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Chapter 24


My blood started boiling as soon as Michael one of my man told me that yn went out with jimin . Fucking ignoring my calls

Without even realising I banged the velvet table echoing the thud in the room . Guessing that all the guys would be flinched by my sudden action but heck I cared less .

I pressed my knucles so tightly on the desk that it began to crack at the sides resulting some amount of blood .

Yes I was angry . Fucking angry but I don't know what kind of burning sensation was itching deep inside my gut . I wanted to beat the shit out of everyone . Not even guilty right now throwing a bunch of punches on that jimin's face . That dickhead .

Fury burned my insides unless I wouldn't let out I will not be able to concentrate on anything especially the plan which I was going through .

Michael stood beside me with his neatly slicked hair and Black torso perfectly fitted . The look in his eyes was obvious the same look he gave whenever he thought I was going out of control . Out of anger which mostly resulted is very bad things .

And bad starts with me .

Are you okay sir ? Michael asked in slow yet concerning tone . He was worried not only about me but also the destruction I'm about to cause sooner .

I looked at his gaze my gaze probably deeper than any ocean with fire fuming ready to cause terrible amount of nuisance.

but first I needed to deal with one little kitten . Yn .

Call her here . Arrange all the possible things but I need her here. My voice was deep dark amd loud when I ordered him to do so .

At all cost I need her to be here under my building . I roared pointing out at Michael to get her no matter however he gets her I fucking need her here !

As always Michael took his order and with one nod he went to do his assigned job taking few goons standing at the entrance .

I made sure she was brought here out of breath struggling, later as I told Michael to do as I ordered and here she was panting , struggling , fighting the urge to meet me telling the security to let her enter my cabinet .

I liked it . Seeing her getting all out of breath worn out just to meet me . Ignore my calls silly girl and you'll repay more than whatever you have done . A smirk formed across my lips when I saw her all scuffle and the beads of sweat while struggling to talk . Good .

Then as per the plan the announcement was made and her face was torn .

I wanted to see her suffer embarrassed and moreover desperate to see me .

The meeting began but as soon as I decided to enter, her gaze fell upon me

first I didn't bother to look at her but then I wanted to see that look . That look on her face which could bring calmness to my furious rage .

But no sooner did I lift my gaze I saw tears .

She was crying . Her tears were clouding up just to fall apart .

I stopped for a while meeting her teary gaze

for a moment I thought to over this thing . But my ego had to play an asshole role .

Instead of saying anything I told her to start knowing that the report was not complete .

She kept her gaze focused on me but then shifted just to let a tear pearl out . nibling with her lower lip .

My gut told me to stop but I didn't .

I made it more worse for her . Because I wanted to see her suffer to remove all my anger because no one nobody in my fucking life had spoken to me on a freaking telephone like that .

And she deserved this . Deserved to be embarrassed infront of everyone although this was all my plan and all the employees were fake . But she has to feel that, she has to know what can happen if she talks to a monster like me . And with that attitude I can break her apart . Still I was playing it cool surprising to my ego .

As soon as all the employees left I took her by force slamming her onto the wall not caring how much it would hurt her . But she doesn't know who I am or what kind of monster I am . She started crying .
My mind clenched at her sudden breakdown . Tears rolling down her bare cheeks .

I don't know what on fucking earth made me think that I should run my thumb across her cheek to wipe those pearls . But as reality hit me I cursed myself for thinking to wipe her tears fucking asshole -

Never in million lives I would let my emotions take over and the same thing I did

No matter how much I was fighting the urge to wipe off her tears I didn't .

Instead I got closer to her ignoring my dumbass thoughts and finally whispered the dark words so that never ever in her life she dared to talk to me like and if she does then she will put herself in the worst situation.

However she invited the monster himself of her darkest nightmares. She have to bear this .

I didn't give her the time to react to my words as I stepped away and exited the room to leave her alone

Not bothering of her crying all the night there . I didn't care .

When I existed the building Michael came to the sight probably waiting for me near the entrance door .

I raised an eyebrow at him

I think it was too much . He said with a concerned tone .

I pressed my brows together letting out a light chuckle sometimes he really surprises me .

Too much ? Are you kidding me . She deserves it . I liked the way her whole confidence was burying in the grave .

I runned my fingers on my hair . He exactly knew I was better than this . This was just some entertainment . The real show was yet there to be done .

He looked at me with discomfort but then shifted his gaze to the black jaguar . And my voice cought his attention causing him to immediately turn his gaze toward me .

Michael . I called out .

He gave a confusing look face tipping his chin

My lips automatically formed a smirk lifting only one corner and the dark gaze, the only gaze of which Michael and every one got terrified of.

Sweat formed on his forehead as I could see his hands were somewhat shivering waiting for me to say the next words .

Burn the hospital .

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