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Ohkayyyyy wow it's done ! Let me call that head ass .

Grabbing the telephone , I quickly dialed her number , I don't know for what I was so proud of . It felt like I got a noble prize or something .

"Hey yumi !"

"What's up ? Did you finish ?"

"Yuppp , I did ."


I stretched my telephone in annoyance of her loud tone .

" yea thanks ! Without you it wouldn't have been possible this early ."

"Well thank me later I'm coming to your place I'll give it to him . "

"Wait what ? So early ! But how you know where he's working and all ."

"I'll just give it to him don't worry he's working in a nearby hospital ."

"ohkay but I'm nervous ! "

"Don't be ! I'm coming okay ?!"


Seems like yumi is more excited ,
now what should I do . What if he just throws the letter the next day on my face ? Godddd! What should I do then ?

But why he'll do that ? I didn't do anything wrong ? I just said what I felt .

Don't be so coward yn ! Just face it . Yea keep cool , keep calm ! Fighting...

I was trying to keep myself calm but then suddenly I heard the doorbell .

"Wow , she's fast!"

Knowing the person across the door I immediately opened it .

"Hey ! "

"Hieee yumi ."

"Well I'm just in a hurry , actually my mom told me to buy some groceries ,"

She said while partially jumping on her tip toes


"hand me the letter I'm in a hurry , "

"Yea wait ! "
I was done already decorating the envelope, not too much but you can say decent .

"Ohh it looks cute ! Good job yn ! Ohkay I'll leave have to hurry ! Bye .. bye !"

"Yea- bye.."

Why this girl is always in a hurry !

I returned back to my room hopping my whole body on the bed .

Why I feel tired just by writing a small letter . Will he accept it ? Or deny , well whatever he does I don't think I'll get over him so easily , if he denies then atleast I want to be friends with him .

I placed my hand on the left side of my chest , While taking a deep breath .

"Aish ... Min yoongi why are you like that ! "

Closing my eyes I could feel the heart beat . For some minute it felt like as if I'm hearing he's heartbeat as well . Do I only like you ? Or is it more than that ? !

Author's pov :

8.00 pm :

the weather was getting windy , with all the thunders and lightening , it was raining heavily , with trees gazing into each other on the roads and there was no electricity .

You were sitting outside in the balcony with candles placed all around at some corners . Waiting for your best friend to call you or send you some replies about the sent letter .

You tried several times but she didn't pick up your call , as the time passed by you were getting more nervous . Questioning about your decision whether you did it right or not .

After some minutes somebody knocked onto your door

You went outside . There was a postman standing with a letter . You took it from him and closed the door .

You immediately opened it , there was a written letter and a picture from yumi .

At this moment you were nervous not knowing what was the letter about as you scanned the outer cover .

But as soon as you saw the picture your heart crushed into pieces .....

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