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Chapter 27


As soon as the news got aired my feets were tangled in the Nerves and my mind shattered completely to the edge . It litrelly happened and I freaking knew it . That bastard he was the one .

I moved out from my house my dad was on the verge of breakdown but somehow he managed to hold himself back . He tried on dialling several people he knew but the only answer he got was sympathy . He was not allowed to go to the hospital until the police assured us . He was all broken .

I watched him from the brim of my eyes can't take the look of his worried and tense expression . Tho the hospital was already closed he had a very big spot for that . It was named after his mother.

He roamed out from the hallway and came back to the balcony then again to the hallway dialing somebody . He felt helpless and I knew it . I was so hurt looking at him . The way his chest rised and fell  at once when the police officers tried to speak to him from the other side of the phone .

His voice was broken he was broken.

I tried to go to him but it was of no use . I could see the tears just on the verge of falling apart . Since when the murders began my father had to close the hospital according to the police officers and their orders . He had several more hospitals working on the one on the bay land of East and the others were outside the country .

I can't take this my blood fumed with anger why he was doing this ? I never thought he will cross his limit so much I didn't even wait for a freaking time . I got my keys and hurried towards my car . That bastard should be there .

I didn't had the time to give sympathy to my dad and to be honest I don't want to,  giving  sympathy during such times I never felt the need  because it was of no use you should let them have their space their own time because it's good for them to cry for themselves . Sympathy is the worst thing you can do at that time . What do you expect from them not to cry or not to solemn about their loss ?

I dreaded the car at high speed fifth gear and and no stop . I never saw my dad this upset . I never ever thought yoongi would come so down . To do things like this . We had discussed it before that my dad shouldn't get harmed nor my family and obviously not yn . For god's sake I had told him to not drag everyone . Shit . This was all my fault .

The car made a screeching sound when I put a break and somehow I managed to park I looked up and the entrance board : RED NEONS CLUB highlighted with neon lights I came out and dropped my jacket inside . This will go for a long time I thought to myself and made my fury filled steps inside the club .

My fists were curled up on their own already maaking myself aware of the fight that was going to start . I dint care about the friendship now . I was in it before i agreed in everyterms what he said but now now definately not fucking now .

My legs moved and there was a lot of crowd either dancing or either with their drinks sitting on the corner of the bar . The club looked much older but ther neon lights made it looked darker . Blue and red all the corners of the club . And a huge stage in between where all the youngsters were drowned . My eyes scanned up , sure as hell that sick would be here . Till then I spotted his men standing wearing a tux . Formal as always scumbags .

My eyes moved with a visible frown the neon lights making it difficult to spot the person but then there he was sitting in the centre,  how I didn't notice him .

Sitting with the posture of the devil himself . Long sleek back coat made him look more dangerously threatening . If anybody in place of me have seen this he would have definately threatened by his posture and personality by now . He was holding a glass of vodka but haven't taken a sip yet.

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