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Chapter 30

Taehyung had decided to meet up before we enter the already destructed Hazel Hospital we had all our weapons ready I had one handgun stuffed behind my jeans pocket incase if any emergency and Jin had his . Taehyung told his men to circle the entire fence and Jin and him would be specifically be with me . What was I , a kid ? To be protected like this . I rolled my eyes and took a sigh when Jin for the millionth time came over and made sure if I was okay .

Please Jin I can look after my life you don't need to glance at me .

Kid I have your back he winked at me as if he was trying to get on my nerves well he succeeded but deep down I knew he was nervous .

Taehyung came with his casual white shirt he looked more casual and hair already messed up, a little amount of sweat as if he came right after warm up. The sun was hot today and all of us were burning under the glaze. Taehyung wore a short sleeves shirt and Without even noticing my eyes went directly towards his muscles . No doubt why all the young ladies drool after him at the office .

He ran his hand on his messy hair and eyes stretching along with it he unbuttoned his one top button .

It's hot . He said blowing his mouth to cool himself .

Can we go inside Jin asked lowering his voice .

No not yet we have to check if Yoongi or anyone else comes here . He said his eyes moving around the plot . Yn you are staying with us .

I nodded tho I really hated the idea of being pampered like this .

With that all of us got behind a huge block which was beside the maple tree . Gladly it was big enough so Jin and I were hiding behind all alert with our guns . Tae was hiding just beside us so that he could glance upon me behind the maple tree .

One full hour passed like this but nobody came we both glanced at Taehyung under the burning sun all drowned up in sweat . Taehyung finally looked in our direction and again glacing the area he looked at us giving a little tilt to tell us that we can enter .

As per the plan we went one by one his other man who were also dressed up casually either stayed near the fence or outside just so that no doubts should go on them .

I was there in the main hall where all the people used to wait Jin and tae alongside this building was totally burnt and it looked more scary than before all black walls everything completely gone . For some reason I felt bad looking at the view it looked terrible .

But there was nobody as we expected . Taehyung made his steady steps with his gun on the left doorways and Jin waited with me . Tae held his Gun tight and slammed the bare doors which were partially gone . He straightened his posture with the gun made him look more attentively attractive.

Jin and I were basically scanning at the hall there were no clues everything was burnt and dark all thanks to the sunlight which helped us to see through a few things here and there . Some medical instruments and some other trash .

Jin I want to see the clues which I had got the day before when the hospital got burnt I said trying to convince him .

He looked at me with utter disbelief but then gave up as he knew I also had some responsibilities as an investigation officer .

Taking a sad breath he opened his mouth okay , but be careful anything happens-

Oh please what am I ? A small grader ? I can handle Jin I assured him my voice coming like an irritated sigh .

He just nodded and I dragged my stable feets to the other side of the hallway . Before entering on the way I made sure to take my gun in my hand feeling the cold Mattle . I'm litrelly the freaking officer I can handle myself .

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