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Your pov :

I was sitting in my balcony when a post man showed up . I was scared as heck . But the nervousness was getting more and more As it was from yumi . I know what was it about but I was frightened as heck ! Without wasting time I just immediately opened the letter .

The time I opened her letter ..... My heart shattered ! For a moment I stopped processing of what was happening . My eyes got teary with the pain I was processing , I felt something just got pierced into my heart . It was a picture of yumi and yoongi hugging eachother, with a letter :

Sorry yn ! I didn't want to break your heart but he has feelings for me .

Just then you saw another letter inside in another envelope from an unknown address.

This is Yoongi ! I got your letter but I never thought you'll cross the limit , I never thought that you'll do this . Let me just clear things up . I just helped you that day cause I just felt pity for you and for your poor family income . This was it ! And the heart valve which you are showing off in your heart , is not mine . so just for God sake don't bother me . Never show me your face again .

I couldn't keep my tears for long . This was unbearable ! Not his valve ? That means he didn't donate it ? He just told his father to reduce the operation fees ? Why this hurts a lot ? Why ?

That means all this time I was thinking that I have a part of his heart in me ! But it wasn't ? He felt pity on me and my family ? Whyyy ? Why Min Yoongi ?!

My tears were flowing on its own , and the pain he gave me was just not going , I was trying to keep myself strong but still I don't know why I felt this weak .
Even yumi my best friend cheated like this ?!

Don't cry yn ! You just have to be strong , even yumi did this to me knowing that I have a crush on him . She said she was not interested then why she sent me this ? I hate all of them ! No-one is good here , everyone thinks of their own good . I HATE EVERYONE ! I HATE YOU MIN YOONGI !


Present day :


Jin got furious , folding his fists tightly as the knuckles went pale .

"sorry Jin , I didn't tell you this. Yumi was a cheater , from that letter onwards I deleted all her contacts and never met her . I don't even know where she is .

"You should have freaking slapped her , God this is crazy ! What type of people , they don't deserve to live ! "

"It's okay Jin ! I'm over it ! Leave them , may be they are still dating or broke up I don't know . "

"Yea who cares bloody assholes ! But the worst part is you have to work with him now ."

"Yea I know , it's good that he didn't recognised me . "

"Yea that's good ! But I swear if he was not our Freaking head I would have chopped his neckkk! "

"I smiled slightly looking how protective he gets when it comes to me . "

"It's okayyy , I said forget it ! Let's just focus on our case okay ?"

"Yea , whatever ! But let me give you a hug come here .... My little baby went through so much ! I'm proud of you , you became strong after all this shit . "

Jin warmly embraced me in his arms . I feel so protected as He slightly tapped my head before leaving .

"But yn ! "

"Yes ? "

"You said that yoongi was working in the hospital right ?"

"Yea ? "

"Then what the fuck he's doing in the crime branch ? "

"He was in the medical department the forensic research may be in the hospital labs . "

"Forensic( crime research chemist ) ?
Yn ! Forensic researches are not done in the hospitals ! "

"What ? Are you kidding Jin ?"

"No ! I swear , foreinsic comes under lab chemistry! And you said that yumi told you he was working in the hospital . You know hospitals from this area have their labs situated in different areas . So only doctors are Working in the hospitals and no forensic chemist . "

"What ? So you mean he was a doctor ? What the fuck ? How he became the head officer then ? "

"This is exactly the question now! Why yumi told you that he was working in the hospital ? There's something weird yn .."

"I know exactly , if he was a doctor how he became the head officer , but we can't do anything right now he's our head Officer and we can't give him the chance to fire us . "

"Yea you're right ! Let's just focus on the case . "

Stay tuned for the next chapter .......

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