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Chapter 46


My head was heavy

Why this is hurting so much I pressed the sheets forcibly a slight pain in the chest making me pinch my eyes together. But my head hurted the most

Oh god

I removed the sheets and rested my head on the headboard , what happened ? I saw scanning the room once I got a little bit lightheaded
I was in my usual room Yoongi's room to be specific

Keeping my eyes strained I saw some medical instruments pierced through my  skin .

So I fainted ? I remembered how suddenly the pain took all overe and I fell just before opening the door

How long I've been here ?

Does yoongi knows ?

Where is he ?

Just when my eyes too another blink the door creaked open

There he was

The only person whom I wanted to see

Fuck it .

Why do I get addicted to the worse things that could possibly take my life he was leaning against the door frame with his dark like any thing hair but a little more longer than I've seen with a silver shirt and Balck pants with Balck long coat

I'd be lying if I didn't want to run my hands over those silky hair and to feel his abs on my finger tips trace the biceps and hold onto him forever . But unfortunately I'm not that person .

You've been up unconscious for almost 16 hours .
He said with a still expression staring me directly in the eyes .

I got lost for a moment in those eyes those dark deep forests filled with hatred and something which I can't make out but this time there was a slightest mark of fear . For the first time I saw fear lingering in his eyes .

Was he scared ?

Because of me ?

I blinked for my brain to process and to answer to him .

You care ?

Why do I even ask when I know the least thing he will  do is keep quiet not bother to answer me and close the door he can do that . I turned my head to the side he dosent have to answer me I know he will not anyways .

He didn't say anything as expected but either I was dreaming because of my headache I saw him taking a deep breath and then coming closer looking directly at me .

My eyes widened that they might plop out

What is happening ?

He stopped exactly where the bed was

You ask a lot questions recently . It's better for you to not think and get better .

I frowned at his statement

But when I was about to open my mouth to say something he cut me off

Yes I care . A deep voice followed by slight breath came out from his mouth .

The air was suddenly thick I could hear the fans and my breathing going slower and then again at higher rates .

What did I just hear ?

Why suddenly ?
I couldn't hold back the fact that we didn't had A very good past why suddenly caring after making things full of hatred .

I'm not here to hurt you yn and I don't want to make things awkward .

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