You left your hair open , with a black band supporting your free hairs . 

Come on yn , forget everything don't let the past to bother you now , forget everything .

Taking deep breathes again and again you tried to comfort yourself , but somewhere inside in your heart you felt painful . 

You heard the car pulling up outside your house 

Putting your heels  and  holding your thick coat you went towards the  hallways .

You opened the door .

There was Jimin looking gorgeous , infront of my doorway .

'Hey' . I greeted him .

'Hey yn ! '
He smiled as soon as he saw me , I felt his gaze going up and  down of my figure , clearly he was checking me out .

'you look beautiful yn ! '
He finally looked at my face,  he  had a slight blush on his cheeks .

Wait , is he blushing ?

'Ohh , thanks Jimin , you look amazing .'

'Thanks ! '

He was wearing a sexy blue shirt with black pants with a  belt and not forgetting the classy specs. He looked like a gangster .

'Well then yn , let's go '

'Yup , let me lock the door .'

You both sat inside the car and Jimin started driving .

You were sitting inside his car and enjoying the dark scene outside , the breeze was cool and it made you feel a little better .

You wanted to forget everything , forget everything about yoongi , yumi , your love towards yoongi , you wanted some time for yourself now .

You slowly shifted your gaze towards Jimin , who was fully concentrated  on his driving .

The breeze hitting his face slightly,  he runs his hand over his forehead to put his hair behind again . 

His first three buttons were undone . And I could see little bit of he's chest tatto ? Woah he has a tatto ? I never knew ! 

'I know I'm too handsome .'
He smirked , keeping he's eyes focused on the road .

' What ?'
You blinked

'Staring won't help you know .'

'Ohh- I was not staring , I was just thinking ,'

'Yea sure !'
He replied  smiling sarcastically

'Yaaah ! Seriously , I was thinking about the tattoo .'

You stated your innocence while pointing at his  chest

'Ohh this ,
He traced he's fingers on the tattoo

'this I had recently . It's a rose . White rose .'

'Looks good .'

You smiled and darted your eyes again outside the window

He said before concentrating again on his driving .

By the way yn .'

Yea ?'

'Do you have a boyfriend ?'

'No , I dont '

You were lost by the outer view , the night sky was so pretty and the breeze was just what you needed .

'Ohk .'
He looked at you but no sooner shifted his gaze on the road before biting his  lower lip .

'Jimin where are we going ? This is not the way to the club , clubs are on the other side .'

'Yea , I know .'

Then where are we going ? '

I know a place . Just wait you'll love it .'

A place ? '

He suddenly stopped the car .

'Yea we reached ! Come out let's go .'

You opened the door and came out .

'Wait it's a beachhhhh? Oh my God Jimin!   I love beachessss….'

'Yea I know come now we have to walk , hold your shoes,  there's sand .'

He said closing the door for you .

'Yea yeaaaa…..'

You took your shoes in your hand , this was so refreshing and the breeze was so relaxing . 

As we were walking towards the water it was getting cooler . 

My feet were so dipped inside the sand . It feels so gooddd! 

At night the beach looks so great ! Especially when there's nobody , it's so peaceful !

'Woahhhh I love thisssss……'

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